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Chinese Physics, 2005, Vol. 14(11): 2222-2225    DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/14/11/013

Grover search algorithm in an ion trap system

Zheng Shi-Biao (郑仕标)
Department of Electronic Science and Applied Physics,Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350002,China
Abstract  Two schemes for the implementation of the two-qubit Grover search algorithm in the ion trap system are proposed. These schemes might be experimentally realizable with presently available techniques. The experimental implementation of the schemes would be an important step toward more complex quantum computation in the ion trap system.
Keywords:  grover search algorithm      ion trap system      quantum computation  
Received:  29 October 2004      Revised:  20 June 2005      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  03.67.Lx (Quantum computation architectures and implementations)  
Fund: Project supported by Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation (Grant No 81008), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos 60008003 and 10225421), and Funds from Fuzhou University, China.

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Zheng Shi-Biao (郑仕标) Grover search algorithm in an ion trap system 2005 Chinese Physics 14 2222

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