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Chin. Phys. B, 2023, Vol. 32(7): 075205    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/acc7fb
Special Issue: SPECIAL TOPIC — Plasma disruption
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Development of electromagnetic pellet injector for disruption mitigation of tokamak plasma

Feng Li(李峰)1, Zhong-Yong Chen(陈忠勇)1,†, Sheng-Guo Xia(夏胜国)2, Wei Yan(严伟)1, Wei-Kang Zhang(张维康)1, Jun-Hui Tang(唐俊辉)2, You Li(李由)1, Yu Zhong(钟昱)1, Jian-Gang Fang(方建港)1, Fan-Xi Liu(刘凡溪)1, Gui-Nan Zou(邹癸南)1, Yin-Long Yu(喻寅龙)1, Zi-Sen Nie(聂子森)1, Zhong-He Jiang(江中和)1, Neng-Chao Wang(王能超)1, Yong-Hua Ding(丁永华)1, Yuan Pan(潘垣)1, and the J-TEXT team1,‡
1 International Joint Research Laboratory of Magnetic Confinement Fusion and Plasma Physics, State Key Laboratory of Advanced Electromagnetic Engineering and Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China;
2 Key Laboratory of Pulsed Power Technology Ministry of Education Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
Abstract  Disruption remains to be a serious threat to large tokamaks like the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER). The injection speed of disruption mitigation systems (DMS) driven by high pressure gas is limited by the sound speed of the propellant gas. When extrapolating to ITER-like tokamaks, long overall reaction duration and shallow penetration depth due to low injection speed make it stricter for plasma control system to predict the impending disruptions. Some disruptions with a short warning time may be unavoidable. Thus, a fast time response and high injection speed DMS is essential for large scale devices. The electromagnetic pellet-injection (EMPI) system is a novel massive material injection system aiming to provide rapid and effective disruption mitigation. Based on the railgun concept, EMPI can accelerate the payload to over 1000 m/s and shorten the overall reaction time to a few milliseconds. To verify the injection ability and stability of the EMPI, the prototype injector EMPI-1 has been designed and assembled. The preliminary test has been carried out using a 5.9 g armature to propel a dummy pellet and the results suggest that the EMPI configuration has a great potential to be the DMS of the large scale fusion devices.
Keywords:  tokamak      disruption mitigation system      electromagnetic pellet-injection (EMPI)  
Received:  21 December 2022      Revised:  16 March 2023      Accepted manuscript online:  28 March 2023
PACS:  52.55.Fa (Tokamaks, spherical tokamaks)  
Fund: The authors are very grateful for the help of the J-TEXT team. Project supported by the National Magnetic Confinement Fusion Energy Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2019YFE03010004) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12175078, 11905077, and 51821005).
Corresponding Authors:  Zhong-Yong Chen     E-mail:

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Feng Li(李峰), Zhong-Yong Chen(陈忠勇), Sheng-Guo Xia(夏胜国), Wei Yan(严伟), Wei-Kang Zhang(张维康), Jun-Hui Tang(唐俊辉), You Li(李由), Yu Zhong(钟昱), Jian-Gang Fang(方建港), Fan-Xi Liu(刘凡溪),Gui-Nan Zou(邹癸南), Yin-Long Yu(喻寅龙), Zi-Sen Nie(聂子森), Zhong-He Jiang(江中和),Neng-Chao Wang(王能超), Yong-Hua Ding(丁永华), Yuan Pan(潘垣), and the J-TEXT team Development of electromagnetic pellet injector for disruption mitigation of tokamak plasma 2023 Chin. Phys. B 32 075205

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