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    05 April 2015, Volume 24 Issue 4 Previous issue    Next issue
    Stability and performance analysis of a jump linear control system subject to digital upsets
    Wang Rui (王蕊), Sun Hui (孙辉), Ma Zhen-Yang (马振洋)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  040201.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/040201
    Abstract ( 786 )   HTML   PDF (313KB) ( 573 )  
    This paper focuses on the methodology analysis for the stability and the corresponding tracking performance of a closed-loop digital jump linear control system with a stochastic switching signal. The method is applied to a flight control system. A distributed recoverable platform is implemented on the flight control system and subject to independent digital upsets. The upset processes are used to stimulate electromagnetic environments. Specifically, the paper presents the scenarios that the upset process is directly injected into the distributed flight control system, which is modeled by independent Markov upset processes and independent and identically distributed (IID) processes. A theoretical performance analysis and simulation modelling are both presented in detail for a more complete independent digital upset injection. The specific examples are proposed to verify the methodology of tracking performance analysis. The general analyses for different configurations are also proposed. Comparisons among different configurations are conducted to demonstrate the availability and the characteristics of the design.
    Light trapping characteristics of glass substrate with hemisphere pit arrays in thin film Si solar cells
    Chen Le (陈乐), Wang Qing-Kang (王庆康), Wangyang Pei-Hua (王阳培华), Huang Kun (黄堃), Shen Xiang-Qian (沈向前)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  040202.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/040202
    Abstract ( 822 )   HTML   PDF (765KB) ( 582 )  

    In this paper, the light trapping characteristics of glass substrate with hemisphere pit (HP) arrays in thin film Si solar cells are theoretically studied via a numerical approach. It is found that the HP glass substrate has good antireflection properties. Its surface reflectance can be reduced by ~ 50% compared with planar glass. The HP arrays can make the unabsorbed light return to the absorbing layer of solar cells, and the ratio of second absorption approximately equals 30%. Thus, the glass substrate with the hemisphere pit arrays (HP glass) can effectively reduce the total reflectivity of a solar cell from 20% to 13%. The HP glass can also prolong the optical path length. The numerical results show that the total optical path length of the thin film Si solar cell covered with the HP glass increases from 2ω to 4ω. These results are basically consistent with the experimental results.

    Spatial snowdrift game in heterogeneous agent systems with co-evolutionary strategies and updating rules
    Xia Hai-Jiang (夏海江), Li Ping-Ping (李萍萍), Ke Jian-Hong (柯见洪), Lin Zhen-Quan (林振权)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  040203.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/040203
    Abstract ( 612 )   HTML   PDF (3834KB) ( 682 )  
    We propose an evolutionary snowdrift game model for heterogeneous systems with two types of agents, in which the inner-directed agents adopt the memory-based updating rule while the copycat-like ones take the unconditional imitation rule; moreover, each agent can change his type to adopt another updating rule once the number he sequentially loses the game at is beyond his upper limit of tolerance. The cooperative behaviors of such heterogeneous systems are then investigated by Monte Carlo simulations. The numerical results show the equilibrium cooperation frequency and composition as functions of the cost-to-benefit ratio r are both of plateau structures with discontinuous steplike jumps, and the number of plateaux varies non-monotonically with the upper limit of tolerance vT as well as the initial composition of agents fa0. Besides, the quantities of the cooperation frequency and composition are dependent crucially on the system parameters including vT, fa0, and r. One intriguing observation is that when the upper limit of tolerance is small, the cooperation frequency will be abnormally enhanced with the increase of the cost-to-benefit ratio in the range of 0<r<1/4. We then probe into the relative cooperation frequencies of either type of agents, which are also of plateau structures dependent on the system parameters. Our results may be helpful to understand the cooperative behaviors of heterogenous agent systems.
    On the correspondence between three nodes W states in quantum network theory and the oriented links in knot theory
    Gu Zhi-Yu (顾之雨), Qian Shang-Wu (钱尚武)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  040301.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/040301
    Abstract ( 759 )   HTML   PDF (302KB) ( 394 )  
    The GHZ states and W states are two fundamental types of three qubits quantum entangled states. For finding the knotted pictures of three nodes W states, on the one side, we empty any one node, thus obtaining three degenerated two-node W states, then we find the nonzero submatrix of the corresponding covariance correlation tensor in quantum network theory. On the other side, excepting the linkage 41 corresponding to Bell bases, we conjecture that the another one possible oriented link (which is composed of two-component knots entangled with each other and has four crossings) would be the required knotted pictures of the two nodes W states, thence obtain the nonzero submatrix of the Alexander relation matrix in the theory of knot crystals for these knotted pictures. The equality of the two nonzero submatrices of different kinds thus verify the exactness of our conjecture. The superposition of three knotted pictures of two-node W states from different choices of the emptied node gives the knotted pictures of three-node W states, thus shows the correspondence between three-node W states in quantum network theory and the oriented links in knot theory. Finally we point out that there is an intimate and simple relationship between the knotted pictures of GHZ states and W states.
    Effect of the dispersion on multipartite continuous-variable entanglement in optical parametric amplifier
    Zhao Chao-Ying (赵超樱)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  040302.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/040302
    Abstract ( 719 )   HTML   PDF (242KB) ( 404 )  
    Based on the quantum fluctuations, we adopt the method of generalized V1 criterion to investigate multipartite entanglement characteristics in an optical parametric amplification system with the consideration of dispersion. The nonlinear interaction becomes strong because of the existence of dispersion coefficient σ. Considering the influence of dispersion factor σ, with increasing the pump parameter μ, the value of minimum variance V1 decreases and the squeezing curve nearly equals 1/(1 + μ). The larger particle number N results in a smaller variance and higher entanglement.
    Universal quantum computation using all-optical hybrid encoding
    Guo Qi (郭奇), Cheng Liu-Yong (程留永), Wang Hong-Fu (王洪福), Zhang Shou (张寿)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  040303.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/040303
    Abstract ( 762 )   HTML   PDF (516KB) ( 624 )  
    By employing displacement operations, single-photon subtractions, and weak cross-Kerr nonlinearity, we propose an alternative way of implementing several universal quantum logical gates for all-optical hybrid qubits encoded in both single-photon polarization state and coherent state. Since these schemes can be straightforwardly implemented only using local operations without teleportation procedure, therefore, less physical resources and simpler operations are required than the existing schemes. With the help of displacement operations, a large phase shift of the coherent state can be obtained via currently available tiny cross-Kerr nonlinearity. Thus, all of these schemes are nearly deterministic and feasible under current technology conditions, which makes them suitable for large-scale quantum computing.
    Fault tolerant deterministic secure quantum communication using logical Bell states against collective noise
    Wang Chao (王朝), Liu Jian-Wei (刘建伟), Chen Xiu-Bo (陈秀波), Bi Ya-Gang (毕亚港), Shang Tao (尚涛)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  040304.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/040304
    Abstract ( 720 )   HTML   PDF (277KB) ( 578 )  
    This study proposes two novel fault tolerant deterministic secure quantum communication (DSQC) schemes resistant to collective noise using logical Bell states. Either DSQC scheme is constructed based on a new coding function, which is designed by exploiting the property of the corresponding logical Bell states immune to collective-dephasing noise and collective-rotation noise, respectively. The secret message can be encoded by two simple unitary operations and decoded by merely performing Bell measurements, which can make the proposed scheme more convenient in practical applications. Moreover, the strategy of one-step quanta transmission, together with the technique of decoy logical qubits checking not only reduces the influence of other noise existing in a quantum channel, but also guarantees the security of the communication between two legitimate users. The final analysis shows that the proposed schemes are feasible and robust against various well-known attacks over the collective noise channel.
    High-dimensional quantum state transfer in a noisy network environment
    Qin Wei (秦伟), Li Jun-Lin (李俊林), Long Gui-Lu (龙桂鲁)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  040305.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/040305
    Abstract ( 799 )   HTML   PDF (400KB) ( 382 )  

    We propose and analyze an efficient high-dimensional quantum state transfer protocol in an XX coupling spin network with a hypercube structure or chain structure. Under free spin wave approximation, unitary evolution results in a perfect high-dimensional quantum swap operation requiring neither external manipulation nor weak coupling. Evolution time is independent of either distance between registers or dimensions of sent states, which can improve the computational efficiency. In the low temperature regime and thermodynamic limit, the decoherence caused by a noisy environment is studied with a model of an antiferromagnetic spin bath coupled to quantum channels via an Ising-type interaction. It is found that while the decoherence reduces the fidelity of state transfer, increasing intra-channel coupling can strongly suppress such an effect. These observations demonstrate the robustness of the proposed scheme.

    Atom-field entanglement in the Jaynes–Cummings modelwithout rotating wave approximation
    M. Mirzaee, M. Batavani
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  040306.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/040306
    Abstract ( 833 )   HTML   PDF (297KB) ( 716 )  
    In this paper, we present a structure for obtaining the exact eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the Jaynes-Cummings model (JCM) without the rotating wave approximation (RWA). We study the evolution of the system in the strong coupling region using the time evolution operator without RWA. The entanglement of the system without RWA is investigated using the Von Neumann entropy as an entanglement measure. It is interesting that in the weak coupling regime, the population of the atomic levels and Von Neumann entropy without RWA model shows a good agreement with the RWA whereas in strong coupling domain, the results of these two models are quite different.
    The effect of s-wave scattering length on self-trapping and tunneling phenomena of Fermi gases in one-dimensional accelerating optical lattices
    Jia Wei (贾伟), Dou Fu-Quan (豆福全), Sun Jian-An (孙建安), Duan Wen-Shan (段文山)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  040307.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/040307
    Abstract ( 728 )   HTML   PDF (1385KB) ( 295 )  
    We investigate the tunneling dynamics of the Fermi gases in an optical lattice in the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) regime. The three critical scattering lengths and the system energies are found in different cases of Josephson oscillation (JO), oscillating-phase-type self-trapping (OPTST), running-phase-type self-trapping (RPTST), and self-trapping (ST). It is found that the s-wave scattering lengths have a crucial role on the tunneling dynamics. By adjusting the scattering length in the adiabatic condition, the transition probability changes with the adiabatic periodicity and a rectangular periodic pattern emerges. The periodicity of the rectangular wave depends on the system parameters such as the periodicity of the adjustable parameter, the s-wave scattering length.
    Current and efficiency of Brownian particles under oscillating forces in entropic barriers
    Ferhat Nutku, Ekrem Aydıner
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  040501.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/040501
    Abstract ( 870 )   HTML   PDF (346KB) ( 375 )  
    In this study, considering the temporarily unbiased force and different forms of oscillating forces, we investigate the current and efficiency of Brownian particles in an entropic tube structure and present numerically obtained results. We show that different force forms give rise to different current and efficiency profiles in different optimized parameter intervals. We find that an unbiased oscillating force and an unbiased temporal force lead to current and efficiency, which are dependent on these parameters. We also observe that the current and efficiency caused by temporal and different oscillating forces have maximum and minimum values in different parameter intervals. We conclude that the current or efficiency can be controlled dynamically by adjusting the parameters of entropic barriers and applied force.
    Principal resonance response of a stochastic elastic impact oscillator under nonlinear delayed state feedback
    Huang Dong-Mei (黄冬梅), Xu Wei (徐伟), Xie Wen-Xian (谢文贤), Han Qun (韩群)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  040502.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/040502
    Abstract ( 713 )   HTML   PDF (7196KB) ( 494 )  

    In this paper, the principal resonance response of a stochastically driven elastic impact (EI) system with time-delayed cubic velocity feedback is investigated. Firstly, based on the method of multiple scales, the steady-state response and its dynamic stability are analyzed in deterministic and stochastic cases, respectively. It is shown that for the case of the multi-valued response with the frequency island phenomenon, only the smallest amplitude of the steady-state response is stable under a certain time delay, which is different from the case of the traditional frequency response. Then, a design criterion is proposed to suppress the jump phenomenon, which is induced by the saddle-node bifurcation. The effects of the feedback parameters on the steady-state responses, as well as the size, shape, and location of stability regions are studied. Results show that the system responses and the stability boundaries are highly dependent on these parameters. Furthermore, with the purpose of suppressing the amplitude peak and governing the resonance stability, appropriate feedback gain and time delay are derived.

