Broadband chirped InAs quantum-dot superluminescent diodes with a small spectral dip of 0.2 dB
Hong Wang(王虹)1,2, Zunren Lv(吕尊仁)1,2,†, Shuai Wang(汪帅)1,2, Haomiao Wang(王浩淼)1,2, Hongyu Chai(柴宏宇)1,2, Xiaoguang Yang(杨晓光)1,2, Lei Meng(孟磊)1,2, Chen Ji(吉晨)3,4, and Tao Yang(杨涛)1,2,‡
1 Key Laboratory of Semiconductor Materials Science, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100083, China; 2 Center of Materials Science and Optoelectronics Engineering, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; 3 College of Information Science and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China; 4 Zhejiang Laboratory, Hangzhou 310027, China
Abstract We report on the fabrication and characterization of InAs/GaAs chirped multilayer quantum-dot superluminescent diodes (CMQD-SLDs) with and without direct Si doping in QDs. It was found that both the output power and the spectral width of the CMQD-SLDs were significantly enhanced by direct Si doping in the QDs. The output power and spectral width have been increased by approximately 18.3% and 40%, respectively. Moreover, we shortened the cavity length of the doped CMQD-SLD and obtained a spectral width of 106 nm. In addition, the maximum output power and spectral width of the CMQD-SLD doped directly with Si can be further increased to 16.6 mW and 114 nm, respectively, through anti-reflection coating and device packaging. The device exhibited the smallest spectral dip of 0.2 dB when the spectrum was widest. The improved performances of the doped CMQD-SLD can be attributed to the direct doping of Si in the QDs, optimization of device structure and device packaging.
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 62035012, 62074143, and 62004191) and Zhejiang Lab (Grant No. 2020LC0AD02).
Corresponding Authors:
Zunren Lv, Tao Yang
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Hong Wang(王虹), Zunren Lv(吕尊仁), Shuai Wang(汪帅), Haomiao Wang(王浩淼), Hongyu Chai(柴宏宇), Xiaoguang Yang(杨晓光), Lei Meng(孟磊), Chen Ji(吉晨), and Tao Yang(杨涛) Broadband chirped InAs quantum-dot superluminescent diodes with a small spectral dip of 0.2 dB 2022 Chin. Phys. B 31 098104
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