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Chin. Phys. B, 2025, Vol. 34(1): 016102    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ad5a77

Microstructure and magnetic properties of FeCoZr(Mo)BGe nanocrystalline alloys

Wanqiu Yu(于万秋)1,†, Yanxiang Sun(孙筵翔)2, Lihua Liu(刘立华)1, and Pingli Zhang(张平丽)1
1 College of Physics, Jilin Normal University, Siping 136000, China;
2 Chengxi Power Supply Company, State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Company, Tianjin 300190, China
Abstract  The microstructure and magnetic properties of Fe$_{40}$Co$_{40}$Zr$_{9}$B$_{10}$Ge$_{1}$ (Mo-free) and Fe$_{40}$Co$_{40}$Zr$_{5}$Mo$_{4}$B$_{10}$Ge$_{1}$ (Mo-containing) nanocrystalline alloys, prepared using an amorphous crystallization method, were investigated. Mo addition affects the crystallization of the Fe$_{40}$Co$_{40}$Zr$_{9}$B$_{10}$Ge$_{1}$ amorphous alloy and decreases the grain size of the $\alpha $-Fe(Co) phase below 650 $^\circ$C. For the Mo-free alloy annealed at 600 $^\circ$C and the Mo-containing alloy annealed at 575 $^\circ$C, with a single $\alpha $-Fe(Co) crystallization phase and approximately similar crystallization volume fractions, the Mo-containing alloy showed smaller, more regularly shaped grains and a significantly narrower grain-size distribution than the Mo-free alloy. The Fe and Co contents in the nanograins of the two alloys also differed. For the Mo-free alloy, a higher concentration of Co distributed in the residual amorphous matrix. For the Mo-containing alloy, a higher concentration Co dissolved in the nanograins. The specific saturation magnetization and coercivity of the Mo-free alloy were 1.05- and 1.59-times higher than those of the Mo-containing alloy, respectively.
Keywords:  nanostructured materials      Mo addition      microstructure      grain size  
Received:  23 April 2024      Revised:  13 June 2024      Accepted manuscript online:  21 June 2024
PACS:  61.43.Dq (Amorphous semiconductors, metals, and alloys)  
  61.46.Hk (Nanocrystals)  
  75.75.-c (Magnetic properties of nanostructures)  
  81.07.-b (Nanoscale materials and structures: fabrication and characterization)  
Fund: Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Jilin Province, China (Grant No. YDZJ202201ZYTS319) and the Fund from Sinoma Institute of Materials Research (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. (SIMR) for assisting with the TEM characterization.
Corresponding Authors:  Wanqiu Yu     E-mail:

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Wanqiu Yu(于万秋), Yanxiang Sun(孙筵翔), Lihua Liu(刘立华), and Pingli Zhang(张平丽) Microstructure and magnetic properties of FeCoZr(Mo)BGe nanocrystalline alloys 2025 Chin. Phys. B 34 016102

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