Abstract Double perovskite manganite Y2MnCrO6 ceramic is synthesized and its multiferroic properties are investigated. Novel multiferroic properties are displayed with respect to other multiferroics, such as high ferroelectric phase transition temperature, and the coexistence of ferrimagnetism and ferroelectricity. Moreover, the ferroelectric polarization of Y2MnCrO6 below the magnetic phase temperature can be effectively tuned by an external magnetic field, showing a remarkable magnetoelectric effect. These results open an effective avenue to explore magnetic multiferroics with spontaneous magnetization and ferroelectricity, as well as a high ferroelectric transition temperature.
Fund: Project supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2009CB929501), the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2014AA032904), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11174130 and U1232210).
Corresponding Authors:
Wang Dun-Hui
E-mail: wangdh@nju.edu.cn
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Fang Yong (房勇), Yan Shi-Ming (颜士明), Qiao Wen (乔文), Wang Wei (王伟), Wang Dun-Hui (王敦辉), Du You-Wei (都有为) Multiferroicity in B-site ordered double perovskite Y2MnCrO6 2014 Chin. Phys. B 23 117501
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