Metal-enhanced fluorescence of graphene oxide by palladium nanoparticles in the blue-green part of the spectrum
A Omidvar1, M R RashidianVaziri2, B Jaleh1, N Partovi Shabestari2, M Noroozi3
1 Department of Physics, Bu-Ali Sina University, P. O. Box 65174, Hamedan, Iran; 2 Laser and Optics Research School, NSTRI, Tehran, Iran; 3 Center for Research and Development of Petroleum Technologies at Kermanshah, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry(RIPI), Kermanshah, Iran
Abstract Graphene oxide (GO) has a wide fluorescence bandwidth, which makes it a prospective candidate for numerous applications. For many of these applications, the fluorescence yield of GO should be further increased. The sp2-hybridized carbons in GO confine the π-electrons. Radiative recombination of electron-hole pairs in such sp2 clusters is the source of fluorescence in this material. Palladium nanoparticles are good catalysts for sp2 bond formations. We report on the preparation of GO, palladium nanoparticles and their nanocomposites in two different solvents. It is shown that palladium nanoparticles can considerably enhance the intrinsic fluorescence of GO in the blue-green part of the visible light spectrum. Fluorescence enhancement has been attributed to the catalytic role of palladium nanoparticles in increasing the number of sp2 bonds of GO with the molecules of the surrounding media. It is shown that palladium nanoparticles could be the nanoparticle of choice for fluorescence enhancement of GO because of their catalytic role in sp2 bond formation.
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M R RashidianVaziri
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A Omidvar, M R RashidianVaziri, B Jaleh, N Partovi Shabestari, M Noroozi Metal-enhanced fluorescence of graphene oxide by palladium nanoparticles in the blue-green part of the spectrum 2016 Chin. Phys. B 25 118102
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