Review policy

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    1. General
    Types of papers suitable for publication in Chinese Physics B include original research papers, rapid communications, and reviews. Some feature columns were launched in recent years,such as "Data paper", "Computational Programs for Physics", and "Instrumentation and Measurement" .
    Papers in the field of condensed matter physics are mostly encouraged. Papers on the latest developments and achievements in all branches of physics except “nuclear physics and physics of elementary particles and fields” are welcomed.

    2. Acceptance criteria
    Chinese Physics B is committed to publish new physics. The work accepted for publication in Chinese Physics B should be original and valid, with enough physical insights, and interesting to researchers in the related research fields.
    Manuscripts should be rejected by Chinese Physics B if any of the following reasons exists:
    (1) Contents are not suitable for Chinese Physics B.
    (2) Substantial errors exist.
    (3) Manuscript lacks of physical insights.
    (4) Most of the results have been published.
    (5) The academic quality is fair or even poor.
    (6) Manuscript is poorly written in English.

    3. Online manuscript review
    We prefer referees to submit their review reports via our online system by following the link provided in the referee inviting email.
    When substantial mathematical material is needed in the report, please prepare the report in a separate Word (.doc) or PDF (.pdf) file and upload the report on the Enter Comments page.
    However, you may email your report to if you have difficulty with the online review system. In the email, please also provide manuscript number, authors, and title of the manuscript reviewed.

    4. Peer-review policies
    All manuscripts submitted to Chinese Physics B are pre-reviewed by editors. Those passing the pre-review will be sent to at least one referee for peer review, but usually two or more independent referees are selected by the editors.
    To make sure that the authors have revised their manuscript according to the referees’ comments, sometimes we will send the revised manuscript to the referees for finial recommendation.
    The editor-in-chief and the associate editors of Chinese Physics B will make the final decision according to the peer review reports and the authors’ revisions.
    Please keep the manuscript sent to you for peer review and the associated data confidential, and do not distribute copies of the manuscript or results contained in it without the permission from the journal. Please feel free to show the manuscript to knowledgeable colleagues and consult them about your review. Suggestions for alternative referees are helpful to the editors and would be appreciated. 

    Chinese Physics B does not accept or condone the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) or AI chatbots to write peer review reports, either fully or partially. The unpublished manuscript or its related information must not be entered into databases or AI tools that do not guarantee confidentiality. LLMs and AI chatbots are not subject experts as they lack the ability or comprehension to assume responsibility for work they have helped create and are therefore unable to adhere to the ethical standards of Chinese Physics B

    5. Timing
    Chinese Physics B is committed to rapidly distribute the latest research results, we therefore ask referees to respond within 20 days. Our editorial system will automatically remind referees by email after 15 days.

  • 14 January 2012   View: 38175
ISSN 1674-1056   CN 11-5639/O4

Current issue

15 March 2025, Vol. 34, No. 3

Previous issues

1992 - present