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Chinese Physics, 2007, Vol. 16(12): 3662-3667    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/16/12/018

Laser-manipulated the multiphoton transitions of a harmonically trapped particle

Chen Qiong(陈琼), Hai Kuo(海阔), and Hai Wen-Hua(海文华)
Department of Physics, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China
Abstract  A single particle magneto-confined in a one-dimensional (1D) quantum wire experiences a harmonic potential, and imposing a sharply focused laser beam on an appropriate site shapes a $\delta$ potential. The theoretical investigation has demonstrated that for a sufficiently strong $\delta$ pulse the quantum motional stationary state of the particle is one of the eigenstates of the free harmonic oscillator, and it is determined by the site of the laser beam uniquely, namely a quantum state is admissible if and only if the laser site is one of its nodes. The numerical computation shows that all the nodes of the lower energy states with quantum numbers $n \le 20$, except the coordinate origin, are mutually different. So we can manipulate the multiphoton transitions between the quantum states by adjusting the position of the laser $\delta$ pulse and realize the transition from an unknown higher excitation state to a required lower energy state.
Keywords:  quantum wire      magnetically trap      laser manipulation      multiphoton transition  
Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  73.21.Hb (Quantum wires)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 10575034), and the Key Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance and Atomic and Molecular Physics of China (Grant No T152504).

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Chen Qiong(陈琼), Hai Kuo(海阔), and Hai Wen-Hua(海文华) Laser-manipulated the multiphoton transitions of a harmonically trapped particle 2007 Chinese Physics 16 3662

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