Abstract Quantum correlations in an anisotropic Heisenberg XYZ chain is investigated by use of concurrence C and measurement-induced disturbance (MID). We show that the behaviors of the MID are remarkably different from the concurrence. Firstly, it is shown that there is a revival phenomenon in the concurrence but not in the MID, which is suitable for both the ground state case and the finite temperature case. Based on the analysis of the ground-state C and MID structures, we illustrate the reason why the ground-state MID does not show a revival phenomenon in detail. Then we explore different effects of the external and self parameters on entanglement and MID behaviors. It can be shown that the region of MID is evidently larger than the case of concurrence, and that the concurrence signals a quantum phase transition even at finite T while MID does not. Cases where the concurrence finally maintains one nonzero constant value regardless of the value of the variable B for a constant Jz, while MID decreases monotonously to zero with increasing B. We also show that if B can take a proper range of values, the concurrence decreases with the improvement of the anisotropic parameter γ, whereas an opposite effect for MID behaviors is presented.
(Quantized spin models, including quantum spin frustration)
Fund: Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation for Young Scientists of Shanxi Province, China (Grant No. 2012021003-3) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11247247).
Corresponding Authors:
Yang Guo-Hui
E-mail: yangguohui_1981_1981@126.com
About author: 03.67.Lx; 03.65.Ud; 75.10.Jm
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