Author FAQs

  • 1. Question: How to Submit to Chinese Physics B ?
    Answer: Chinese Physics B receives manuscripts only through ONLINE SUBMISSION. Authors must registers before submitting. E-mail submission is NO longer suggested.

    2.Question: Why do I fail to register?
    (1) Please check your username. Any special characters such as *, $,&,# will be rejected to register.
    (2) Check whether your username or e-mail has been registered.
    If you have any difficulty in registering, please feel free to e-mail to

    3. Question: Why do I fail to login?
    Answer: Usually, failure to login is caused by the following reasons:
    (1) The username and password is CASE SENSITIVE.
    (2) There are more than one accounts with this usename.
    In this case, you should email to to require merging your account, and the valid account will be sent to you by email.
    (3) Error username or Password: If you forget the registered username or password,or the old username is invalid, please DO NOT register repeatedly. It may be caused by the adjustment of our database to keep the data easy-managed.  Please use 'Password Help' to get back your account information.

    4. Question: When I get back my account information, Why are there so many account? Which one can I use?
    Answer: The only reason is that you have registered independently in the 4 Journals published by Chinese Physical Society (Chinese Physics B, Acta Physica Sinica, Chinese Physics Letters, Physics), which were running independently before.
    And now, they are running together and share information between each other.
    You can use any of the account to login.
    However, we strongly suggest to merge the redundancy information, in order not to confuse the authors or reviewers. So, please feel free to email to, tell us the account you would like to keep valid, we will merge the others for you.

    Any questions or suggestions in submitting or reviewing will be warmly welcome.
    Technology support is available to email:
    Manuscript or reviewing process is available to email:

  • 14 January 2012   View: 36194
ISSN 1674-1056   CN 11-5639/O4

Current issue

15 March 2025, Vol. 34, No. 3

Previous issues

1992 - present