About CPB

  • Chinese Physics B (formerly Chinese Physics), sponsored by Chinese Physical Society and Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, is one of the most prestigious physics journals published in China. It publishes "original research papers", "rapid communications", "reviews",  "data papers", and  “Instrumentation and Measurement” papers on the latest developments and achievements in all branches of physics worldwide except nuclear physics and physics of elementary particles and fields. 

    Subject coverage includes:
    condensed matter and materials physics;
    atomic, molecular, and optical physics;
    statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics;
    plasma physics;
    interdisciplinary physics. 

    Chinese physics B is collaborating with the IOP Publishing (IOPP, UK) in distributing the journal worldwide.

    Chinese Physics B is among the Chinese journals first indexed by SCI and currently incorporated in major international indexing systems, such as SCI, EI, Scopus, CA, INSPEC, JICST, AJ, CSTPCD, CSCD, etc. 

  • 14 January 2012   View: 138841
ISSN 1674-1056   CN 11-5639/O4

Current issue

15 March 2025, Vol. 34, No. 3

Previous issues

1992 - present