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Chin. Phys. B, 2022, Vol. 31(2): 028103    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ac447e
Special Issue: SPECIAL TOPIC — Organic and hybrid thermoelectrics
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Thermoelectric characteristics of flexible reduced graphene oxide/silver selenide nanowire composites prepared by a facile vacuum filtration process

Zuo Xiao(肖佐), Yong Du(杜永), Qiufeng Meng(孟秋风), and Lei Wang(王磊)
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai 201418, China
Abstract  The reduced graphene oxide/silver selenide nanowire (rGO/Ag2Se NW) composite powders were fabricated via a wet chemical approach, and then flexible rGO/Ag2Se NW composite film was prepared by a facile vacuum filtration method combined with cold-pressing treatment. A highest power factor of 228.88 μW·m-1·K-2 was obtained at 331 K for the cold-pressed rGO/Ag2Se NW composite film with 0.01 wt% rGO. The rGO/Ag2Se NW composite film revealed superior flexibility as the power factor retained 94.62% after bending for 500 times with a bending radius of 4 mm, which might be due to the interwoven network structures of Ag2Se NWs and pliability of rGO as well as nylon membrane. These results demonstrated that the GO/Ag2Se NW composite film has a potential for preparation of flexible thermoelectric devices.
Keywords:  thermoelectric      silver selenide      reduced graphene oxide      flexibility  
Received:  11 October 2021      Revised:  01 December 2021      Accepted manuscript online:  18 December 2021
PACS:  81.07.Gf (Nanowires)  
  81.05.ue (Graphene)  
Fund: Project supported by the Program for Professor of Special Appointment at Shanghai Institutions of Higher Learning (Grant No. TP2020068), Shanghai Innovation Action Plan Project (Grant No. 17090503600), and Shanghai Sailing Program (Grant No. 20YF1447300).
Corresponding Authors:  Yong Du, Qiufeng Meng     E-mail:;

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Zuo Xiao(肖佐), Yong Du(杜永), Qiufeng Meng(孟秋风), and Lei Wang(王磊) Thermoelectric characteristics of flexible reduced graphene oxide/silver selenide nanowire composites prepared by a facile vacuum filtration process 2022 Chin. Phys. B 31 028103

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