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Chin. Phys. B, 2012, Vol. 21(4): 040505    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/21/4/040505
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Bound states of spatial optical dark solitons in nonlocal media

Ou-Yang Shi-Gen(欧阳世根), Hu Wei(胡巍), and Guo Qi(郭旗)
Laboratory of Nanophotonic Functional Materials and Devices, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China
Abstract  It is shown that multiple dark solitons can form bound states in a series of balance distances in nonlocal bulk media. Dark solitons can either attract or repel each other depending on their separated distance. The stability of such bound states are studied numerically. There exist unstable degenerate bound states decaying in different ways and having different lifetimes.
Keywords:  nonlocal nonlinear Schr?dinger equation      dark soliton      bound state  
Received:  09 September 2011      Revised:  16 November 2011      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  05.45.Yv (Solitons)  
  42.65.Tg (Optical solitons; nonlinear guided waves)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.61008007)and the Specialized Research Fund for Growing Seedlings of the Higher Education in Guangdong Province of China(Grant No.LYM10066)
Corresponding Authors:  Ou-Yang Shi-Gen,     E-mail:

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Ou-Yang Shi-Gen(欧阳世根), Hu Wei(胡巍), and Guo Qi(郭旗) Bound states of spatial optical dark solitons in nonlocal media 2012 Chin. Phys. B 21 040505

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