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Chinese Physics, 2003, Vol. 12(3): 259-263    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/12/3/303
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Analysis of global exponential stability for a class of bi-directional associative memory networks

Wang Hong-Xia (王宏霞), He Chen (何晨)
Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030, China
Abstract  In real-time applications of bi-directional associative memory (BAM) networks, a global exponentially stable equilibrium is highly desired. The existence, uniqueness and global exponential stability for a class of BAM networks are studied in this paper, the signal function of neurons is assumed to be piece-wise linear from the engineering point of view. A very concise condition for the equilibrium of such a network being globally exponentially stable is derived, which makes the practical design of this kind of networks an easy job.
Keywords:  BAM network      global exponential stability      equilibrium  
Received:  16 September 2002      Revised:  26 November 2002      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  05.45.-a (Nonlinear dynamics and chaos)  
Fund: Project supported by the National High Technology Development Program of China (Grant No 2002AA144110).

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Wang Hong-Xia (王宏霞), He Chen (何晨) Analysis of global exponential stability for a class of bi-directional associative memory networks 2003 Chinese Physics 12 259

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