Geometric, stable and electronic properties of Aun-2Y2 (n = 3-8) clusters
Qi Kai-Tian(齐凯天)a), Mao Hua-Ping(毛华平) b), Wang Hong-Yan(王红艳)c), and Sheng Yong(盛勇)a)†
a Material Science and Engineering College, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China; b Department of Chemistry and Environment Engineering, Chongqing Three Gorges, Chongqing 404000, China; c Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China
Abstract Employing first-principles methods, based on the density function theory, and using the LANL2DZ basis sets, the ground-state geometric, the stable and the electronic properties of Aun-2Y2 clusters are investigated in this paper. Meanwhile, the differences in property among pure gold clusters, pure yttrium clusters, gold clusters doped with one yttrium atom, and gold clusters doped with two yttrium atoms are studied. We find that when gold clusters are doped by two yttrium atoms, the odd--even oscillatory behaviours of Aun-1Y and Aun disappear. The properties of Aun-2Y2 clusters are close to those of pure yttrium clusters.
(Density functional theory, local density approximation, gradient and other corrections)
Fund: Project supported by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.~10276028), and the
Education Committee of Chongqing, China (Grant No.~KJ051105).
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Qi Kai-Tian(齐凯天), Mao Hua-Ping(毛华平), Wang Hong-Yan(王红艳), and Sheng Yong(盛勇) Geometric, stable and electronic properties of Aun-2Y2 (n = 3-8) clusters 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 033602
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