Abstract Noise effects on coherence resonance and synchronization of Hindmarsh-Rose (HR) neu model are studied. The coherence resonance of a single HR neuron with Gaussian white ndded to membrane potential is investigated in situations before, near and after the Hopf bifuion, separately, with the external direct current as a bifurcation parameter. It is shown that ehough there is no coupling between neurons, uncoupled identical HR neurons driven by a comm noise can achieve complete synchronization when the noise intensity is higher than a critical va Furthermore, noise also enhances complete synchronization of weakly coupled neurons. It is cluded that synchronization in bursting neurons is easier to be induced than in spiking ones,oupling enhances the sensitivity of synchronization of neurons to noise stimulus.
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 10432010) and the Doctoral Research Foundation of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
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Shi Xia (石霞), Lu Qi-Shao (陆启韶) Coherence resonance and synchronication of Hindmarsh-Rose neurons with noise 2005 Chinese Physics 14 1088
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