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Chin. Phys. B, 2024, Vol. 33(9): 096804    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ad641f
Special Issue: SPECIAL TOPIC — Stephen J. Pennycook: A research life in atomic-resolution STEM and EELS
SPECIAL TOPIC — Stephen J. Pennycook: A research life in atomic-resolution STEM and EELS Prev   Next  

Atomically self-healing of structural defects in monolayer WSe2

Kangshu Li(李康舒)1, Junxian Li(李俊贤)1, Xiaocang Han(韩小藏)1, Wu Zhou(周武)2, and Xiaoxu Zhao(赵晓续)1,3,†
1 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China;
2 School of Physical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
3 AI for Science Institute, Beijing 100084, China
Abstract  Minimizing disorder and defects is crucial for realizing the full potential of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) materials and improving device performance to desired properties. However, the methods in defect control currently face challenges with overly large operational areas and a lack of precision in targeting specific defects. Therefore, we propose a new method for the precise and universal defect healing of TMD materials, integrating real-time imaging with scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). This method employs electron beam irradiation to stimulate the diffusion migration of surface-adsorbed adatoms on TMD materials grown by low-temperature molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), and heal defects within the diffusion range. This approach covers defect repairs ranging from zero-dimensional vacancy defects to two-dimensional grain orientation alignment, demonstrating its universality in terms of the types of samples and defects. These findings offer insights into the use of atomic-level focused electron beams at appropriate voltages in STEM for defect healing, providing valuable experience for achieving atomic-level precise fabrication of TMD materials.
Keywords:  scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM)      atom manipulation      nanoscale materials and structures: fabrication and characterization      new materials: theory      design      fabrication  
Received:  01 May 2024      Revised:  12 July 2024      Accepted manuscript online:  17 July 2024
PACS:  68.37.Ma (Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM))  
  81.16.Ta (Atom manipulation)  
  81.07.-b (Nanoscale materials and structures: fabrication and characterization)  
  81.05.Zx (New materials: theory, design, and fabrication)  
Fund: X.Z. thanks the Beijing Natural Science Foundation (Grant Nos. JQ24010 and Z220020), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 52273279). Project supported by the Electron Microscopy Laboratory of Peking University, China for the use of Nion U-HERMES200 scanning transmission electron microscopy.
Corresponding Authors:  Xiaoxu Zhao     E-mail:

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Kangshu Li(李康舒), Junxian Li(李俊贤), Xiaocang Han(韩小藏), Wu Zhou(周武), and Xiaoxu Zhao(赵晓续) Atomically self-healing of structural defects in monolayer WSe2 2024 Chin. Phys. B 33 096804

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