    Cluster synchronization in community network with nonidentical nodes via intermittent pinning control
    Gan Lu-Yi-Ning (甘璐伊宁), Wu Zhao-Yan (吴召艳), Gong Xiao-Li (弓晓利)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  040503.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/040503
    Abstract ( 837 )   HTML   PDF (995KB) ( 852 )  
    In this paper, cluster synchronization in community network with nonidentical nodes is investigated. By combining intermittency with a pinning control scheme, some effective controllers are designed. In the control scheme, only one node in each community is controlled and coupling weights of a spanning tree in each community are enhanced. Based on the Lyapunov function method and mathematical analysis technique, two results for achieving cluster synchronization are obtained. Noticeably, by introducing an adaptive strategy, some universal adaptive intermittent pinning controllers are designed for different networks. Finally, two numerical simulations are performed to verify the correctness of the derived results.
    Simulation study on characteristics of long-range interaction in randomly asymmetric exclusion process
    Zhao Shi-Bo (赵仕波), Liu Ming-Zhe (刘明哲), Yang Lan-Ying (杨兰英)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  040504.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/040504
    Abstract ( 691 )   HTML   PDF (269KB) ( 336 )  
    In this paper we investigate the dynamics of an asymmetric exclusion process on a one-dimensional lattice with long-range hopping and random update via Monte Carlo simulations theoretically. Particles in the model will firstly try to hop over successive unoccupied sites with a probability q, which is different from previous exclusion process models. The probability q may represent the random access of particles. Numerical simulations for stationary particle currents, density profiles, and phase diagrams are obtained. There are three possible stationary phases: the low density (LD) phase, high density (HD) phase, and maximal current (MC) in the system, respectively. Interestingly, bulk density in the LD phase tends to zero, while the MC phase is governed by α, β, and q. The HD phase is nearly the same as the normal TASEP, determined by exit rate β. Theoretical analysis is in good agreement with simulation results. The proposed model may provide a better understanding of random interaction dynamics in complex systems.
    Selection rules for electric multipole transition of diatomic molecule in scattering experiments Hot!
    Zhu Lin-Fan (朱林繁), Tian Hong-Chun (田红春), Liu Ya-Wei (刘亚伟), Kang Xu (康旭), Liu Guo-Xing (刘国兴)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  043101.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/043101
    Abstract ( 988 )   HTML   PDF (572KB) ( 964 )  

    The knowledge of the energy level structures of atoms and molecules is mainly obtained by spectroscopic experiments. Both photoabsorption and photoemission spectra are subject to the electric dipole selection rules (also known as optical selection rules). However, the selection rules for atoms and molecules in the scattering experiments are not identical to those in the optical experiments. In this paper, based on the theory of the molecular point group, the selection rules are derived and summarized for the electric monopole, electric dipole, electric quadrupole, and electric octupole transitions of diatomic molecules under the first Born approximation in scattering experiments. Then based on the derived selection rules, the electron scattering spectra and x-ray scattering spectra of H2, N2, and CO at different momentum transfers are explained, and the discrepancies between the previous experimental results measured by different groups are elucidated.

    First-principles study of structural, elastic, and thermodynamic properties of ZrHf alloy
    Wei Zhao (韦昭), Zhai Dong (翟东), Shao Xiao-Hong (邵晓红), Lu Yong (鲁勇), Zhang Ping (张平)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  043102.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/043102
    Abstract ( 915 )   HTML   PDF (589KB) ( 1052 )  

    Structural parameters, elastic constants, and thermodynamic properties of ordered and disordered solid solutions of ZrHf alloys are investigated through first-principles calculations based on density-functional theory (DFT). The special quasi-random structure (SQS) method is used to model the disordered phase as a single unit cell, and two lamella structures are generated to model the ordered alloys. Small strains are applied to the unit cells to measure the elastic behavior and mechanical stability of ZrHf alloys and to obtain the independent elastic constants by the stress-strain relationship. Phonon dispersions and phonon density of states are presented to verify the thermodynamic stability of the considered phases. Our results show that both the ordered and disordered phases of ZrHf alloys are structurally stable. Based on the obtained phonon frequencies, thermodynamic properties, including Gibbs free energy, entropy, and heat capacity, are predicted within the quasi-harmonic approximation. It is verified that there are no obvious differences in energy between ordered and disordered phases over a wide temperature range.

    Weak- and hyperfine-interaction-induced 1s2s 1S0→1s2 1S0 E1 transition rates of He-like ions
    Laima Radžiūtė, Erikas Gaidamauskas, Gediminas Gaigalas, Li Ji-Guang (李冀光), Dong Chen-Zhong (董晨钟), Per Jönsson
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  043103.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/043103
    Abstract ( 734 )   HTML   PDF (267KB) ( 390 )  

    Weak- and hyperfine-interaction-induced 1s2s 1S0→1s2 1S0 E1 transition rates for the isoelectronic sequence of Helike ions have been calculated using the multi-configuration Dirac-Hartree-Fock (MCDHF) and relativistic configuration interaction methods. The results should be helpful for the future experimental investigations of parity non-conservation effects.

    Theoretical study of amplified spontaneous emission intensity and bandwidth reduction in polymer
    A. Hariri, S. Sarikhani
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  043201.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/043201
    Abstract ( 780 )   HTML   PDF (795KB) ( 445 )  

    Amplified spontaneous emission (ASE), including intensity and bandwidth, in a typical example of BuEH-PPV is calculated. For this purpose, the intensity rate equation is used to explain the reported experimental measurements of a BuEH-PPV sample pumped at different pump intensities from Ip=0.61 MW/cm2 to 5.2 MW/cm2. Both homogeneously and inhomogeneously broadened transition lines along with a model based on the geometrically dependent gain coefficient (GDGC) are examined and it is confirmed that for the reported measurements the homogeneously broadened line is responsible for the light-matter interaction. The calculation explains the frequency spectrum of the ASE output intensity extracted from the sample at different pump intensities, unsaturated and saturated gain coefficients, and ASE bandwidth reduction along the propagation direction. Both analytical and numerical calculations for verifying the GDGC model are presented in this paper. Although the introduced model has shown its potential for explaining the ASE behavior in a specific sample it can be universally used for the ASE study in different active media.

    Influence of multi-photon excitation on the atomic above-threshold ionization
    Tian Yuan-Ye (田原野), Wang Chun-Cheng (王春成), Li Su-Yu (李苏宇), Guo Fu-Ming (郭福明), Ding Da-Jun (丁大军), Roeterdink Wim-G, Chen Ji-Gen (陈基根), Zeng Si-Liang (曾思良), Liu Xue-Shen (刘学深), Yang Yu-Jun (杨玉军)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  043202.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/043202
    Abstract ( 696 )   HTML   PDF (1017KB) ( 667 )  

    Using the time-dependent pseudo-spectral scheme, we solve the time-dependent Schrödinger equation of a hydrogen-like atom in a strong laser field in momentum space. The intensity-resolved photoelectron energy spectrum in above-threshold ionization is obtained and further analyzed. We find that with the increase of the laser intensity, the above-threshold ionization emission spectrum exhibits periodic resonance structure. By analyzing the population of atomic bound states, we find that it is the multi-photon excitation of bound state that leads to the occurrence of this phenomenon, which is in fairly good agreement with the experimental results.

    THz wave emission from argon in two-color laser field
    Du Ling-Ling (杜玲玲), Zhao Song-Feng (赵松峰), Zhou Xiao-Xin (周效信), Zhao Zeng-Xiu (赵增秀)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  043203.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/043203
    Abstract ( 794 )   HTML   PDF (1554KB) ( 637 )  

    Terahertz (THz) wave emission from argon atom in a two-color laser pulses is studied numerically by solving the one-dimensional (1D) time-dependent Schrödinger equation. The THz spectra we obtained include both discontinuous and continuum ones. By using the special basis functions that we previously proposed, our analysis points out that the discontinuous and continuum parts are contributed by bound-bound and continuum-continuum transition of atomic energy levels. Although the atomic wave function is strongly dressed during the interaction with laser fields, our identification for the discontinuous part of the THz wave shows that the transition between highly excited bound states can still be well described by the field-free basis function in the tunneling ionization regime.

    Quantum path control using attosecond pulse trains via UV-assisted resonance enhance ionization
    Li Fang (李芳), Wei Lai (魏来), He Zhi-Cong (何志聪)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  043301.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/043301
    Abstract ( 594 )   HTML   PDF (745KB) ( 419 )  

    We theoretically investigate the quantum path selection in an ultraviolet (UV)-assisted near-infrared field with an UV energy below the ionization threshold. By calculating the ionization probability with different assistant UV frequencies, we find that a resonance-enhanced ionization peak emerges in the region Euvp, where Euv is the photon energy and Ip is the ionization energy. With an attosecond pulse train (APT) centered in the resonance region, we show that the short quantum path can be well selected in the continuum case. By performing the electron trajectory analysis, we have further explained the physical mechanism of the quantum path selection. Moreover, we also demonstrate that in the resonance region, the harmonic emission from the selected paths is more efficient than that with the APT energy above the ionization threshold.

    Investigation of electron localization in harmonic emission from asymmetric molecular ion
    Zhang Cai-Ping (张彩萍), Miao Xiang-Yang (苗向阳)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  043302.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/043302
    Abstract ( 836 )   HTML   PDF (3572KB) ( 488 )  

    We theoretically investigate the electron localization around two nuclei in harmonic emission from asymmetric molecular ion. The results show that the ionization process of electron localized around one nucleus competes with its transfer process to the other nucleus. By increasing the initial vibrational level, more electrons localized around the nucleus D+ tend to transfer to the nucleus He2+ so that the ionizations of electrons localized around the nucleus He2+ increase. In this case, the difference in harmonic efficiency between HeH2+ and HeD2+ decreases while the difference in harmonic spectral structure increases. The evident minimum can be observed in the harmonic spectrum of HeH2+ compared with that in the spectral structure of HeD2+, which is due to the strong interference of multiple recombination channels originating from two nuclei. Time-dependent nuclear probability density, electron-nuclear probability density, double-well model, and time-frequency maps are presented to explain the underlying mechanisms.

    Identification of isomers and control of ionization and dissociation processes using dual-mass-spectrometer scheme and genetic algorithm optimization
    Chen Zhou (陈洲), Tong Qiu-Nan (佟秋男), Zhang Cong-Cong (张丛丛), Hu Zhan (胡湛)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  043303.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/043303
    Abstract ( 683 )   HTML   PDF (444KB) ( 458 )  

    Identification of acetone and its two isomers, and the control of their ionization and dissociation processes are performed using a dual-mass-spectrometer scheme. The scheme employs two sets of time of flight mass spectrometers to simultaneously acquire the mass spectra of two different molecules under the irradiation of identically shaped femtosecond laser pulses. The optimal laser pulses are found using closed-loop learning method based on a genetic algorithm. Compared with the mass spectra of the two isomers that are obtained with the transform limited pulse, those obtained under the irradiation of the optimal laser pulse show large differences and the various reaction pathways of the two molecules are selectively controlled. The experimental results demonstrate that the scheme is quite effective and useful in studies of two molecules having common mass peaks, which makes a traditional single mass spectrometer unfeasible.

