Dynamical decoupling pulses on the quantum correlations for the system of superconducting quantum circuit
Wang Dong-Mei (王冬梅)a b, Qian Yi (钱懿)a, Xu Jing-Bo (许晶波)a, Yu You-Hong (俞攸红)b
a Zhejiang Institute of Modern Physics and Physics Department, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China; b Applied Physics Department, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310032, China
Abstract We investigate the influence of the dynamical decoupling pulses on the quantum correlations in a superconducting system consisting of two noninteracting qubits interacting with their own data buses. It is found that the geometric discord and entanglement between the two superconducting qubits can be increased by applying a train of π-phase pulses. We then proceed to explore how the decoupling pulses affect the quantum transfer of information between the two superconducting qubits by making use of the change of trace distance.
Wang Dong-Mei (王冬梅), Qian Yi (钱懿), Xu Jing-Bo (许晶波), Yu You-Hong (俞攸红) Dynamical decoupling pulses on the quantum correlations for the system of superconducting quantum circuit 2015 Chin. Phys. B 24 110304
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