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Chin. Phys. B, 2017, Vol. 26(3): 036302    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/26/3/036302

Theoretical description of electron-phonon Fock space for gapless and gapped nanowires

Ashrafalsadat Shariati1,2, Hassan Rabani1,2, Mohammad Mardaani1,2
1 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Shahrekord University, P. O. Box 115, Shahrekord, Iran;
2 Nanotechnology Research Center, Shahrekord University, 8818634141, Shahrekord, Iran
Abstract  We study the effect of electron-phonon (e-ph) interaction on the elastic and inelastic electronic transport of a nanowire connected to two simple rigid leads within the tight-binding and harmonic approximations. The model is constructed using Green's function and multi-channel techniques, taking into account the local and nonlocal e-ph interactions. Then, we examine the model for the gapless (simple chain) and gapped (PA-like nanowire) systems. The results show that the tunneling conductance is improved by the e-ph interaction in both local and nonlocal regimes, while for the resonance conductance, the coherent part mainly decreases and the incoherent part increases. At the corresponding energies which depend on the phonon frequency, two dips in the elastic and two peaks in the inelastic conductance spectra appear. The reason is the absorption of the phonon by the electron in transition into inelastic channels.
Received:  05 November 2016      Revised:  11 December 2016      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  63.20.kd (Phonon-electron interactions)  
  72.10.-d (Theory of electronic transport; scattering mechanisms)  
  73.23.-b (Electronic transport in mesoscopic systems)  
  78.67.Uh (Nanowires)  
Fund: Project supported by the Iranian Nanotechnology Initiative. This work has also been supported by Shahrekord University through a research fund.
Corresponding Authors:  Hassan Rabani     E-mail:

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Ashrafalsadat Shariati, Hassan Rabani, Mohammad Mardaani Theoretical description of electron-phonon Fock space for gapless and gapped nanowires 2017 Chin. Phys. B 26 036302

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