    Accurate calculation of the potential energy curve and spectroscopic parameters of X2Σ+ state of 12Mg1H
    Wu Dong-Lan (伍冬兰), Tan Bin (谭彬), Xie An-Dong (谢安东), Yan Bing (闫冰), Ding Da-Jun (丁大军)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  043401.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/043401
    Abstract ( 654 )   HTML   PDF (236KB) ( 544 )  
    High level calculations on the ground state of 12Mg1H molecule have been performed using multi-reference configuration interaction (MRCI) method with the Davidson modification. The core-valence correlation and scalar relativistic corrections are included into the present calculations at the same time. The potential energy curve (PEC) of the ground state, all of the vibrational levels and spectroscopic parameters are fitted. The results show that the levels and spectroscopic parameters are in good agreement with the available experimental data. The analytical potential energy function (APEF) is also deduced from the calculated PEC using the Murrell-Sorbie (M-S) potential function. The present results can provide a helpful reference for the future spectroscopic experiments or dynamical calculations of the molecule.
    Quasi-classical trajectory study of collision energy effect on the stereodynamics of H + BrO→O + HBr reaction
    Xie Ting-Xian (解廷献), Zhang Ying-Ying (张莹莹), Shi Ying (石英), Li Ze-Rui (李泽瑞), Jin Ming-Xing (金明星)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  043402.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/043402
    Abstract ( 967 )   HTML   PDF (552KB) ( 338 )  
    Quasi-classical trajectory (QCT) studies on the stereodynamics of H + BrO→O + HBr reaction have been performed on the X1A' state of ab initio potential energy surface by Peterson [Peterson K A 2000 J. Chem. Phys. 113 4598] in a collision energy range from 0 kcal/mol to 6 kcal/mol. Two of the polarization-dependent generalized differential cross sections (PDDCSs), (2π/σ)(dσ00/dωt) (PDDCS00) and (2π/σ)(dσ20/dωt) (PDDCS20) are considered. The rotational polarizations of these products show sensitive behaviors to the calculated collision energy range. Furthermore, in order to gain more knowledge about vector correlations, the product angular distribution, Pr), and the dihedral angle, Pr), are calculated, and the results indicate that both the rotational alignment and orientation of the product are enhanced as collision energy increases.
    Efficient loading of a single neutral atom into an optical microscopic tweezer
    He Jun (何军), Liu Bei (刘贝), Diao Wen-Ting (刁文婷), Wang Jie-Ying (王杰英), Jin Gang (靳刚), Wang Jun-Min (王军民)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  043701.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/043701
    Abstract ( 916 )   HTML   PDF (765KB) ( 471 )  

    A single atom in a magneto-optical trap (MOT) with trap size (hundreds of micrometers) can be transferred into an optical microscopic tweezer with a probability of ~ 100%. The ability to transfer a single atom into two traps back and forth allows us to study the loading process. The loading probability is found to be insensitive to the geometric overlap of the MOT and the tweezer. It is therefore possible to perform simultaneously loading of a single atom into all sites of the tweezer array for many qubits. In particular, we present a simulation of the one-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays of an optical microscopic tweezer. We find the same qualitative behavior for all of the trap parameters.

    Optimized design and fabrication of nanosecond response electro–optic switch based on ultraviolet-curable polymers
    Zhao Xu-Liang (赵旭亮), Yue Yuan-Bin (岳远斌), Liu Tong (刘通), Sun Jian (孙健), Wang Xi-Bin (王希斌), Sun Xiao-Qiang (孙小强), Chen Chang-Ming (陈长鸣), Zhang Da-Ming (张大明)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  044101.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/044101
    Abstract ( 650 )   HTML   PDF (2166KB) ( 482 )  
    A nanosecond response waveguide electro-optic (EO) switch based on ultraviolet (UV) sensitive polymers of Norland optical adhesive (NOA73) and Dispersed Red 1 (DR1) doped SU-8 (DR1/SU-8) is designed and fabricated. The absorption properties, refractive indexes, and surface morphologies of NOA73 film are characterized. The single-mode transmission condition is computed by the effective index method, and the percentage of optical field distributed in EO layer is optimized to be 93.78 %. By means of spin-coating, thermal evaporation, photolithography, and inductively coupled plasma etching, a Mach-Zehnder inverted-rib waveguide EO switch with micro-strip line electrode is fabricated on a silicon substrate. Scanning electron microscope characterization proves the physic-chemical compatibility between NOA73 cladding and DR1/SU-8 core material. The optical transmission loss of the fabricated switch is measured to be 2.5 dB/cm. The rise time and fall time of switching are 3.199 ns and 2.559 ns, respectively. These results indicate that the inverted-rib wave-guide based on UV-curable polymers can effectively reduce the optical transmission loss and improve the time response performance of an EO switch.
    Experimental verification of effect of horizontal inhomogeneity of evaporation duct on electromagnetic wave propagation
    Shi Yang (史阳), Yang Kun-De (杨坤德), Yang Yi-Xin (杨益新), Ma Yuan-Liang (马远良)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  044102.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/044102
    Abstract ( 773 )   HTML   PDF (2016KB) ( 838 )  

    The evaporation duct which forms above the ocean surface has a significant influence on electromagnetic wave propagation above 2 GHz over the ocean. The effects of horizontal inhomogeneity of evaporation duct on electromagnetic wave propagation are investigated, both in numerical simulation and experimental observation methods, in this paper. Firstly, the features of the horizontal inhomogeneity of the evaporation duct are discussed. Then, two typical inhomogeneous cases are simulated and compared with the homogeneous case. The result shows that path loss is significantly higher than that in the homogeneous case when the evaporation duct height (EDH) at the receiver is lower than that at the transmitter. It is also concluded that the horizontal inhomogeneity of the evaporation duct has a significant influence when the EDH is low or when the electromagnetic wave frequency is lower than 13 GHz. Finally, experimental data collected on a 149-km long propagation path in the South China Sea in 2013 are used to verify the conclusion. The experimental results are consistent with the simulation results. The horizontal inhomogeneity of evaporation duct should be considered when modeling electromagnetic wave propagation over the ocean.

    Intensity distribution properties of Gaussian vortex beam propagation in atmospheric turbulence
    Qian Xian-Mei (钱仙妹), Zhu Wen-Yue (朱文越), Rao Rui-Zhong (饶瑞中)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  044201.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/044201
    Abstract ( 898 )   HTML   PDF (854KB) ( 1119 )  

    By using wave optics numerical simulation, the intensity-hole effect, beam spreading and wandering properties of Gaussian vortex beam propagation in atmospheric turbulence are investigated quantitatively. It is found that an intensity hole in the center of the beam pattern appears gradually as a Gaussian vortex beam propagates. The size of the intensity hole increases with the increase of the topological charge of the vortex phase. However, the intensity hole could to some extent be filled with optical energy by atmospheric turbulence, especially in strong turbulence. The radius of the intensity hole first decreases and then increases with the growth of turbulence strength. The effective radius of vortex beam with larger topological charge is greater than with a smaller topological charge. But the topological charge has no evident influence on beam wandering.

    All-fiber modal interferometer based on an up-taper-core-offset structure for curvature sensing
    Ma Lin (马林), Qi Yan-Hui (齐艳辉), Sun Jiang (孙将), Kang Ze-Xin (康泽新), Jian Shui-Sheng (简水生)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  044202.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/044202
    Abstract ( 699 )   HTML   PDF (341KB) ( 314 )  
    A high-sensitivity curvature sensor based on an up-taper-core-offset structure is proposed and demonstrated in this paper. Here two specially designed cascaded up-tapers with maximum diameters of 247 μm and 251 μm, respectively, are used as a cladding mode exciting component. The excited cladding modes will propagate in the cladding and re-couplers with the core mode at the core-offset jointing point. When the curvature is changed, the dip wavelength of the sensor will shift to a blue wavelength and an average curvature sensitivity of more than -12.5 nm/m-1 is achieved within the measured curvature intervals.
    Sub-Rayleigh limit imaging via intensity correlation measurements
    Yao Xu-Ri (姚旭日), Li Long-Zhen (李龙珍), Liu Xue-Feng (刘雪峰), Yu Wen-Kai (俞文凯), Zhai Guang-Jie (翟光杰)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  044203.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/044203
    Abstract ( 822 )   HTML   PDF (520KB) ( 323 )  
    We demonstrate sub-Rayleigh limit imaging of an object via intensity correlation measurements. The image completely unaffected by the disturbance of diffraction-limit is achieved under the condition that the imaging system has an appropriate field of view. The resolution of this sub-Rayleigh limit imaging system is only tied to the lateral resolution of the illumination light.
    Phase-controlled coherent population trapping in superconducting quantum circuits
    Cheng Guang-Ling (程广玲), Wang Yi-Ping (王一平), Chen Ai-Xi (陈爱喜)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  044204.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/044204
    Abstract ( 909 )   HTML   PDF (391KB) ( 432 )  
    We investigate the influences of the-applied-field phases and amplitudes on the coherent population trapping behavior in superconducting quantum circuits. Based on the interactions of the microwave fields with a single Δ-type three-level fluxonium qubit, the coherent population trapping could be obtainable and it is very sensitive to the relative phase and amplitudes of the applied fields. When the relative phase is tuned to 0 or π, the maximal atomic coherence is present and coherent population trapping occurs. While for the choice of π/2, the atomic coherence becomes weak. Meanwhile, for the fixed relative phase π/2, the value of coherence would decrease with the increase of Rabi frequency of the external field coupled with two lower levels. The responsible physical mechanism is quantum interference induced by the control fields, which is indicated in the dressed-state representation. The microwave coherent phenomenon is present in our scheme, which will have potential applications in optical communication and nonlinear optics in solid-state devices.
    Optimizing quantum correlation dynamics by weak measurement in dissipative environment
    Du Shao-Jiang (杜少将), Xia Yun-Jie (夏云杰), Duan De-Yang (段德洋), Zhang Lu (张路), Gao Qiang (高强)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  044205.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/044205
    Abstract ( 905 )   HTML   PDF (1175KB) ( 412 )  
    We investigate the protection of quantum correlations of two qubits in independent vacuum reservoirs by means of weak measurements. It is found that the weak measurement can reduce the amount of quantum correlation for one type of initial state at the beginning in a non-Markovian environment and meanwhile it can reduce the occurrence time of entanglement sudden death (ESD) in the process of time evolution. In a Markovian environment, the quantum entanglements of the two kinds of initial states decay rapidly and the weak measurement can further weaken the quantum entanglement, therefore in this case the entanglement cannot be optimized in the evolution process.
    Raman gains of ADP and KDP crystals
    Zhou Hai-Liang (周海亮), Zhang Qing-Hua (张清华), Wang Bo (王波), Xu Xin-Guang (许心光), Wang Zheng-Ping (王正平), Sun Xun (孙洵), Zhang Fang (张芳), Zhang Li-Song (张立松), Liu Bao-An (刘宝安), Chai Xiang-Xu (柴向旭)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  044206.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/044206
    Abstract ( 975 )   HTML   PDF (488KB) ( 1061 )  
    In this paper, the Raman gain coefficients of ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (ADP) and potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP) crystals are measured. By using a pump source of a 30-ps, 532-nm laser, the gain coefficients of ADP and KDP are 1.22 cm/GW, and 0.91 cm/GW, respectively. While for a 20-ps, 355-nm pump laser, the gain coefficients of these two crystals are similar, which are 1.95 cm/GW for ADP and 1.86 for KDP. The present results indicate that for ultra-violet frequency conversion, the problem of stimulated Raman scattering for ADP crystal will not be more serious than that for KDP crystal. Considering other advantages such the larger nonlinear optical coefficient, higher laser damage threshold, and lower noncritical phase-matching temperature, it can be anticipated that ADP will be a powerful competitor to KDP in large aperture, high energy third-harmonic generation or fourth-harmonic generation applications.
    Propagation of Gaussian beams family through a Kerr-type left-handed metamaterial
    A. Keshavarz, M. Naseri
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  044207.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/044207
    Abstract ( 709 )   HTML   PDF (1101KB) ( 403 )  
    In this paper the propagation of elegant Hermite-cosh-Gaussian, elegant Laguerre Gaussian, and Bessel Gaussian beams through a Kerr left-handed metamaterial (LHM) slab have been studied. A split-step Fourier method is used to investigate the propagation of laser beams through this media. Numerical simulation shows that Gaussian beams have different focusing behaviors in a Kerr LHM slab with positive or negative nonlinearity. Beam focusing happens in slabs with positive nonlinearity and not in slabs with negative nonlinearity; however, negative nonlinearity is required for a Kerr LHM slab to act like a lens. Additionally, the focusing properties of beams can be controlled by controlling the thickness of the slab or the input power of the incident beam. A multilayer structure is also proposed to have beam focusing by thinner slabs and passing longer distances.
    Low threshold fiber taper coupled rare earth ion-doped chalcogenide microsphere laser
    Li Chao-Ran (李超然), Dai Shi-Xun (戴世勋), Zhang Qin-Yuan (张勤远), Shen Xiang (沈祥), Wang Xun-Si (王训四), Zhang Pei-Qing (张培晴), Lu Lai-Wei (路来伟), Wu Yue-Hao (吴越豪), Lv She-Qin (吕社钦)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  044208.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/044208
    Abstract ( 712 )   HTML   PDF (287KB) ( 373 )  

    We report the applications of a low-cost and environmentally friendly chalcogenide glass, 75GeS2-15Ga2S3-10CsI, in building active microsphere laser oscillators. A silica fiber taper is used as the coupling mechanism. With an 808-nm laser diode as a pump source, we show that a high-Q (~ 6×104) laser mode could be obtained from a 75-μm diameter microsphere that is coupled with a 1.77-μm waist-diameter fiber taper. The threshold of the incident pump power is 1.39 mW, which is considerably lower than those of previously reported free-space coupled chalcogenide microsphere lasers. We also note an apparent enhancement in laser power generated from this chalcogenide microsphere laser.

