Instruction for authors

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                                                          Instruction for Authors   (Download: Chinese)

    Chinese Physics B (Chin. Phys. B), formerly titled Chinese Physics, is published monthly in English by the Chinese Physical Society (CPS) and IOP Publishing. It is an international academic journal, aiming to publish Original Research Papers, Rapid Communications, and Reviews on the latest developments and achievements in all branches of physics worldwide except nuclear physics and physics of elementary particles and fields. The journal actively organizes Special topics and Topical reviews. It has three feature columns of Data Papers, Instrumentation and Measurement, and Computational Programs for Physics

    Chin. Phys. B has already been included in some world famous international index systems including SCI, EI, Scopus, and INSPEC.

    Chin. Phys. B accepts manuscripts that neither have been published in any form nor are currently under consideration for publication at any other journal. Meanwhile, the copyright transfer agreement, whose form can be found and downloaded from the website of Chin. Phys. B, should be signed. A scanned copy of the signed copyright transfer agreement should be uploaded in the full text uploading webpage during the manuscript submission process.

    Chin. Phys. B has six sections: (1) Original research papers: Reports of original research of high importance. (2) Rapid Communications: Rapid reports of primary results of a research project or short reports of novel discoveries with common interest. (3) Reviews: Summation of and comment on the recent advances in a specific research area including perspective of the further development of the subject.  Review of the research achievements made by a scientist or a group of scientists who have systematically worked on the subject will be most encouraged. The review is required to include the authors' own substantial works. (4) Data Papers: The Data Paper is dedicated to publishing experimental, theoretical, and computational data (dataset or database) with high quality and reuse value in physics. The data will be deposited in an accredited data repository, and data records are linked in the Data Paper to facilitate data access. The main content of the Data Paper should include the methods used to collect the data, the data source and the data usage notes. In-depth analyses and discussion of the Data are not required. The Data Paper can be complementary to the traditional research articles, and may be used to describe datasets that have been analyzed in other publications.  (5) Instrumentation and Measurement: The Instrumentation and Measurement paper is dedicated to publishing new developments in physical instrumentation, apparatuses, measurement techniques, and related measurement theory. Manuscript should emphasize the novelty and significance of the reported method, as well as the improvement of specific indicators such as uncertainty, precision and/or accuracy of the measurement presented. Examples or applications are encouraged to demonstrate its performance. (6) Computational Programs for Physics “Computational Programs for Physics” is dedicated to promoting the sharing and cooperation of computer programs developed for physics. Both research papers and review articles are welcome. Good computational programs are the focus of this type of papers, whereas new physics and results are not necessary for acceptance. A good program should contain at least one of these factors: accuracy, efficiency, new functionality, accessibility, expansibility, etc. The main content of the paper usually should include the methods used in the program, the description of the program (anything important and special in the program), the verification and benchmark of the program, and application examples. The related programs will be deposited in an accredited repository with links provided in the paper to facilitate the program access.

    The research results should be sufficiently novel and interesting to physical scientists. The manuscripts should be well organized and clearly written in English without any mistake in grammar. The manuscript should be prepared using Microsoft Word or LaTeX, including figures, photos, and tables (if any) arranged in appropriate place(s) in its text.

    The items included in the manuscript should be arranged as follows: 1) full title of the manuscript; 2) author's name; 3) author's affiliation; 4) abstract; 5) keywords; 6) PACS numbers, no more than 4 sets; 7) main text; 8) data availability; 9) acknowledgements (including the funding support); and 10) references. Special attention should be paid to both the title and the Abstract, which will be indexed in major databases and searched for by readers via Internet. Accurate and informative title and abstract are very helpful to attract the readers' more attention.

    For more information on how to prepare your manuscript, please see the "How to prepare your manuscript" at And then the full manuscript should be submitted to the editorial office of Chin. Phys. B through our electronic submission system at website

    Authors should not list AI Chatbots or Large Language Models (LLMs) as an author or co-author, nor cite AI as an author. Authorship implies responsibilities and tasks that can only be attributed to and performed by humans. Authors using LLMs to assist in generating ideas and/or aiding drafting of the paper should declare this fact and provide full transparency of the LLM used (name, version, model, source) within the paper. The disclose statement should be added to the Methods section or the Acknowledgment section of the manuscript. This statement does not apply to the use of basic tools for checking grammar, spelling, references, etc. Format of the statement: During the preparation of this work the author(s) used [NAME TOOL/SERVICE] in order to [reason]. After using this tool/service, the author(s) reviewed and edited the content as needed and take(s) full responsibility of the content of the publication.
    All manuscripts submitted to Chin. Phys. B are pre-reviewed by editors and Editorial Board Members. Those passing the pre-review will be sent to at least two referees. Sometimes we will send the author revised manuscript to the referees for finial recommendation. The editor-in-chief and the associate editors of Chin. Phys. B will make the final decision according to the peer review reports and the authors’ revisions.

    There is no submission fee for peer review. For submissions within China, upon acceptance, the author is required to pay an article processing charge based on the number of  typeset pages; after publication, the corresponding author will receive a remuneration for their contribution.

    Chin. Phys. B opens a “Green Channel” for excellent research work recommended by the editorial board members or referees. These results will be reviewed and published in a very short time..

    The author should keep the original manuscript and the manuscript accession number. If the author is not informed that his manuscript is accepted three months after submitting his manuscript, he may treat it at will, but he should inform the editorial office of Chin. Phys. B about the retreat.

  • 02 January 2012   View: 96892
ISSN 1674-1056   CN 11-5639/O4

Current issue

15 March 2025, Vol. 34, No. 3

Previous issues

1992 - present