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Acta Physica Sinica (Overseas Edition), 1994, Vol. 3(7): 519-527    DOI: 10.1088/1004-423X/3/7/006


XIE SI-SHEN (解思深), LIU WEI (刘维), ZHANG ZE-BO (张泽渤), WANG GANG (王刚), QIAN SHENG-FA (钱生法), FU CHUN-SHENG (傅春生), LI NAN (李楠), ZHENG YOU-FENG (郑幼凤), LI CHAO-RONG (李超荣)
Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, beijing 100080, China
Abstract  The distribution, morphology and structure of carbon nanotubes and buckyonions produced from an arc discharge were investigated by means of scanning electron mi-croscopy and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, The nanotubes and nanoonions were found to be located mainly near the porous region of the core in the deposited rods and the transition region between the growth ring-shaped graphite sheets. The tube bundles grew freely from carbon particles. Apart from the straight-line tubes, curved and bent tubes were also found. Studies on the structure of them showed that the carbon atomic sheets in the nanotubes displayed a stepped bending. Transverse sectional study predicted a helical structure of the carbon atomic sheets. In addition, the relationship between the number of pentagonal rings and cone angle at the tips of the tubes, as well as the mechanism of the formation of the steplike structure, were discussed.
Received:  31 May 1993      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  61.46.Fg (Nanotubes)  
  81.07.De (Nanotubes)  
  68.37.Hk (Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) (including EBIC))  
  68.37.Lp (Transmission electron microscopy (TEM))  
Fund: Project supported by the State Science and Technology Commission of China and the Bureau of Basic Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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XIE SI-SHEN (解思深), LIU WEI (刘维), ZHANG ZE-BO (张泽渤), WANG GANG (王刚), QIAN SHENG-FA (钱生法), FU CHUN-SHENG (傅春生), LI NAN (李楠), ZHENG YOU-FENG (郑幼凤), LI CHAO-RONG (李超荣) SYNTHESIS AND STRUCTURE OF CARBON NANOTUBES 1994 Acta Physica Sinica (Overseas Edition) 3 519

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