    Application of an Al-doped zinc oxide subcontact layer on vanadium-compensated 6H-SiC photoconductive switches
    Zhou Tian-Yu (周天宇), Liu Xue-Chao (刘学超), Huang Wei (黄维), Dai Chong-Chong (代冲冲), Zheng Yan-Qing (郑燕青), Shi Er-Wei (施尔畏)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  044209.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/044209
    Abstract ( 738 )   HTML   PDF (619KB) ( 400 )  

    Al-doped ZnO thin film (AZO) is used as a subcontact layer in 6H-SiC photoconductive semiconductor switches (PCSSs) to reduce the on-state resistance and optimize the device structure. Our photoconductive test shows that the on-state resistance of lateral PCSS with an n+-AZO subcontact layer is 14.7% lower than that of PCSS without an n+-AZO subcontact layer. This occurs because a heavy-doped AZO thin film can improve Ohmic contact properties, reduce contact resistance, and alleviate Joule heating. Combined with the high transparance characteristic at 532 nm of AZO film, vertical structural PCSS devices are designed and their structural superiority is discussed. This paper provides a feasible route for fabricating high performance SiC PCSS by using conductive and transparent ZnO-based materials.

    Axisymmetric wave propagation in gas shear flow confined by a rigid-walled pipeline
    Chen Yong (陈勇), Huang Yi-Yong (黄奕勇), Chen Xiao-Qian (陈小前), Bai Yu-Zhu (白玉铸), Tan Xiao-Dong (谭晓栋)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  044301.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/044301
    Abstract ( 1002 )   HTML   PDF (401KB) ( 348 )  
    The axisymmetric acoustic wave propagating in a perfect gas with a shear pipeline flow confined by a circular rigid wall is investigated. The governing equations of non-isentropic and isentropic acoustic assumptions are mathematically deduced while the constraint of Zwikker and Kosten is relaxed. An iterative method based on the Fourier-Bessel theory is proposed to semi-analytically solve the proposed models. A comparison of numerical results with literature contributions validates the present contribution. Meanwhile, the features of some high-order transverse modes, which cannot be analyzed based on the Zwikker and Kosten theory, are analyzed.
    Relationships of the internodal distance of biological tissue with its sound velocity and attenuation at high frequency in doublet mechanics
    Cheng Kai-Xuan (程凯旋), Wu Rong-Rong (吴融融), Liu Xiao-Zhou (刘晓宙), Liu Jie-Hui (刘杰惠), Gong Xiu-Fen (龚秀芬), Wu Jun-Ru (吴君汝)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  044302.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/044302
    Abstract ( 595 )   HTML   PDF (561KB) ( 548 )  
    In view of the discrete characteristics of biological tissue, doublet mechanics has demonstrated its advantages in the mathematic description of tissue in terms of high frequency (>10 MHz) ultrasound. In this paper, we take human breast biopsies as an example to study the influence of the internodal distance, a microscope parameter in biological tissue in doublet mechanics, on the sound velocity and attenuation by numerical simulation. The internodal distance causes the sound velocity and attenuation in biological tissue to change with the increase of frequency. The magnitude of such a change in pathological tissue is distinctly different from that in normal tissue, which can be used to differentiate pathological tissue from normal tissue and can depict the diseased tissue structure by obtaining the sound and attenuation distribution in the sample at high ultrasound frequency. A comparison of sensitivity between the doublet model and conventional continuum model is made, indicating that this is a new method of characterizing ultrasound tissue and diagnosing diseases.
    A theoretical investigation on anomalous switching of single-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (ssDNA) monolayers by water vapor
    Zhao Xin-Jun (赵新军), Gao Zhi-Fu (高志福), Jiang Zhong-Ying (蒋中英)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  044701.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/044701
    Abstract ( 793 )   HTML   PDF (310KB) ( 328 )  
    In this paper, we use a molecular theory to study the anomalous switching of ssDNA monolayers. Here, both ssDNA-water and water-water hydrogen bonds and their explicit coupling to the ssDNA conformations are considered. We find that hydrogen bonding becomes a key element in inducing the anomalous switching of ssDNA monolayers. This finding accords well with the experimental observations. Based on our theoretical model, we predict that the anomalous switching induced by water vapor will be applicable to a wide range of hydrogen bonds polymers, and ssDNA-water hydrogen bonds and water-water hydrogen bonds hybridization will lead to the hydrogen-bond network formation of 3D ssDNA monolayers.
    Analysis for flow of Jeffrey fluid with nanoparticles
    T. Hayat, Sadia Asad, A. Alsaedi
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  044702.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/044702
    Abstract ( 725 )   HTML   PDF (403KB) ( 913 )  
    An analysis of the boundary layer flow and heat transfer in a Jeffrey fluid containing nanoparticles is presented in this paper. Here, fluid motion is due to a stretchable cylinder. The thermal conductivity of the fluid is taken to be temperature-dependent. The partial differential equations of velocity, temperature, and concentration fields are transformed to a dimensionless system of ordinary differential equations. Nonlinear governing analysis is computed for the homotopy solutions. The behaviors of Brownian motion and thermophoresis diffusion of nanoparticles have been examined graphically. Numerical values of the local Nusselt number are computed and analyzed.
    Experimental investigation of effects of airflows on plasma-assisted combustion actuator characteristics
    Liu Xing-Jian (刘兴建), He Li-Ming (何立明), Yu Jin-Lu (于锦禄), Zhang Hua-Lei (张华磊)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  045101.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/045101
    Abstract ( 810 )   HTML   PDF (368KB) ( 749 )  
    The effects of the airflow on plasma-assisted combustion actuator (PACA) characteristics are studied in detail. The plasma is characterized electrically, as well as optically with a spectrometer. Our results show that the airflow has an obvious influence on the PACA characteristics. The breakdown voltage and vibrational temperature decrease, while the discharge power increases compared with the stationary airflow. The memory effect of metastable state species and the transportation characteristics of charged particles in microdischarge channel are the dominant causes for the variations of the breakdown voltage and discharge power, respectively, and the vibrational temperature calculated in this work can describe the electron energy of the dielectric barrier discharge plasma in PACA. These results offer new perspectives for the use of PACA in plasma-assisted combustion.
    The enhancement of 21.2%-power conversion efficiency in polymer photovoltaic cells by using mixed Au nanoparticles with a wide absorption spectrum of 400 nm-1000 nm
    Hao Jing-Yu (郝敬昱), Xu Ying (徐颖), Zhang Yu-Pei (张玉佩), Chen Shu-Fen (陈淑芬), Li Xing-Ao (李兴鳌), Wang Lian-Hui (汪联辉), Huang Wei (黄维)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  045201.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/045201
    Abstract ( 757 )   HTML   PDF (984KB) ( 574 )  
    Au nanoparticles (NPs) mixed with a majority of bone-like, rod, and cube shapes and a minority of irregular spheres, which can generate a wide absorption spectrum of 400 nm-1000 nm and three localized surface plasmon resonance peaks, respectively, at 525, 575, and 775 nm, are introduced into the hole extraction layer poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(4-styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) to improve optical-to-electrical conversion performances in polymer photovoltaic cells. With the doping concentration of Au NPs optimized, the cell performance is significantly improved: the short-circuit current density and power conversion efficiency of the poly(3-hexylthiophene): [6,6]-phenyl-C60-butyric acid methyl ester cell are increased by 20.54% and 21.2%, reaching 11.15 mA·cm-2 and 4.23%. The variations of optical, electrical, and morphology with the incorporation of Au NPs in the cells are analyzed in detail, and our results demonstrate that the cell performance improvement can be attributed to a synergistic reaction, including: 1) both the localized surface plasmon resonance- and scattering-induced absorption enhancement of the active layer, 2) Au doping-induced hole transport/extraction ability enhancement, and 3) large interface roughness-induced efficient exciton dissociation and hole collection.
    Study on superstructure in ion co-doped BiFeO3 by using transmission electron microscopy
    Pu Shi-Zhou (蒲十周), Guo Chao (郭超), Li Mei-Ya (李美亚), Chen Zhen-Lian (陈珍莲), Zou Hua-Min (邹化民)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  046101.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/046101
    Abstract ( 767 )   HTML   PDF (930KB) ( 431 )  
    La3+ and V5+ co-doped BiFeO3 ceramics are synthesized by rapid liquid sintering technique. The modulated structure in Bi0.85La0.15Fe0.97V0.03O3 is investigated by using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Two kinds of superstructures are observed in the samples. One is the component modulated superstructure and twin-domain, which is generated by La3+ ordered substitution for Bi3+ and frequently appears. The chemical composition of the superstructure is explored by x-ray energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The model of the ordered structure is proposed. Simulation based on the model is conducted. The second is the fluorite-type δ-Bi2O3 related superstructure. The relation between the ferroelectric property and the microstructure of the sample is also discussed.
    Effect of size on momentum distribution of electrons around vacancies in NiO nanoparticles
    Anjan Das, Atis Chandra Mandal, P. M. G. Nambissan
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  046102.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/046102
    Abstract ( 695 )   HTML   PDF (466KB) ( 352 )  
    Very small nickel oxide nanoparticles were prepared by a sol-gel procedure using nickel nitrate hexahydrate and ammonium hydroxide as precursors. The particles are in the range of 5 nm-11 nm. The x-ray diffraction (XRD) crystallography and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) were employed to characterize the samples. They were found to be polycrystalline in nature and fcc (NaCl-type) in structure, with the lattice parameter varying with annealing temperature. HRTEM pictures show that the as-prepared samples are hexagonal in shape. Positron annihilation spectroscopy was used to investigate the Doppler-broadened spectra of the samples. The S and W parameters revealed that the chemical surroundings and momentum distribution of the vacancy clusters vary with crystallite size.
    Comparative research on “high currents” induced by single event latch-up and transient-induced latch-up
    Chen Rui (陈睿), Han Jian-Wei (韩建伟), Zheng Han-Sheng (郑汉生), Yu Yong-Tao (余永涛), Shangguan Shi-Peng (上官士鹏), Feng Guo-Qiang (封国强), Ma Ying-Qi (马英起)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  046103.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/046103
    Abstract ( 593 )   HTML   PDF (1298KB) ( 503 )  
    By using the pulsed laser single event effect facility and electro-static discharge (ESD) test system, the characteristics of the “high current”, relation with external stimulus and relevance to impacted modes of single event latch-up (SEL) and transient-induced latch-up (TLU) are studied, respectively, for a 12-bit complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) analog-to-digital converter. Furthermore, the sameness and difference in physical mechanism between “high current” induced by SEL and that by TLU are disclosed in this paper. The results show that the minority carrier diffusion in the PNPN structure of the CMOS device which initiates the active parasitic NPN and PNP transistors is the common reason for the “high current” induced by SEL and for that by TLU. However, for SEL, the minority carrier diffusion is induced by the ionizing radiation, and an underdamped sinusoidal voltage on the supply node (the ground node) is the cause of the minority carrier diffusion for TLU.
    Characterization of ZnS nanoparticles synthesized by co-precipitation method
    Parvaneh Iranmanesh, Samira Saeednia, Mohsen Nourzpoor
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  046104.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/046104
    Abstract ( 1182 )   HTML   PDF (316KB) ( 3446 )  
    ZnS nanoparticles are prepared by homogeneous chemical co-precipitation method using EDTA as a stabilizer and capping agent. The structural, morphological, and optical properties of as-synthesized nanoparticles are investigated using x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) absorption, and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The x-ray diffraction pattern exhibits a zinc-blended crystal structure at room temperature. The average particle size of the nanoparticles from the scanning electron microscopy image is about 50 nm. The ultraviolet absorption spectrum shows the blue shift in the band gap due to the quantum confinement effect. The photoluminescence spectrum of ZnS nanoparticles shows a blue visible spectrum.
    Negative refractions by triangular lattice sonic crystals in partial band gaps
    S. Alagoz, B. B. Alagoz, A. Sahin, S. Nur
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  046201.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/046201
    Abstract ( 795 )   HTML   PDF (910KB) ( 293 )  

