Manganese dioxide as wide adaptive ultrafast photonic device for pulsed laser generation |
Xin-He Dou(窦鑫河)1, Zhen Chen(陈震)1, Chen-Yan Zhang(张辰妍)1, Xiang Li(李响)1, Fei-Hong Qiao(乔飞鸿)1, Bo-Le Song(宋博乐)1, Shan Wang(王珊)1, Hao Teng(滕浩)2,†, and Zhi-Guo Lv(吕志国)1,‡ |
1 School of Physical Science and Technology, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010021, China; 2 Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China |
Abstract Research on novel ultrafast photonic devices with wide adaptability has become important scientific technical means to realize both scheme innovation and performance breakthrough in fiber laser generation. As types of transition metal oxide, manganese dioxide (MnO$_{2}$) materials exhibit remarkable properties including high photothermal stability, strong oxidation resistance, and excellent optical properties, making them promising candidate for utilization as modulation devices in nonlinear optics and ultrafast optics fields. We investigate the impact of MnO$_{2}$-based saturable absorber (SA) on the pulse characteristics. The experiment reveals that MnO$_{2}$-based SA supports effectively pulsed laser generation in wide pump power range and large dispersion parameter space with signal-to-noise ratio more than 85 dB. As far as we know, the pump power response range is outstanding among the most of the reported pulsed lasers, which is attributed to the large modulation depth of MnO$_{2}$ SA. We also investigate the impact of dispersion on the characteristics of laser output, which is not involved in other similar works. This research indicates that MnO$_{2}$ as a photonic device has vast potential in advanced ultrafast optics.
Received: 19 July 2024
Revised: 20 August 2024
Accepted manuscript online: 21 August 2024
(Fiber lasers)
(Laser optical systems: design and operation)
(Modulation, tuning, and mode locking)
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12164030), Young Science and Technology Talents of Inner Mongolia (Grant No. NJYT22101), and the Central Government Guides Local Science and Technology Development Fund Projects (Grant No. 2023ZY0005). |
Corresponding Authors:
Hao Teng, Zhi-Guo Lv
E-mail: hteng@iphy.ac.cn;lvzhiguo@imu.edu.cn
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Xin-He Dou(窦鑫河), Zhen Chen(陈震), Chen-Yan Zhang(张辰妍), Xiang Li(李响), Fei-Hong Qiao(乔飞鸿), Bo-Le Song(宋博乐), Shan Wang(王珊), Hao Teng(滕浩), and Zhi-Guo Lv(吕志国) Manganese dioxide as wide adaptive ultrafast photonic device for pulsed laser generation 2024 Chin. Phys. B 33 114202
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