
  • CPB Excellence Awards 2024 
    Recommended by the editorial office, and determined by the Editorial Board of Chinese Physics B, the CPB excellence awards 2024 were given to 8 selected papers published between 2020—2022 in Chinese Physics B. These papers have good quality and show high impact with good citations.

    Outstanding Reviewer Awards 2023 
    To recognise the important contribution that Reviewers make to the publishing process, CPB select 58 best reviewers of 2023 based on the quality, quantity and timeliness of their reviews.

    Outstanding Reviewer Awards 2022
    To recognise the important contribution that Reviewers make to the publishing process, CPB select the best reviewers of the year based on the quality, quantity and timeliness of their reviews.

    CPB Excellence Awards 2023
    Recommended by the editorial office, and determined by the Editorial Board of Chinese Physics B, the CPB excellence awards 2023 were given to six selected papers published between 2020—2021 in Chinese Physics B. These papers have good quality and show high impact with good citations.

    CPB Excellence Awards 2022
    Recommended by the editorial office, and determined by the Editorial Board of Chinese Physics B, the CPB excellence awards 2022 were given to eight selected papers published between 2019—2021 in Chinese Physics B. These papers have good quality and show high impact with good citations.

    Outstanding Reviewer Awards 2021
    To recognise the important contribution that Reviewers make to the publishing process, CPB select the best reviewers of the year based on the quality, quantity and timeliness of their reviews.

    CPS Excellence Awards 2021
    Recommended by the editorial office, and determined by the Editorial Board of Chinese Physics B, the CPS excellence awards 2021 were given to eight selected papers published between 2018—2020 in Chinese Physics B. These papers have good quality and show high impact with good citations.

    Outstanding Reviewer Awards 2020
    To recognise the important contribution that Reviewers make to the publishing process, CPB select the best reviewers of the year based on the quality, quantity and timeliness of their reviews.

    CPS Excellence Awards 2020 
    Recommended by the editorial office, and determined by the Editorial Board of Chinese Physics B, the CPS excellence awards 2020 were given to six selected papers published between 2016—2018 in Chinese Physics B. These papers have excellent quality and show high impact with good citations.

    Outstanding Reviewer Awards 2019
    To recognise the important contribution that Reviewers make to the publishing process, CPB select the best reviewers of the year based on the quality, quantity and timeliness of their reviews.

    CPS Excellence Awards 2019
    At the CPS Annual Meeting held in Zhengzhou, China in September 2019, CPS excellence awards were given to selected papers published between 2015--2017 in Chinese Physics B. These papers have excellent quality and show high impact with good citations. 

    CPS Excellence Awards 2018
    At the CPS Annual Meeting held in Dalian, China in September 2018, CPS excellence awards were given to selected papers published between 2013--2016 in Chinese Physics B. These papers have excellent quality and show high impact with good citations.

  •   View: 4545
ISSN 1674-1056   CN 11-5639/O4

Current issue

, Vol. 34, No. 1

Previous issues

1992 - present