Observation of trapped and passing runaway electrons by infrared camera in the EAST tokamak
Yong-Kuan Zhang(张永宽)1,2, Rui-Jie Zhou(周瑞杰)1, Li-Qun Hu(胡立群)1,†, Mei-Wen Chen(陈美文)1,2, Yan Chao(晁燕)1,2, Jia-Yuan Zhang(张家源)1,2, and Pan Li(李磐)1,2
1 Institute of Plasma Physics, Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei 230031, China; 2 University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China
Abstract In EAST, synchrotron radiation is emitted by runaway electrons in the infrared band, which can be observed by infrared cameras. This synchrotron radiation is mainly emitted by passing runaway electrons with tens of MeV energy. A common feature of radiation dominated by passing runaway electrons is that it is strongest on the high field side. However, the deeply trapped runaway electrons cannot reach the high field side in principle. Therefore, in this case, the high field side radiation is expected to be weak. This paper reports for the first time that the synchrotron radiation from trapped runaway electrons dominates that from passing runaway electrons and is identifiable in an image. Although the synchrotron radiation dominated by trapped runaway electrons can be observed in experiment, the proportion of trapped runaway electrons is very low.
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11775263) and the National Magnetic Confinement Fusion Energy Research Project of China (Grant No. 2015GB111003).
Corresponding Authors:
Li-Qun Hu
E-mail: lqhu@ipp.ac.cn
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Yong-Kuan Zhang(张永宽), Rui-Jie Zhou(周瑞杰), Li-Qun Hu(胡立群), Mei-Wen Chen(陈美文), Yan Chao(晁燕), Jia-Yuan Zhang(张家源), and Pan Li(李磐) Observation of trapped and passing runaway electrons by infrared camera in the EAST tokamak 2021 Chin. Phys. B 30 055206
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