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Chin. Phys. B, 2024, Vol. 33(10): 107105    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ad73b5

Excitonic optical properties in monolayer SnP2S6

Peng-Yuan Chen(陈鹏远), Zhen Quan(权真), and Shu-Dong Wang(王舒东)†
School of Physical Science and Technology, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010021, China
Abstract  Quantum confinement effect and reduced dielectric screening in two-dimensional (2D) dramatically enhance the electron-hole interactions. In this work, we use many-body perturbation theory and Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE) to investigate the electronic and excitonic optical properties of monolayer SnP$_{2}$S$_{6}$. Our findings reveal that the excitonic effect dominates the optical absorption spectra in the visible light range, and the lowest-energy exciton $X_{0}$ in monolayer SnP$_{2}$S$_{6}$ is optically bright with the binding energy of 0.87 eV and the radiative lifetime of $\sim 10^{-11}$ s, which is highly advantageous to the photo-luminescence. Most importantly, the absence of optically forbidden states below the bright states $X_{0}$ would give rise to a high quantum efficiency of 2D SnP$_{2}$S$_{6}$. We also find that applied biaxial strain can further shorten the radiative lifetime of the bright states. These results imply that 2D SnP$_{2}$S$_{6}$ is a promising candidate for the optoelectronic devices.
Keywords:  excitons      radiative lifetime      SnP$_{2}$S$_{6}$  
Received:  18 July 2024      Revised:  20 August 2024      Accepted manuscript online:  27 August 2024
PACS:  71.35.-y (Excitons and related phenomena)  
  71.35.Cc (Intrinsic properties of excitons; optical absorption spectra) (Excitation energies and lifetimes; oscillator strengths)  
  73.43.Cd (Theory and modeling)  
Fund: Project support by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12064032).
Corresponding Authors:  Shu-Dong Wang     E-mail:

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Peng-Yuan Chen(陈鹏远), Zhen Quan(权真), and Shu-Dong Wang(王舒东) Excitonic optical properties in monolayer SnP2S6 2024 Chin. Phys. B 33 107105

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