Abstract A correction of Walsh's method for bulk sound velocity calculation for shocked porous materials is accomplished based on the Wu-Jing thermodynamic equation of state. The corrected bulk velocities for solid and porous samples with low porosities are in good agreement with the corresponding experimental data published previously. On the basis of this corrected equation, the influence of thermoelectrons on the bulk velocity of shocked materials is discussed in detail at pressures of 50, 70 and 200 GPa. Some interesting phenomena are revealed, which seem to be the unique features of a dynamic-pressure-loading process and could not be found in static experiments.
Received: 27 March 2002
Revised: 01 July 2002
Accepted manuscript online:
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 19804010) and by the Science and Technology Foundation of China Academy of Engineering Physics (Grant No 980102).
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Geng Hua-Yun (耿华运), Wu Qiang (吴强), Tan Hua (谭华), Cai Ling-Cang (蔡灵仓), Jing Fu-Qian (经福谦) Bulk sound velocity of porous materials at high pressures 2002 Chinese Physics 11 1188
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