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Chin. Phys. B, 2018, Vol. 27(9): 098501    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/27/9/098501

Heavy ion induced upset errors in 90-nm 64 Mb NOR-type floating-gate Flash memory

Jin-Shun Bi(毕津顺)1,2, Kai Xi(习凯)1, Bo Li(李博)1, Hai-Bin Wang(王海滨)3, Lan-Long Ji(季兰龙)1, Jin Li(李金)1, Ming Liu(刘明)1
1 Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China;
2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;
3 School of Internet of Things Engineering, Hohai University, Changzhou 213022, China

Upset errors in 90-nm 64 Mb NOR-type floating-gate Flash memory induced by accelerated 129Xe and 209Bi ions are investigated in detail. The linear energy transfer covers the range from 50 to 99.8 MeV/(mg/cm2). When the memory chips are powered off during heavy ions irradiation, single-event-latch-up and single-event-function-interruption are excluded, and only 0->1 upset errors in the memory array are observed. These error bit rates seem very difficult to achieve and cannot be simply recovered based on the power cycle. The number of error bits shows a strong dependence on the linear energy transfer (LET). Under room-temperature annealing conditions, the upset errors can be reduced by about two orders of magnitude using rewrite/reprogram operations, but they subsequently increase once again in a few minutes after the power cycle. High-temperature annealing can diminish almost all error bits, which are affected by the lower LET 129Xe ions. The percolation path between the floating-gate (FG) and the substrate contributes to the radiation-induced leakage current, and has been identified as the root cause of the upset errors of the Flash memory array in this work.

Keywords:  heavy ion      Flash memory      single event upset      annealing  
Received:  05 May 2018      Revised:  04 June 2018      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  85.30.Tv (Field effect devices)  
  61.80.Ed (γ-ray effects)  
  94.05.Dd (Radiation processes)  

Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 616340084), the Youth Innovation Promotion Association of CAS (Grant No. 2014101), the International Cooperation Project of CAS, and the Austrian-Chinese Cooperative R&D Projects (Grant No. 172511KYSB20150006).

Corresponding Authors:  Jin-Shun Bi     E-mail:

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Jin-Shun Bi(毕津顺), Kai Xi(习凯), Bo Li(李博), Hai-Bin Wang(王海滨), Lan-Long Ji(季兰龙), Jin Li(李金), Ming Liu(刘明) Heavy ion induced upset errors in 90-nm 64 Mb NOR-type floating-gate Flash memory 2018 Chin. Phys. B 27 098501

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