Special Issue:
SPECIAL TOPIC — Quantum communication and quantum network
SPECIAL TOPIC — Quantum communication and quantum network |
Effect of pseudo-random number on the security of quantum key distribution protocol |
Xiao-Liang Yang(杨晓亮), Yu-Qing Li(李毓擎), and Hong-Wei Li(李宏伟)† |
Henan Key Laboratory of Quantum Information and Cryptography, SSF IEU, Zhengzhou 450000, China |
Abstract In the process of quantum key distribution (QKD), the communicating parties need to randomly determine quantum states and measurement bases. To ensure the security of key distribution, we aim to use true random sequences generated by true random number generators as the source of randomness. In practical systems, due to the difficulty of obtaining true random numbers, pseudo-random number generators are used instead. Although the random numbers generated by pseudo-random number generators are statistically random, meeting the requirements of uniform distribution and independence, they rely on an initial seed to generate corresponding pseudo-random sequences. Attackers may predict future elements from the initial elements of the random sequence, posing a security risk to quantum key distribution. This paper analyzes the problems existing in current pseudo-random number generators and proposes corresponding attack methods and applicable scenarios based on the vulnerabilities in the pseudo-random sequence generation process. Under certain conditions, it is possible to obtain the keys of the communicating parties with very low error rates, thus effectively attacking the quantum key system. This paper presents new requirements for the use of random numbers in quantum key systems, which can effectively guide the security evaluation of quantum key distribution protocols.
Received: 31 July 2024
Revised: 26 November 2024
Accepted manuscript online: 03 December 2024
(Quantum cryptography and communication security)
(Entanglement and quantum nonlocality)
(Quantum algorithms, protocols, and simulations)
(Entanglement measures, witnesses, and other characterizations)
Corresponding Authors:
Hong-Wei Li
E-mail: lihow@ustc.edu.cn
Cite this article:
Xiao-Liang Yang(杨晓亮), Yu-Qing Li(李毓擎), and Hong-Wei Li(李宏伟) Effect of pseudo-random number on the security of quantum key distribution protocol 2025 Chin. Phys. B 34 020301
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