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Chinese Physics, 2003, Vol. 12(3): 264-270    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/12/3/304
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Critical slowing down of the Gaussian spin system on diamond-type hierarchical lattices

Zhu Jian-Yang (朱建阳)a, Zhu Han (朱涵)b
a Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China; b Department of Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
Abstract  Based on the single-spin transition critical dynamics, we have investigated the critical slowing down of the Gaussian spin model situated on the fractal family of diamond-type hierarchical lattices. We calculate the dynamical critical exponent z and the correlation-length critical exponent $\nu$ using the dynamical decimation renormalization-group technique. The result, together with some earlier ones, suggests us to conclude that on a wide range of geometries, z$\nu$=1 is the general relationship, while the two exponents depend on the specific structure. However, we have investigated for various lattices in an earlier paper, the system studied in this paper shows highly universal z=1/$\nu$=2 independent of the structure and the dimensionality.
Keywords:  nonequilibrium thermodynamics and irreversible processes      dynamical critical phenomena      dynamical real-space renormalization-group  
Received:  21 August 2002      Revised:  19 October 2002      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  05.50.+q (Lattice theory and statistics)  
  05.45.Df (Fractals)  
  05.70.Jk (Critical point phenomena)  
  05.70.Ln (Nonequilibrium and irreversible thermodynamics)  
  02.20.-a (Group theory)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No 10075025).

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Zhu Jian-Yang (朱建阳), Zhu Han (朱涵) Critical slowing down of the Gaussian spin system on diamond-type hierarchical lattices 2003 Chinese Physics 12 264

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