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Chin. Phys. B, 2024, Vol. 33(10): 103102    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ad7c30
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Fully relativistic energies, transition properties, and lifetimes of lithium-like germanium

Shuang Li(李双)1,2,3, Jing Zhou(周璟)1, Liu-Hong Zhu(朱柳红)1, Xiu-Fei Mei(梅秀菲)1, and Jun Yan(颜君)2,†
1 School of Electrical and Optoelectronic Engineering, West Anhui University, Luan 237012, China;
2 Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing 100088, China;
3 Shanghai EBIT Laboratory, Institute of Modern Physics, Department of Nuclear Science and Technology, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
Abstract  Employing two fully relativistic methods, the multi-reference configuration Dirac-Hartree-Fock (MCDHF) method and the relativistic many-body perturbation theory (RMBPT) method, we report energies and lifetime values for the lowest 35 energy levels of the (1s$^2)nl$ configurations (where the principal quantum number $n = 2$-6 and the angular quantum number $l = 0$,..., $n-1$) of lithium-like germanium (Ge XXX), as well as complete data on the transition wavelengths, radiative rates, absorption oscillator strengths, and line strengths between the levels. Both the allowed (E1) and forbidden (magnetic dipole M1, magnetic quadrupole M2, and electric quadrupole E2) ones are reported. The results from the two methods are consistent with each other and align well with previous accurate experimental and theoretical findings. We assess the overall accuracies of present RMBPT results to be likely the most precise ones to date. The present fully relativistic results should be helpful for soft x-ray laser research, spectral line identification, plasma modeling and diagnosing. The datasets presented in this paper are openly available at
Keywords:  multi-reference      Dirac-Hartree-Fock      relativistic many-body perturbation      radiative rate      lifetime  
Received:  08 August 2024      Revised:  12 September 2024      Accepted manuscript online:  18 September 2024
PACS:  31.15.vj (Electron correlation calculations for atoms and ions: excited states) (Relativistic configuration interaction (CI) and many-body perturbation calculations)  
  31.15.xp (Perturbation theory)  
  32.70.Cs (Oscillator strengths, lifetimes, transition moments)  
Fund: Project supported by the Research Foundation for Higher Level Talents of West Anhui University (Grant No. WGKQ2021005).
Corresponding Authors:  Jun Yan     E-mail:

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Shuang Li(李双), Jing Zhou(周璟), Liu-Hong Zhu(朱柳红), Xiu-Fei Mei(梅秀菲), and Jun Yan(颜君) Fully relativistic energies, transition properties, and lifetimes of lithium-like germanium 2024 Chin. Phys. B 33 103102

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