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Chin. Phys. B, 2023, Vol. 32(6): 067401    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ac989c

Generalization properties of restricted Boltzmann machine for short-range order

M A Timirgazin and A K Arzhnikov
Udmurt Federal Research Center, Ural Branch of RAS, Izhevsk 426067, Russia
Abstract  A biased sampling algorithm for the restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) is proposed, which allows generating configurations with a conserved quantity. To validate the method, a study of the short-range order in binary alloys with positive and negative exchange interactions is carried out. The network is trained on the data collected by Monte-Carlo simulations for a simple Ising-like binary alloy model and used to calculate the Warren-Cowley short-range order parameter and other thermodynamic properties. We demonstrate that the proposed method allows us not only to correctly reproduce the order parameters for the alloy concentration at which the network was trained, but can also predict them for any other concentrations.
Keywords:  machine learning      short-range order      Ising model      restricted Boltzmann machine  
Received:  27 July 2022      Revised:  20 September 2022      Accepted manuscript online:  10 October 2022
PACS:  74.70.Ad (Metals; alloys and binary compounds)  
  07.05.Mh (Neural networks, fuzzy logic, artificial intelligence)  
  64.60.De (Statistical mechanics of model systems (Ising model, Potts model, field-theory models, Monte Carlo techniques, etc.))  
Corresponding Authors:  M A Timirgazin     E-mail:

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M A Timirgazin and A K Arzhnikov Generalization properties of restricted Boltzmann machine for short-range order 2023 Chin. Phys. B 32 067401

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