Abstract I had the privilege and the pleasure to work closely with Stephen J. Pennycook for about twenty years, having a group of post-docs and Vanderbilt-University graduate students embedded in his electron microscopy group at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, spending on average a day per week there. We combined atomic-resolution imaging of materials, electron-energy-loss spectroscopy, and density-functional-theory calculations to explore and elucidate diverse materials phenomena, often resolving long-standing issues. This paper is a personal perspective of that journey, highlighting a few examples to illustrate the power of combining theory and microscopy and closing with an assessment of future prospects.
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Sokrates T. Pantelides
E-mail: pantelides@vanderbilt.edu
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Sokrates T. Pantelides Combining electron microscopy with atomic-scale calculations—A personal perspective 2024 Chin. Phys. B 33 120704
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