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Chinese Physics, 2007, Vol. 16(5): 1370-1373    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/5/034

Theoretical study of Ni-like Ag 13.9nm TCE x-ray laser driven by two picosecond pulses

Qiao Xiu-Mei(乔秀梅) and Zhang Guo-Ping(张国平)
Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing 100088,China
Abstract  The Ni-like Ag 13.9nm x-ray laser has been previously demonstrated that the higher gain near critical surface contributes little to the amplification of the x-ray laser because of severe refraction. In this paper, the transient collision excitation (TCE) Ni-like Ag 13.9nm x-ray laser is simulated, driven by two 3ps short pulse preceded by a 330ps long prepulse, optimization of the peak to peak delay time of the two short pulses is made to get the best results. Simulation indicates that by producing lowly ionized preplasma with smoothly varying electron density, it is possible to decrease electron density gradient in higher density region, and thus higher gains near this region could be utilized, and if the main short pulse is delayed by 900ps, local gains where electron density larger than ~ 4×1020cm-3 could be utilized.
Keywords:  x-ray laser      transient collisional excitation (TCE)      gain  
Received:  06 April 2006      Revised:  08 October 2006      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  52.38.Ph (X-ray, γ-ray, and particle generation)  
  52.25.-b (Plasma properties)  
  52.50.Jm (Plasma production and heating by laser beams (laser-foil, laser-cluster, etc.))  
Fund: Project supported by National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 863-804-7-1).

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Qiao Xiu-Mei(乔秀梅) and Zhang Guo-Ping(张国平) Theoretical study of Ni-like Ag 13.9nm TCE x-ray laser driven by two picosecond pulses 2007 Chinese Physics 16 1370

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