    This study numerically demonstrates the effects of partial band gaps on the negative refraction properties of sonic crystal. The partial band gap appearing at the second band edge leads to the efficient transmissions of scattered wave envelopes in the transverse directions inside triangular lattice sonic crystal, and therefore enhances the refraction property of sonic crystal. Numerical simulation results indicate a diagonal guidance of coupled scattered wave envelopes inside crystal structure at the partial band gap frequencies and then output waves are restored in the vicinity of the output interface of sonic crystal by combining phase coherent scattered waves according to Huygens' principles. This mechanism leads to two operations for wavefront engineering: one is spatial wavefront shifting operation and the other is convex-concave wavefront inversion operation. The effects of this mechanism on the negative refraction and wave focalization are investigated by using the finite difference time domain (FDTD) simulations. This study contributes to a better understanding of negative refraction and wave focusing mechanisms at the band edge frequencies, and shows the applications of the slab corner beam splitting and SC-air multilayer acoustic system.

    Radial collapse and physical mechanism of carbon nanotube with divacancy and 5-8-5 defects
    Zhang Ya-Ping (张亚萍), Ling Cui-Cui (凌翠翠), Li Gui-Xia (李桂霞), Zhu Hai-Feng (朱海丰), Zhang Meng-Yu (张梦禹)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  046401.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/046401
    Abstract ( 614 )   HTML   PDF (1282KB) ( 311 )  

    By employing molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics simulations, we investigate the radial collapses and elasticities of different chiral single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) with divacancy, and 5-8-5 defects. It is found that divacancy and 5-8-5 defect can reduce the collapse pressure (Pc) of SWCNT (10, 10) while 5-8-5 defect can greatly increase Pc of SWCNT (17, 0). For example, 5-8-5 defect can make Pc of SWCNT (17, 0) increase by 500%. A model is established to understand the effects of chirality, divacancy, and 5-8-5 defect on radial collapse of SWCNTs. The results are particularly of value for understanding the mechanical behavior of SWCNT with divacancy, and the 5-8-5 defect that may be considered as a filler of high loading composites.

    Self-assembly of lamella-forming diblock copolymers confined in nanochannels: Effect of confinement geometry
    Yu Bin (于彬), Deng Jian-Hua (邓建华), Wang Zheng (王铮), Li Bao-Hui (李宝会), Shi An-Chang (史安昌)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  046402.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/046402
    Abstract ( 817 )   HTML   PDF (1144KB) ( 454 )  

    The self-assembly of symmetric diblock copolymers confined in the channels of variously shaped cross sections (regular triangles, squares, and ellipses) is investigated using a simulated annealing technique. In the bulk, the studied symmetric diblock copolymers form a lamellar structure with period LL. The geometry and surface property of the confining channels have a large effect on the self-assembled structures and the orientation of the lamellar structures. Stacked perpendicular lamellae with period LL are observed for neutral surfaces regardless of the channel shape and size, but each lamella is in the shape of the corresponding channel's cross section. In the case of triangle-shaped cross sections, stacked parallel lamellae are the majority morphologies for weakly selective surfaces, while morphologies including a triangular-prism-shaped B-cylinder and multiple tridentate lamellae are obtained for strongly selective surfaces. In the cases of square-shaped and ellipse-shaped cross sections, concentric lamellae are the signature morphology for strongly selective surfaces, whereas for weakly selective surfaces, stacked parallel lamellae, and several types of folding lamellae are obtained in the case of square-shaped cross sections, and stacked parallel lamellae are the majority morphologies in the case of ellipse-shaped cross sections when the length of the minor axis is commensurate with the bulk lamellar period. The mean-square end-to-end distance, the average contact number between different species and the surface concentration of the A-monomers are computed to elucidate the mechanisms of the formation of the different morphologies. It is found that the resulting morphology is a consequence of competition among the chain stretching, interfacial energy, and surface energy. Our results suggest that the self-assembled morphology and the orientation of lamellae can be manipulated by the shape, the size, and the surface property of the confining channels.

    A space-dependent atomic superfluid current in Bose-Einstein condensates
    Li Fei (李飞), Li Yong-Fan (李勇帆), Zhang Ping-Ke (张平柯), Ai Zhen-Zhou (艾振宙), Wu Chang-Yi (吴昌义)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  046701.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/046701
    Abstract ( 824 )   HTML   PDF (1180KB) ( 308 )  

    A space-dependent atomic superfluid current with an explicit analytical expression and its role in Bose-Einstein condensates are studied. The factors determining the intensity and oscillating amplitude of the space-dependent atomic superfluid current are explored in detail. Research findings reveal that the intensity of the current can be regulated by setting an appropriate configuration of the trap and its oscillating amplitude can be adjusted via Feshbach resonance. It is numerically demonstrated that the space-dependent atomic superfluid current can exert great influence on the spatial distribution of condensed atoms, and even force condensed atoms into very complex distributional states with spatial chaos.

