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Chin. Phys. B, 2025, Vol. 34(1): 014204    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ad886b

High peak power mini-array quantum cascade lasers operating in pulsed mode

Yuhang Zhang(章宇航)1, Yupei Wang(王渝沛)3, Xiaoyue Luo(罗晓玥)3, Chenhao Qian(钱晨灏)4, Yang Cheng(程洋)5, Wu Zhao(赵武)5, Fangyuan Sun(孙方圆)5, Jun Wang(王俊)3,5,†, and Zheng-Ming Sun(孙正明)2,‡
1 Southeast University-Monash University Joint Graduate School (Suzhou), Southeast University, Suzhou 215125, China;
2 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China;
3 College of Electronics and Information Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China;
4 Huaiyin Institute of Technology, Huaian 223003, China;
5 Suzhou Everbright Photonics Co., Ltd., Suzhou 215163, China
Abstract  Broad area quantum cascade lasers (BA QCLs) have significant applications in many areas, but suffer from demanding pulse operating conditions and poor beam quality due to heat accumulation and generation of high order modes. A structure of mini-array is adopted to improve the heat dissipation capacity and beam quality of BA QCLs. The active region is etched to form a multi-emitter and the channels are filled with InP:Fe, which acts as a lateral heat dissipation channel to improve the lateral heat dissipation efficiency. A device with $\lambda \sim$ 4.8 μm, a peak output power of 122 W at 1.2% duty cycle with a pulse of 1.5 μs is obtained in room temperature, with far-field single-lobed distribution. This result allows BA QCLs to obtain high peak power at wider pump pulse widths and higher duty cycle conditions, promotes the application of the mid-infrared laser operating in pulsed mode in the field of standoff photoacoustic chemical detection, space optical communication, and so on.
Keywords:  quantum cascade laser      mini-array      thermal management  
Received:  28 July 2024      Revised:  12 September 2024      Accepted manuscript online:  18 October 2024
PACS:  42.55.Px (Semiconductor lasers; laser diodes)  
  42.55.-f (Lasers)  
  42.60.Da (Resonators, cavities, amplifiers, arrays, and rings)  
  42.70.Nq (Other nonlinear optical materials; photorefractive and semiconductor materials)  
Corresponding Authors:  Jun Wang, Zheng-Ming Sun     E-mail:;

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Yuhang Zhang(章宇航), Yupei Wang(王渝沛), Xiaoyue Luo(罗晓玥), Chenhao Qian(钱晨灏), Yang Cheng(程洋), Wu Zhao(赵武), Fangyuan Sun(孙方圆), Jun Wang(王俊), and Zheng-Ming Sun(孙正明) High peak power mini-array quantum cascade lasers operating in pulsed mode 2025 Chin. Phys. B 34 014204

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