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Chin. Phys. B, 2009, Vol. 18(8): 3605-3610    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/8/078

Long-distance quantum teleportation assisted with free-space entanglement distribution

Ren Ji-Gang(任继刚)a)b), Yang Bin(杨彬)b), Yi Zhen-Huan(易震环)a), Zhou Fei(周飞)a), Chen Kai(陈凯)b), Peng Cheng-Zhi(彭承志)a)b)†, and Pan Jian-Wei(潘建伟)a)b)
a Physics Department, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; b National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microscale and Department of Modern Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
Abstract  Faithful long-distance quantum teleportation necessitates prior entanglement distribution between two communicated locations. The particle carrying on the unknown quantum information is then combined with one particle of the entangled states for Bell-state measurements, which leads to a transfer of the original quantum information onto the other particle of the entangled states. However in most of the implemented teleportation experiments nowadays, the Bell-state measurements are performed even before successful distribution of entanglement. This leads to an instant collapse of the quantum state for the transmitted particle, which is actually a single-particle transmission thereafter. Thus the true distance for quantum teleportation is, in fact, only in a level of meters. In the present experiment we design a novel scheme which has overcome this limit by utilizing fiber as quantum memory. A complete quantum teleportation is achieved upon successful entanglement distribution over 967 meters in public free space. Active feed-forward control techniques are developed for real-time transfer of quantum information. The overall experimental fidelities for teleported states are better than 89.6%, which signify high-quality teleportation.
Keywords:  entanglement       teleportation       free space  
Received:  15 June 2009      Revised:  19 June 2008      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  04.80.-y (Experimental studies of gravity)  
  07.60.Ly (Interferometers)  
  91.10.Fc (Space and satellite geodesy; applications of global positioning systems)  
  91.10.Pp (Geodetic techniques; gravimetric measurements and instruments)  
  91.10.Qm (Harmonics of the gravity potential field; geopotential theory and determination)  
  91.10.Sp (Satellite orbits)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Fundamental Research Program of China (Grant No 2006CB921900), the 985 Foundation of Tsinghua University (Grant No 051110001) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grants Nos 60708023 and 10874172).

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Ren Ji-Gang(任继刚), Yang Bin(杨彬), Yi Zhen-Huan(易震环), Zhou Fei(周飞), Chen Kai(陈凯), Peng Cheng-Zhi(彭承志), and Pan Jian-Wei(潘建伟) Long-distance quantum teleportation assisted with free-space entanglement distribution 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 3605

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