Abstract Pressure allows the precise tuning of a fundamental parameter, the interatomic distance, which controls the electronic structure and virtually all interatomic interactions that determine material properties. Hence, pressure tuning is an effective tool in the search for new materials with enhanced properties. To realize pressure tuning on matter, large-volume press (LVP) apparatuses have been widely used not only to synthesize novel materials but also to implement the in situ measurement of physical properties. Herein, we introduce the LVP apparatuses, including belt-type, cubic anvil, and 6-8 type multi-anvil, that will be constructed at the Synergetic Extreme Condition User Facility (SECUF) at Jilin University. Typically, cell volumes of 1000 mm3 can be obtained at 20 GPa in a belt-type apparatus that is significantly larger than that obtained in a 6-8 type multi-anvil apparatus at the same pressure. Furthermore, the in situ measurement of physical properties, including thermological, electrical, and mechanical behaviors, is coupled to these LVP apparatuses. Some typical results of both synthetic experiments and in situ measurements obtained from the LVP apparatuses are also reviewed.
Pinwen Zhu(朱品文), Qiang Tao(陶强), Lu Wang(王璐), Zhi He(何志), Tian Cui(崔田) Function of large-volume high-pressure apparatus at SECUF 2018 Chin. Phys. B 27 076103
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