1 College of Physics, Center for Marine Observation and Communications, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071, China; 2 School of Electronics and Information, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071, China
Abstract Nowadays the yttrium iron garnet (Y3Fe5O12, YIG) films are widely used in the microwave and spin wave devices due to their low damping constant and long propagation distance for spin waves. However, the performances, especially the frequency stability, are seriously affected by the relaxation of the interface magnetic moments. In this study, the effect of out-of-plane magnetization depinning on the resonance frequency shift (Δfr) was investigated for 3-μm YIG films grown on Gd3Ga5O12 (GGG) (111) substrates by liquid-phase epitaxy. It is revealed that the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) and spin wave propagation exhibit a very slow relaxation with relaxation time τ even longer than one hour under an out-of-plane external magnetic bias field. The Δfr span of 15.15-24.70 MHz is observed in out-of-plane FMR and forward volume spin waves. Moreover, the Δfr and τ depend on the magnetic field. The Δfr can be attributed to that the magnetic moments break away from the pinning layer at the YIG/GGG interface. The thickness of the pinning layer is estimated to be about 9.48 nm to 15.46 nm according to the frequency shifting. These results indicate that Δfr caused by the pinning layer should be addressed in the design of microwave and spin wave devices, especially in the transverse magnetic components.
(Spin arrangements in magnetically ordered materials (including neutron And spin-polarized electron studies, synchrotron-source x-ray scattering, etc.))
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11674187 and 51871127) and Technology on Electronic Test & Measurement Laboratory (Grant No. 6142001180103).
Corresponding Authors:
Shandong Li
E-mail: lishd@qdu.edu.cn
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