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Chin. Phys. B, 2012, Vol. 21(10): 108102    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/21/10/108102

Influence of annealing treatment on as-grown Ib-type diamond crystal at a high temperature and high pressure

Huang Guo-Feng (黄国锋)a, Yin Ji-Wen (尹辑文)a, Bai Hong-Bo (白洪波)a, HuYi-Ga (胡义嘎)a, Kai Li (凯丽)a, Jing Jing (静婧)a, Ma Hong-An (马红安)b, Jia Xiao-Peng (贾晓鹏)a b
a Department of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Chifeng College, Chifeng 024000, China;
b National Laboratory of Superhard Materials, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China
Abstract  In this paper, we report on the influence of annealing treatment on as-grown Ib-type diamond crystal under high pressure and high temperature in a china-type cubic anvil high-pressure apparatus. Experiments are carried out at a pressure of 7.0 GPa and temperatures ranging from 1700 ℃ to 1900 ℃ for 1 h. Annealing treatment of the diamond crystal shows that the aggregation rate constant of nitrogen atoms in the as-grown Ib-type diamond crystal strongly depends on diamond morphology and annealing temperature. The aggregation rate constant of nitrogen remarkably increases with the increase of annealing temperature and its value in octahedral diamond is much higher than that in cubic diamond annealed at the same temperature. The colour of octahedral diamond crystal is obviously reduced from yellow to nearly colorless after annealing treatment for 1 h at 1900 ℃, which is induced by nitrogen aggregation in a diamond lattice. The extent of nitrogen aggregation in an annealed diamond could approach approximately 98% indicated from the infrared absorption spectra. The micro-Raman spectrum reveals that the annealing treatment can improve the crystalline quality of Ib-type diamond characterized by a half width at full maximum at first order Raman peak, and therefore the annealed diamond crystals exhibit nearly the same properties as the natural IaA-type diamond stones of high quality in the Raman measurements.
Keywords:  high pressure and high temperature      diamond crystal      annealing      nitrogen aggregation  
Received:  26 January 2012      Revised:  06 May 2012      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  81.10.Fq (Growth from melts; zone melting and refining)  
  61.72.S- (Impurities in crystals)  
  74.62.Dh (Effects of crystal defects, doping and substitution)  
  07.57.Ty (Infrared spectrometers, auxiliary equipment, and techniques)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 50572032 and 50731006).
Corresponding Authors:  Bai Hong-Bo     E-mail:

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Huang Guo-Feng (黄国锋), Yin Ji-Wen (尹辑文), Bai Hong-Bo (白洪波), HuYi-Ga (胡义嘎), Kai Li (凯丽), Jing Jing (静婧), Ma Hong-An (马红安), Jia Xiao-Peng (贾晓鹏) Influence of annealing treatment on as-grown Ib-type diamond crystal at a high temperature and high pressure 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 108102

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