    Thermoelectric properties of Sr0.61Ba0.39Nb2O6 -δ ceramics in different oxygen-reduction conditions
    Li Yi (李宜), Liu Jian (刘剑), Wang Chun-Lei (王春雷), Su Wen-Bin (苏文斌), Zhu Yuan-Hu (祝元虎), Li Ji-Chao (李吉超), Mei Liang-Mo (梅良模)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  047201.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/047201
    Abstract ( 718 )   HTML   PDF (621KB) ( 519 )  
    The thermoelectric properties of Sr0.61Ba0.39Nb2O6 -δ ceramics, reduced in different conditions, are investigated in the temperature range from 323 K to 1073 K. The electrical transport behaviors of the samples are dominated by the thermal-activated polaron hopping in the low temperature range, the Fermi glass behavior in the middle temperature range, and the Anderson localized behavior in the high temperature range. The thermal conductivity presents a plateau at high-temperatures, indicating a glass-like thermal conduction behavior. Both the thermoelectric power factor and the thermal conductivity increase with the increase of the degree of oxygen-reduction. Taking these two factors into account, the oxygen-reduction can still contribute to promoting the thermoelectric figure of merit. The highest ZT value is obtained to be ~ 0.19 at 1073 K in the heaviest oxygen reduced sample.
    Electrical transport properties of YCo1-xMnxO3 (0≤ x ≤ 0.2) prepared by sol-gel process
    Liu Yi (刘义), Li Hai-Jin (李海金)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  047202.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/047202
    Abstract ( 672 )   HTML   PDF (404KB) ( 346 )  
    Mn substitution compounds YCo1-xMnxO3 (0≤ x ≤ 0.2) are synthesized by using the sol-gel process. Electrical transport properties of YCo1-xMnxO3 are investigated in the temperature range from 200 K to 780 K. The experimental results show that after Mn substitution the electrical resistivity of YCo1-xMnxO3 first increases, then decreases, which is due to the electrons introduced by Mn doping. The sign of Seebeck coefficient for YCo1-xMnxO3 (x ≠ 0) is positive or negative, which is also proved by the Hall coefficient measurement. Moreover, at about room temperature, the Seebeck coefficient of YCo1-xMnxO3 with 1% doping Mn content becomes a negative value, whose absolute value is maximum; furthermore, the absolute value gradually decreases with increasing the Mn substitution content, which can be explained by the double carrier model.
    Improvement of mobility edge model by using new density of states with exponential tail for organic diode
    Muhammad Ammar Khan, Sun Jiu-Xun (孙久勋)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  047203.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/047203
    Abstract ( 833 )   HTML   PDF (364KB) ( 488 )  
    The mobility edge (ME) model with single Gaussian density of states (DOS) is simplified based on the recent experimental results about the Einstein relationship. The free holes are treated as being non-degenerate, and the trapped holes are dealt with as being degenerate. This enables the integral for the trapped holes to be easily realized in a program. The J-V curves are obtained through solving drift-diffusion equations. When this model is applied to four organic diodes, an obvious deviation between theoretical curves and experimental data is observed. In order to solve this problem, a new DOS with exponential tail is proposed. The results show that the consistence between J-V curves and experimental data based on a new DOS is far better than that based on the Gaussian DOS. The variation of extracted mobility with temperature can be well described by the Arrhenius relationship.
    Synthesis and electrochemical properties of three-dimensional graphene/polyaniline composites for supercapacitor electrode materials
    Zhao Wen (赵文), He Da-Wei (何大伟), Wang Yong-Sheng (王永生), Du Xiang (杜翔), Xin Hao (忻昊)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  047204.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/047204
    Abstract ( 818 )   HTML   PDF (538KB) ( 1225 )  
    To improve the specific capacitance and rate capability of electrode material for supercapacitors, three-dimensional graphene/polyaniline (3DGN/PANI) composite is prepared via in situ polymerization on GN hydrogel. PANI grows on the GN surface as a thin film, and its content in the composite is controlled by the concentration of reaction monomer. The specific capacitance of 3DGN/PANI composite containing 10 wt% PANI reaches 322.8 F·g-1 at a current density of 1 A·g-1, nearly twice as large as that of the pure 3DGN (162.8 F·g-1). The capacitance of the composite is 307.9 F·g-1 at 30 A·g-1 (maintaining 95.4%), and 89% retention after 500 cycles. This study demonstrates the exciting potential of 3DGN/PANI with high capacitance, excellent rate capability and long cycling life for supercapacitors.
    Decrease of back recombination rate in CdS quantum dots sensitized solar cells using reduced graphene oxide
    Ali Badawi
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  047205.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/047205
    Abstract ( 751 )   HTML   PDF (632KB) ( 865 )  
    The photovoltaic performance of CdS quantum dots sensitized solar cells (QDSSCs) using the 0.2 wt% of reduced graphene oxide and TiO2 nanoparticles (RGO+TiO2 nanocomposite) photoanode is investigated. CdS QDs are adsorbed onto RGO+TiO2 nanocomposite films by the successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) technique for several cycles. The current density-voltage (J-V) characteristic curves of the assembled QDSSCs are measured at AM1.5 simulated sunlight. The optimal photovoltaic performance for CdS QDSSC was achieved for six SILAR cycles. Solar cells based on the RGO+TiO2 nanocomposite photoanode achieve a 33% increase in conversion efficiency (η) compared with those based on plain TiO2 nanoparticle (NP) photoanodes. The electron back recombination rates decrease significantly for CdS QDSSCs based on RGO+TiO2 nanocomposite photoanodes. The lifetime constant (τ) for CdS QDSSC based on the RGO+TiO2 nanocomposite photoanode is at least one order of magnitude larger than that based on the bare TiO2 NPs photoanode.
    Room-temperature terahertz detection based on CVD graphene transistor
    Yang Xin-Xin (杨昕昕), Sun Jian-Dong (孙建东), Qin Hua (秦华), Lv Li (吕利), Su Li-Na (苏丽娜), Yan Bo (闫博), Li Xin-Xing (李欣幸), Zhang Zhi-Peng (张志鹏), Fang Jing-Yue (方靖岳)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  047206.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/047206
    Abstract ( 710 )   HTML   PDF (1299KB) ( 826 )  
    We report the fabrication and characterization of a single-layer graphene field-effect terahertz detector, which is coupled with dipole-like antennas based on the self-mixing detector model. The graphene is grown by chemical vapor deposition and then transferred onto an SiO2/Si substrate. We demonstrate room-temperature detection at 237 GHz. The detector could offer a voltage responsivity of 0.1 V/W and a noise equivalent power of 207 nW/Hz1/2. Our modeling indicates that the observed photovoltage in the p-type gated channel can be well fit by the self-mixing theory. A different photoresponse other than self-mixing may apply for the n-type gated channel.
    Enhanced surface plasmon interference lithography from cavity resonance in the grating slits
    Guo Kai (郭凯), Liu Jian-Long (刘建龙), Zhou Ke-Ya (周可雅), Liu Shu-Tian (刘树田)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  047301.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/047301
    Abstract ( 919 )   HTML   PDF (987KB) ( 659 )  
    Surface plasmon interference lithography based on grating diffraction has been studied both theoretically and experimentally in recent years. In this paper, we demonstrate that the cavity resonance in the grating slits can improve the subwavelength interference, not only the intensity but also the uniformity of the pattern. Both the typical lithography structure which merely consists of periodic metallic gratings and the modified structure equipped with a reflection layer are studied. The finite element method has been performed to study the interference pattern. Numerical simulations show that the property of the interference pattern is the optimum when cavity resonance happens. This enhancement can be applied to all the lithography structures which are based on the grating diffraction.
    Novel attributes and design considerations of effective oxide thickness in nano DG MOSFETs
    Morteza Charmi
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  047302.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/047302
    Abstract ( 770 )   HTML   PDF (412KB) ( 433 )  
    Impacts of effective oxide thickness on a symmetric double-gate MOSFET with 9-nm gate length are studied, using full quantum simulation. The simulations are based on a self-consistent solution of the two-dimensional (2D) Poisson equation and the Schrödinger equation within the non-equilibrium Green's function formalism. Oxide thickness and gate dielectric are investigated in terms of drain current, on-off current ratio, off current, sub-threshold swing, drain induced barrier lowering, transconductance, drain conductance, and voltage. Simulation results illustrate that we can improve the device performance by proper selection of the effective oxide thickness.
    Novel substrate trigger SCR-LDMOS stacking structure for high-voltage ESD protection application
    Ma Jin-Rong (马金荣), Qiao Ming (乔明), Zhang Bo (张波)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  047303.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/047303
    Abstract ( 905 )   HTML   PDF (308KB) ( 797 )  
    A novel substrate trigger semiconductor control rectifier-laterally diffused metal-oxide semiconductor (STSCR-LDMOS) stacked structure is proposed and simulated using the transimission line pulser (TLP) multiple-pulse simulation method in a 0.35-μm, 60-V biploar-CMOS-DMOS (BCD) process without additional masks. On account of a very low holding voltage, it is susceptible to latch-up-like danger for the semiconductor control rectifier-laterally diffused metal-oxide semiconductor (SCR-LDMOS) in high-voltage electro-static discharge (ESD) protection applications. Although the conventional stacking structure has achieved strong latch-up immunity by increasing holding voltage, excessive high trigger voltage does not meet requirements for an ESD protection device. The holding voltage of the proposed stacked structure is proportional to the stacking number, whereas the trigger voltage remains nearly the same. A high holding voltage of 30.6 V and trigger voltage of 75.4 V are achieved.
    An ultra-low specific on-resistance trench LDMOS with a U-shaped gate and accumulation layer
    Li Peng-Cheng (李鹏程), Luo Xiao-Rong (罗小蓉), Luo Yin-Chun (罗尹春), Zhou Kun (周坤), Shi Xian-Long (石先龙), Zhang Yan-Hui (张彦辉), Lv Meng-Shan (吕孟山)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  047304.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/047304
    Abstract ( 889 )   HTML   PDF (618KB) ( 679 )  
    An ultra-low specific on-resistance (Ron,sp) oxide trench-type silicon-on-insulator (SOI) lateral double-diffusion metal-oxide semiconductor (LDMOS) with an enhanced breakdown voltage (BV) is proposed and investigated by simulation. There are two key features in the proposed device: one is a U-shaped gate around the oxide trench, which extends from source to drain (UG LDMOS); the other is an N pillar and P pillar located in the trench sidewall. In the on-state, electrons accumulate along the U-shaped gate, providing a continuous low resistance current path from source to drain. The Ron,sp is thus greatly reduced and almost independent of the drift region doping concentration. In the off-state, the N and P pillars not only enhance the electric field (E-field) strength of the trench oxide, but also improve the E-field distribution in the drift region, leading to a significant improvement in the BV. The BV of 662 V and Ron,sp of 12.4 mΩ · cm2 are achieved for the proposed UG LDMOS. The BV is increased by 88.6% and the Ron,sp is reduced by 96.4%, compared with those of the conventional trench LDMOS (CT LDMOS), realizing the state-of-the-art trade-off between BV and Ron,sp.
    Perfect GMR effect in gapped graphene-based ferromagnetic—normal—ferromagnetic junctions
    Hossein Karbaschi, Gholam Reza Rashedi
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  047305.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/047305
    Abstract ( 722 )   HTML   PDF (399KB) ( 755 )  
    We investigate the quantum transport property in gapped graphene-based ferromagnetic/normal/ferromagnetic (FG/NG/FG) junctions by using Dirac-Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation. The graphene is fabricated on SiC and BN substrates separately, so carriers in FG/NG/FG structures are considered as massive relativistic particles. Transmission probability, charge, and spin conductances are studied as a function of exchange energy of ferromagnets (h), size of graphene gap, and thickness of normal graphene region (L) respectively. Using the experimental values of Fermi energy in the normal graphene part (EFN~ 400 meV) and energy gap in graphene (260 meV for SiC and 50 meV for BN substrate), it is shown that this structure can be used for both spin-up and spin-down polarized current. The latter case has different behavior of gapped FG/NG/FG from that of gapless FG/NG/FG structures. Also perfect charge giant magnetoresistance is observed in a range of EFN-mvF2<h<EFN+mvF2.
    Two-electron localization in a quantum dot molecule driven by a cosine squared field
    Zhong Guang-Hui (钟光辉), Wang Li-Min (王立民)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  047306.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/047306
    Abstract ( 631 )   HTML   PDF (546KB) ( 326 )  
    We investigate the dynamics of two interacting electrons confined in a quantum dot molecule under the influence of cosine squared electric fields. The conditions for two-electron localization in the same quantum dot are analytically derived within the frame of the Floquet formalism. The analytical results are compared to numerical results obtained from the solution of the time-dependent Schödinger equation.
    Thermal and thermoelectric response from Keldysh formalism with application to gapped Dirac fermions
    Zhu Guo-Bao (朱国宝), Yang Hui-Min (杨慧敏), Yang Sheng-Yuan (杨声远)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  047401.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/047401
    Abstract ( 839 )   HTML   PDF (358KB) ( 504 )  

    Based on the Keldysh Green's functions theory, we present a general formula of the thermal and thermoelectric transport. In the clean limit, our formula recovers the previous results obtained from the semiclassical transport theory. In our approach, we propose an appropriate energy current operator and electric current operator, and the unphysical divergence from the direct application of the Kubo formula is eliminated. As an application, we study the thermal and the thermoelectric Hall conductivities of a gapped Dirac fermion model in the presence of impurity scattering.

    Retrieval of original signals for superconducting quantum interference device operating in flux locked mode
    Liu Dang-Ting (刘当婷), Tian Ye (田野), Zhao Shi-Ping (赵士平), Ren Yu-Feng (任育峰), Chen Geng-Hua (陈赓华)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  047402.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/047402
    Abstract ( 580 )   HTML   PDF (310KB) ( 444 )  

    We discuss a simple relation between the input and output signals of a superconducting quantum interference device magnetometer operating in flux locked mode in a cosine curve approximation. According to this relation, an original fast input signal can be easily retrieved from its distorted output response. This technique can be used in some areas such as sensitive and fast detection of magnetic or metallic grains in medicine and food security checking.

    Tunable coplanar waveguide resonator with nanowires
    Zhou Yu (周渝), Jia Tao (郏涛), Zhai Ji-Quan (翟计全), Wang Cheng (汪橙), Zhong Xian-Qian (钟先茜), Cao Zhi-Min (曹志敏), Sun Guo-Zhu (孙国柱), Kang Lin (康琳), Wu Pei-Heng (吴培亨)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  047403.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/047403
    Abstract ( 738 )   HTML   PDF (1035KB) ( 790 )  

    A tunable superconducting half-wavelength coplanar waveguide resonator (CPWR) with Nb parallel nanowires ~ 300 nm in width embedded in the center conductor was designed, fabricated, and measured. The frequency shift and the amplitude attenuation of the resonance peak under irradiation of 404-nm pulse laser were observed with different light powers at 4.2 K. The RF power supplied to such a CPWR can serve as current bias, which will affect the light response of the resonator.

    Trajectory and frequency of vortex gyration in a multi-nanocontact geometry
    Li Hua-Nan (李化南), Liu Yan (柳艳), Jia Min (贾敏), Du An (杜安)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  047501.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/047501
    Abstract ( 665 )   HTML   PDF (390KB) ( 485 )  

    Nonlinear vortex gyrotropic motion in a three-nanocontacts system is investigated by micromagnetic simulations and analytical calculations. Three out-of-plane spin-polarized currents are injected into a nanodisk through a centered nanocontact and two off-centered nanocontacts, respectively. For current combination (ip1, ip0, ip2)=(-1, 1, -1), the trajectory of the vortex core is a peanut-like orbit, but it is an elliptical orbit for (ip1, ip0, ip2)=(1, 1, -1). Moreover, the gyrotropic frequency displays peaks for both current combinations. Analytical calculations based on the Thiele equation show that the changes of frequency can be ascribed mainly to the forces generated by the Oersted field accompanying the currents. We also demonstrate a dependence of eigenfrequency shifts on the direction and distance of the applied currents.

    Model of hybrid interfacial domain wall in ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic bilayers
    Zhang Wen (章文), Zhai Ya (翟亚), Lu Mu (鹿牧), You Biao (游彪), Zhai Hong-Ru (翟宏如), Caroline G Morgan
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  047502.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/047502
    Abstract ( 727 )   HTML   PDF (284KB) ( 418 )  

    A general model of a hybrid interfacial domain wall (HIDW) in ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic exchange biased bilayers is proposed, where an interfacial domain wall is allowed to extend into either the ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic layer or across both. The proposition is based on our theoretical investigation on thickness and field dependences of ferromagnetic domain wall (FMDW) and antiferromagnetic domain wall (AFDW), respectively. Good match of the simulation to the hysteresis loops of a series of NiFe/FeMn exchange-biased bilayers confirms the existence of the HIDW, where the AFDW part is found to preferentially occupy the entire antiferromagnetic layer while the FMDW shrinks with the increased magnetic field as expected. The observed asymmetry between the ascending and descending branches of the hysteresis loop is explained naturally as a consequence of different partition ratios between AFDW and FMDW.

    High frequency characteristics of (Ni75Fe2)x(ZnO)1-x granular thin films with tunable damping coefficient
    Li Wen-Chun (李文春), Zuo Ya-Lu (左亚路), Liu Xiao-Hong (刘晓虹), Wei Qing-Qing (魏清清), Zhou Xue-Yun (周雪云), Yao Dong-Sheng (姚东升)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  047503.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/047503
    Abstract ( 740 )   HTML   PDF (1017KB) ( 464 )  

    The effect of the volume fraction of ferromagnetic metal (x) in (Ni75Fe25)x(ZnO)1-x nanogranular thin films on microstructural, soft-magnetic, and high-frequency properties was investigated. Good soft-magnetic properties were obtained in a broad x range, with 0.55 < x < 0.82. High resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) observations reveal that the grain size of the samples is lower than 14 nm, and that it decreases with decreasing x. Of special interest, our investigation of the permeability spectra indicates that these films exhibit an adjustable frequency linewidth of resonance peak, dependant upon changing x. Correspondingly, large and adjustable damping coefficients (αeff) from 0.023 to 0.043 were achieved by decreasing x from 0.82 to 0.55. Combined with the HRTEM results, the variation of αeff with x was analyzed in detail.

