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Chinese Physics, 2001, Vol. 10(8): 748-750    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/10/8/316


Shi Jian-jun (石建军), Huang Shao-yun (黄少云), Chen Kun-ji (陈坤基), Huang Xin-fan (黄信凡), Xu Jun (徐骏)
State Key Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures and Department of Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
Abstract  Highly hydrogen-diluted silane plasma is used to fabricate microcrystalline silicon films in a plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition system. X-ray diffraction and micro-Raman scattering spectroscopy are utilized to characterize their microstructure properties. Dark conductivity and drift mobility are measured by the travelling wave method. With the decreasing gas flow ratio of silane-to-hydrogen from 2% to 0.2%, the crystalline volume fraction and the drift mobility increase at room temperature. Meanwhile, the dark conductivity increases initially and then decreases. The relationship between the microstructures and transport properties is discussed.
Keywords:  Microcrystalline silicon      conductivity      mobility      travelling wave method  
Received:  28 October 2000      Revised:  28 March 2001      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  73.50.Pz (Photoconduction and photovoltaic effects)  
  78.30.Hv (Other nonmetallic inorganics)  
  78.66.-w (Optical properties of specific thin films)  
  81.15.Gh (Chemical vapor deposition (including plasma-enhanced CVD, MOCVD, ALD, etc.))  
  68.55.-a (Thin film structure and morphology)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 69890225 and 69876019) and by the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu province, China (Grant No.BK97021)

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Shi Jian-jun (石建军), Huang Shao-yun (黄少云), Chen Kun-ji (陈坤基), Huang Xin-fan (黄信凡), Xu Jun (徐骏) TRANSPORT PROPERTIES OF $\mu$c-Si:H FILMS PREPARED BY VERY HIGH HYDROGEN-DILUTED SILANE PLASMA 2001 Chinese Physics 10 748

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