    Optimization of TiO2/Cu/TiO2 multilayers as a transparent composite electrode deposited by electron-beam evaporation at room temperature
    Sun Hong-Tao (孙洪涛), Wang Xiao-Ping (王小平), Kou Zhi-Qi (寇志起), Wang Li-Jun (王丽军), Wang Jin-Ye (王金烨), Sun Yi-Qing (孙义清)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  047701.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/047701
    Abstract ( 685 )   HTML   PDF (509KB) ( 709 )  
    Highly transparent indium-free composite electrodes of TiO2/Cu/TiO2 are deposited by electron-beam evaporation at room temperature. The effects of Cu thickness and annealing temperature on the electrical and optical properties of the multilayer film are investigated. The critical thickness of Cu mid-layer to form a continuous conducting layer is found to be 11 nm. The multilayer with a mid-Cu thickness of 11 nm is optimized to obtain a resistivity of 7.4× 10-5 Ω · cm and an average optical transmittance of 86% in the visible spectral range. The figure of merit of the TiO2/Cu(11 nm)/TiO2 multilayer annealed at 150 ℃ reaches a minimum resistivity of 5.9× 10-5Ω · cm and an average optical transmittance of 88% in the visible spectral range. The experimental results indicate that TiO2/Cu/TiO2 multilayers can be used as a transparent electrode for solar cell and other display applications.
    Optical properties of rubrene thin film prepared by thermal evaporation
    Chen Liang (陈亮), Deng Jin-Xiang (邓金祥), Kong Le (孔乐), Cui Min (崔敏), Chen Ren-Gang (陈仁刚), Zhang Zi-Jia (张紫佳)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  047801.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/047801
    Abstract ( 709 )   HTML   PDF (477KB) ( 597 )  
    Rubrene thin films are deposited on quartz substrates and silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) films by the thermal evaporation technique. The optical properties of rubrene thin film are investigated in a spectral range of 190 nm-1600 nm. The analysis of the absorption coefficient (α) reveals direct allowed transition with a corresponding energy of 2.24 eV. The photoluminescence (PL) peak of the rubrene thin film is observed to be at 563 nm (2.21 eV). With the use of Ag NPs which are fabricated by radio-frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering on the quartz, the PL intensity is 8.5 times that of as-deposited rubrene thin film. It is attributed to the fact that the surface plasmon enhances the photoluminescence.
    Abnormal ionization in sonoluminescence Hot!
    Zhang Wen-Juan (张文娟), An Yu (安宇)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  047802.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/047802
    Abstract ( 693 )   HTML   PDF (415KB) ( 336 )  

    Sonoluminescence is a complex phenomenon, the mechanism of which remains unclear. The present study reveals that an abnormal ionization process is likely to be present in the sonoluminescing bubble. To fit the experimental data of previous studies, we assume that the ionization energies of the molecules and atoms in the bubble decrease as the gas density increases and that the decrease of the ionization energy reaches about 60%-70% as the bubble flashes, which is difficult to explain by using previous models.

    Strain distributions of confined Au/Ag and Ag/Au nanoparticles
    Huang Hong-Hua (黄红华), Zhang Ying (章英), Liu Xiao-Shan (刘晓山), Luo Xing-Fang (骆兴芳), Yuan Cai-Lei (袁彩雷), Ye Shuang-Li (叶双莉)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  047803.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/047803
    Abstract ( 702 )   HTML   PDF (11000KB) ( 361 )  
    The strain distributions of Au/Ag and Ag/Au nanoparticles confined in the Al2O3 matrix with different core sizes are investigated by using the finite element method, respectively. The simulation results clearly indicate that the compressive strains exerted on the Au/Ag and Ag/Au nanoparticles can be induced by the Al2O3 matrix. Moreover, it can be found that the strain gradient existing in a Au/Ag nanoparticle is much larger than that in a Ag/Au nanoparticle, which could be due to the larger Young's modulus of Au than that of Ag. With the core size increasing, the strain gradient existing in the Au/Ag nanoparticle becomes larger, while the strain gradient existing in the Ag/Au nanoparticle keeps constant. These different strain distributions may have significant influences on the structures and morphologies of the Au/Ag and Ag/Au nanoparticles, leading to the different physical properties for potential applications.
    Effect of local environment in resonant domains of polydisperse plasmonic nanoparticle aggregates on optodynamic processes in pulsed laser fields Hot!
    A. E. Ershov, A. P. Gavrilyuk, S. V. Karpov, P. N. Semina
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  047804.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/047804
    Abstract ( 712 )   HTML   PDF (1586KB) ( 427 )  

    Interactions of pulsed laser radiation with resonance domains of multiparticle colloidal aggregates having an increasingly complex local environment are studied via an optodynamic model. The model is applied to the simplest configurations, such as single particles, dimers, and trimers consisting of mono- and polydisperse Ag nanoparticles. We analyze how the local environment and the associated local field enhancement by surrounding particles affect the optodynamic processes in domains, including their photomodification and optical properties.

    Electron with arbitrary pseudo-spins in multilayer graphene
    Worasak Prarokijjak, Bumned Soodchomshom
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  048101.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/048101
    Abstract ( 1030 )   HTML   PDF (369KB) ( 590 )  
    Using the low-energy effective Hamiltonian of the ABC-stacked multilayer graphene, the pseudo-spin coupling to real orbital angular momentum of electrons in multilayer graphene is investigated. We show that the electron wave function in N-layer graphene mimics the behavior of a particle with a spin of N× (ħ/2), where N=1, 2, 3,.... It is said that for N>1 the low-energy effective Hamiltonian for ABC-stacked graphene cannot be used to describe pseudo-spin-1/2 particles. The wave function of electrons in multilayer graphene may behave like fermionic (or bosonic) particle for N being odd (or even). In this paper, we propose a theory of graphene serving as a host material of electrons with arbitrary pseudo-spins tunable by changing the number of graphene layers.
    Effect of milling atmosphere on structural and magnetic properties of Ni–Zn ferrite nanocrystalline
    Abdollah Hajalilou, Mansor Hashim, Reza Ebrahimi-Kahrizsangi, Mohamad Taghi Masoudi
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  048102.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/048102
    Abstract ( 664 )   HTML   PDF (4090KB) ( 487 )  
    Powder mixtures of Zn, NiO, and Fe2O3 are mechanically alloyed by high energy ball milling to produce Ni-Zn ferrite with a nominal composition of Ni0.36Zn0.64Fe2O4. The effects of milling atmospheres (argon, air, and oxygen), milling time (from 0 to 30 h) and heat treatment are studied. The products are characterized using x-ray diffractometry, field emission scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy, and transmitted electron microscopy. The results indicate that the desired ferrite is not produced during the milling in the samples milled under either air or oxygen atmospheres. In those samples milled under argon, however, Zn/NiO/Fe2O3 reacts with a solid-state diffusion mode to produce Ni-Zn ferrite nanocrystalline in a size of 8 nm after 30-h-milling. The average crystallite sizes decrease to 9 nm and 10 nm in 30-h-milling samples under air and oxygen atmospheres, respectively. Annealing the 30-h-milling samples at 600 ℃ for 2 h leads to the formation of a single phase of Ni-Zn ferrite, an increase of crystallite size, and a reduction of internal lattice strain. Finally, the effects of the milling atmosphere and heating temperature on the magnetic properties of the 30-h-milling samples are investigated.
    Numerical simulation and analysis of complex patterns in a two-layer coupled reaction diffusion system
    Li Xin-Zheng (李新政), Bai Zhan-Guo (白占国), Li Yan (李燕), He Ya-Feng (贺亚峰), Zhao Kun (赵昆)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  048201.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/048201
    Abstract ( 675 )   HTML   PDF (723KB) ( 438 )  
    The resonance interaction between two modes is investigated using a two-layer coupled Brusselator model. When two different wavelength modes satisfy resonance conditions, new modes will appear, and a variety of superlattice patterns can be obtained in a short wavelength mode subsystem. We find that even though the wavenumbers of two Turing modes are fixed, the parameter changes have influences on wave intensity and pattern selection. When a hexagon pattern occurs in the short wavelength mode layer and a stripe pattern appears in the long wavelength mode layer, the Hopf instability may happen in a nonlinearly coupled model, and twinkling-eye hexagon and travelling hexagon patterns will be obtained. The symmetries of patterns resulting from the coupled modes may be different from those of their parents, such as the cluster hexagon pattern and square pattern. With the increase of perturbation and coupling intensity, the nonlinear system will convert between a static pattern and a dynamic pattern when the Turing instability and Hopf instability happen in the nonlinear system. Besides the wavenumber ratio and intensity ratio of the two different wavelength Turing modes, perturbation and coupling intensity play an important role in the pattern formation and selection. According to the simulation results, we find that two modes with different symmetries can also be in the spatial resonance under certain conditions, and complex patterns appear in the two-layer coupled reaction diffusion systems.
    A two-stage spectrum sensing scheme based on energy detection and a novel multitaper method
    Qi Pei-Han (齐佩汉), Li Zan (李赞), Si Jiang-Bo (司江勃), Xiong Tian-Yi (熊天意)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  048401.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/048401
    Abstract ( 671 )   HTML   PDF (387KB) ( 319 )  
    Wideband spectrum sensing has drawn much attention in recent years since it provides more opportunities to the secondary users. However, wideband spectrum sensing requires a long time and a complex mechanism at the sensing terminal. A two-stage wideband spectrum sensing scheme is considered to proceed spectrum sensing with low time consumption and high performance to tackle this predicament. In this scheme, a novel multitaper spectrum sensing (MSS) method is proposed to mitigate the poor performance of energy detection (ED) in the low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) region. The closed-form expression of the decision threshold is derived based on the Neyman-Pearson criterion and the probability of detection in the Rayleigh fading channel is analyzed. An optimization problem is formulated to maximize the probability of detection of the proposed two-stage scheme and the average sensing time of the two-stage scheme is analyzed. Numerical results validate the efficiency of MSS and show that the two-stage spectrum sensing scheme enjoys higher performance in the low SNR region and lower time cost in the high SNR region than the single-stage scheme.
    Research on spatial-variant property of bistatic ISAR imaging plane of space target
    Guo Bao-Feng (郭宝锋), Wang Jun-Ling (王俊岭), Gao Mei-Guo (高梅国), Shang Chao-Xuan (尚朝轩), Fu Xiong-Jun (傅雄军)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  048402.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/048402
    Abstract ( 757 )   HTML   PDF (497KB) ( 293 )  
    The imaging plane of inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) is the projection plane of the target. When taking an image using the range-Doppler theory, the imaging plane may have a spatial-variant property, which causes the change of scatter's projection position and results in migration through resolution cells. In this study, we focus on the spatial-variant property of the imaging plane of a three-axis-stabilized space target. The innovative contributions are as follows. 1) The target motion model in orbit is provided based on a two-body model. 2) The instantaneous imaging plane is determined by the method of vector analysis. 3) Three Euler angles are introduced to describe the spatial-variant property of the imaging plane, and the image quality is analyzed. The simulation results confirm the analysis of the spatial-variant property. The research in this study is significant for the selection of the imaging segment, and provides the evidence for the following data processing and compensation algorithm.
    Enhanced near-infrared responsivity of silicon photodetector by the impurity photovoltaic effect
    Yuan Ji-Ren (袁吉仁), Huang Hai-Bin (黄海宾), Deng Xin-Hua (邓新华), Liang Xiao-Jun (梁晓军), Zhou Nai-Gen (周耐根), Zhou Lang (周浪)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  048501.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/048501
    Abstract ( 763 )   HTML   PDF (464KB) ( 423 )  
    The near-infrared responsivity of a silicon photodetector employing the impurity photovoltaic (IPV) effect is investigated with a numerical method. The improvement of the responsivity can reach 0.358 A/W at a wavelength of about 1200 nm, and its corresponding quantum efficiency is 41.1%. The origin of the enhanced responsivity is attributed to the absorption of sub-bandgap photons, which results in the carrier transition from the impurity energy level to the conduction band. The results indicate that the IPV effect may provide a general approach to enhancing the responsivity of photodetectors.
    Simulation and experimental study of high power microwave damage effect on AlGaAs/InGaAs pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor
    Yu Xin-Hai (于新海), Chai Chang-Chun (柴常春), Liu Yang (刘阳), Yang Yin-Tang (杨银堂), Xi Xiao-Wen (席晓文)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  048502.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/048502
    Abstract ( 817 )   HTML   PDF (556KB) ( 408 )  
    The high power microwave (HPM) damage effect on the AlGaAs/InGaAs pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor (pHEMT) is studied by simulation and experiments. Simulated results suggest that the HPM damage to pHEMT is due to device burn-out caused by the emerging current path and strong electric field beneath the gate. Besides, the results demonstrate that the damage power threshold decreases but the energy threshold slightly increases with the increase of pulse-width, indicating that HPM with longer pulse-width requires lower power density but more energy to cause the damage to pHEMT. The empirical formulas are proposed to describe the pulse-width dependence. Then the experimental data validate the pulse-width dependence and verify that the proposed formula P = 55τ-0.06 is capable of quickly and accurately estimating the HPM damage susceptibility of pHEMT. Finally the interior observation of damaged samples by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) illustrates that the failure mechanism of the HPM damage to pHEMT is indeed device burn-out and the location beneath the gate near the source side is most susceptible to burn-out, which is in accordance with the simulated results.
    Transient simulation and analysis of current collapse due to trapping effects in AlGaN/GaN high-electron-mobility transistor
    Zhou Xing-Ye (周幸叶), Feng Zhi-Hong (冯志红), Wang Yuan-Gang (王元刚), Gu Guo-Dong (顾国栋), Song Xu-Bo (宋旭波), Cai Shu-Jun (蔡树军)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  048503.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/048503
    Abstract ( 1062 )   HTML   PDF (462KB) ( 693 )  
    In this paper, two-dimensional (2D) transient simulations of an AlGaN/GaN high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) are carried out and analyzed to investigate the current collapse due to trapping effects. The coupling effect of the trapping and thermal effects are taken into account in our simulation. The turn-on pulse gate-lag transient responses with different quiescent biases are obtained, and the pulsed current-voltage (I-V) curves are extracted from the transients. The experimental results of both gate-lag transient current and pulsed I-V curves are reproduced by the simulation, and the current collapse due to the trapping effect is explained from the view of physics based on the simulation results. In addition, the results show that bulk acceptor traps can influence the gate-lag transient characteristics of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs besides surface traps and that the thermal effect can accelerate the emission of captured electrons for traps. Pulse transient simulation is meaningful in analyzing the mechanism of dynamic current collapse, and the work in this paper will benefit the reliability study and model development of GaN-based devices.
    Analysis on high speed response of a uni-traveling-carrier double hetero-junction phototransistor
    Jiang Zhi-Yun (江之韵), Xie Hong-Yun (谢红云), Zhang Liang-Hao (张良浩), Zhang Wan-Rong (张万荣), Hu Rui-Xin (胡瑞心), Huo Wen-Juan (霍文娟)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  048504.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/048504
    Abstract ( 646 )   HTML   PDF (266KB) ( 305 )  
    In this paper, the positive influence of a uni-traveling-carrier (UTC) structure to ease the contract between the responsivity and working speed of the InP-based double hetero-junction phototransistor (DHPT) is illustrated in detail. Different results under electrical bias, optical bias or combined electrical and optical bias are analyzed for an excellent UTC-DHPT performance. The results show that when the UTC-DHPT operates at three-terminal (3T) working mode with combined electrical bias and optical bias in base, it keeps a high optical responsivity of 34.72 A/W and the highest optical transition frequency of 120 GHz. The current gain of the 3T UTC-DHPT under 1.55-μm light illuminations reaches 62 dB. This indicates that the combined base electrical bias and optical bias of 3T UTC-DHPT can make sure that the UTC-DHPT provides high optical current gain and high optical transition frequency simultaneously.
    Wireless contactless pressure measurement of an LC passive pressure sensor with a novel antenna for high-temperature applications
    Li Chen (李晨), Tan Qiu-Lin (谭秋林), Xue Chen-Yang (薛晨阳), Zhang Wen-Dong (张文栋), Li Yun-Zhi (李运芝), Xiong Ji-Jun (熊继军)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  048801.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/048801
    Abstract ( 806 )   HTML   PDF (919KB) ( 504 )  
    In this paper, a novel antenna is proposed for high-temperature test, which can make the high-temperature pressure characteristics of a wireless passive ceramic pressure sensor demonstrated at up to a temperature of 600 ℃. The design parameters of the antenna are similar to those of the sensor, which will increase the coupling strength between the sensor and testing antenna. The antenna is fabricated in thick film integrated technology, and the properties of the alumina ceramic and silver ensure the feasibility of the antenna in high-temperature environments. The sensor, coupled with the ceramic antenna, is investigated using a high-temperature pressure testing platform. The experimental measurement results show that the pressure signal in a harsh environment can be detected by the frequency diversity of the sensor.
    Warm-dry collocation of the recent drought in southwestern China tied to moisture transport and climate warming
    Dai Xin-Gang (戴新刚), Liu Ye (柳晔), Wang Ping (汪萍)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  049201.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/049201
    Abstract ( 638 )   HTML   PDF (1173KB) ( 308 )  
    This study aims to investigate the recent drought in southwestern China and its association with environmental changes in moisture transport (MT) and atmospheric circulation. Climatic Research Unit grid data, in situ observations in China, and ERA-interim reanalysis are used to study the characteristics of the drought and the associated mechanism. Recent precipitation trends show a pattern of “Northern wetting and Southern drying”, similar to the anti-phase of the climate pattern prevailing during 1980-2000 in mainland China; southwestern China has incurred a severe drought during 2009-2013. Wavelet analysis reveals that the drought coincides with a warm-dry phase of temperature and precipitation on a period of about 20 years and beyond 100 years, which contributions account for 43% and 57% of the deficiency of the precipitation, averaged for 2003-2012, respectively. A further investigation reveals that the drought results chiefly from the decline of the southwestern monsoon MT toward southwestern China, in addition to mid-latitude circulation changes, which leads to more blockings near the Ural Mountains and the Sea of Okhotsk in the rainy season and negative anomalies around the Lake Baikal and Northeast China in the dry season. These anomalies are likely to be correlated with global sea surface temperature changes and need to be studied further.
    Function projective synchronization between two different complex networks with correlated random disturbances
    Jin Yun-Guo (金运国), Zhong Shou-Ming (钟守铭), An Na (安娜)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  049202.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/049202
    Abstract ( 733 )   HTML   PDF (490KB) ( 320 )  
    Although function projective synchronization in complex dynamical networks has been extensively studied in the literature, few papers deal with the problem between two different complex networks with correlated random disturbances. In this paper, we present some novel techniques to analyze the problem of synchronization. A probability approach is introduced to obtain an almost sure synchronization criterion. We also present some efficient approaches to analyze the problem of exponential synchronization. For the problem of synchronization in some complex networks, our approaches not only can replace the LaSalle-type theorem but also allow improvements of existing results in the literature. Finally, some numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.
    Spatiotemporal characteristics and water budget of water cycle elements in different seasons in northeast China
    Zhou Jie (周杰), Zhao Jun-Hu (赵俊虎), He Wen-Ping (何文平), Gong Zhi-Qiang (龚志强)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  049203.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/049203
    Abstract ( 619 )   HTML   PDF (999KB) ( 2067 )  
    In this paper, we study the spatiotemporal characteristics of precipitable water, precipitation, evaporation, and water-vapor flux divergence in different seasons over northeast China and the water balance of that area. The data used in this paper is provided by the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF). The results show that the spatial distributions of precipitable water, precipitation, and evaporation feature that the values of elements above in the southeastern area are larger than those in the northwestern area; in summer, much precipitation and evaporation occur in the Changbai Mountain region as a strong moisture convergence region; in spring and autumn, moisture divergence dominates the northeast of China; in winter, the moisture divergence and convergence are weak in this area. From 1979 to 2010, the total precipitation of summer and autumn in northeast China decreased significantly; especially from 1999 to 2010, the summer precipitation always demonstrated negative anomaly. Additionally, other elements in different seasons changed in a truly imperceptible way. In spring, the evaporation exceeded the precipitation in northeast China; in summer, the precipitation was more prominent; in autumn and winter, precipitation played a more dominating role than the evaporation in the northern part of northeast China, while the evaporation exceeded the precipitation in the southern part.
    The Interim ECMWF Re-Analysis (ERA-Interim) data have properly described the water balance of different seasons in northeast China. Based on ERA-Interim data, the moisture sinks computed through moisture convergence and moisture local variation are quite consistent with those computed through precipitation and evaporation, which proves that ERA-Interim data can be used in the research of water balance in northeast China. On a seasonal scale, the moisture convergence has a greater influence than the local moisture variation on a moisture sink, and the latter is variable slightly, generally as a constant. Likewise, in different seasons, the total precipitation has a much greater influence than the evaporation on the moisture sink.
    Objective identification research on cold vortex and mid-summer rainy periods in Northeast China
    Gong Zhi-Qiang (龚志强), Feng Tai-Chen (封泰晨), Fang Yi-He (房一禾)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  049204.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/049204
    Abstract ( 657 )   HTML   PDF (1089KB) ( 383 )  
    Considering the differences between the Northeast China Cold Vortex (CV) and the Mid-Summer (MS) rainy period and their corresponding atmospheric circulations are comprehensively analyzed, and the objective identification methods of defining the annual beginning and ending dates of Northeast China CV and MS rainy periods are developed respectively. The annual beginning date of the CV (MS) rainy period is as follows. In a period from April to August, if daily regional mean precipitation ryi is larger than yearly regional mean precipitation R (or 2R) on a certain day, the station precipitation rs is larger than the station yearly mean precipitation 〈r〉 (or 2〈r〉) in at least 50% of stations in Northeast China, and this condition is satisfied in the following 2 (7) days, then this date is defined as the beginning date of the CV (MS) rainy period. While the definition of the ending date of the MS rainy period shows the opposite process to its beginning date. With this objective identification method, the multi-year average (1981-2010) beginning date of the CV rainy period is May 3, the beginning date of the MS rainy period is June 27, the ending day of the CV rainy period is defined as the day before the beginning date of the MS rainy period, and the ending date of the MS rainy period is August 29. Meanwhile, corresponding anomaly analysis at a 500-hPa geopotential height, 850-hPa wind, Omega and relative humidity fields all show that the definitions of the average beginning and ending dates of the CV and MS rainy periods have a certain circulation meaning. Furthermore, the daily evolution of the CV index, meridional and zonal wind index, etc. all show that these objectively defined beginning and ending dates of the CV and MS rainy periods have climate significance.
    Comparison of performance between rescaled range analysis and rescaled variance analysis in detecting abrupt dynamic change
    He Wen-Ping (何文平), Liu Qun-Qun (刘群群), Jiang Yun-Di (姜允迪), Lu Ying (卢莹)
    Chin. Phys. B, 2015, 24 (4):  049205.  DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/24/4/049205
    Abstract ( 716 )   HTML   PDF (1282KB) ( 396 )  
    In the present paper, a comparison of the performance between moving cutting data-rescaled range analysis (MC-R/S) and moving cutting data-rescaled variance analysis (MC-V/S) is made. The results clearly indicate that the operating efficiency of the MC-R/S algorithm is higher than that of the MC-V/S algorithm. In our numerical test, the computer time consumed by MC-V/S is approximately 25 times that by MC-R/S for an identical window size in artificial data. Except for the difference in operating efficiency, there are no significant differences in performance between MC-R/S and MC-V/S for the abrupt dynamic change detection. MC-R/S and MC-V/S both display some degree of anti-noise ability. However, it is important to consider the influences of strong noise on the detection results of MC-R/S and MC-V/S in practical application processes.
ISSN 1674-1056   CN 11-5639/O4
, Vol. 24, No. 4

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1992 - present