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    20 August 2006, Volume 15 Issue 8 Previous issue    Next issue
    Algebraic structure and Poisson's theory of mechanico-electrical systems
    Liu Hong-Ji(刘鸿基), Tang Yi-Fa(唐贻发), and Fu Jing-Li(傅景礼)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1653-1661.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/001
    Abstract ( 1369 )   PDF (147KB) ( 562 )  
    The algebraic structure and Poisson's integral theory of mechanico-electrical systems are studied. The Hamilton canonical equations and generalized Hamilton canonical equations and their the contravariant algebraic forms for mechanico-electrical systems are obtained. The Lie algebraic structure and the Poisson's integral theory of Lagrange mechanico-electrical systems are derived. The Lie algebraic structure admitted and Poisson's integral theory of the Lagrange--Maxwell mechanico-electrical systems are presented. Two examples are presented to illustrate these results.
    Hamilton--Jacobi method for solving ordinary differential equations
    Mei Feng-Xiang(梅凤翔), Wu Hui-Bin(吴惠彬), and Zhang Yong-Fa(张永发)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1662-1664.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/002
    Abstract ( 1674 )   PDF (86KB) ( 856 )  
    The Hamilton--Jacobi method for solving ordinary differential equations is presented in this paper. A system of ordinary differential equations of first order or second order can be expressed as a Hamilton system under certain conditions. Then the Hamilton--Jacobi method is used in the integration of the Hamilton system and the solution of the original ordinary differential equations can be found. Finally, an example is given to illustrate the application of the result.
    Lie-form invariance of non-holonomic systems with unilateral constraints
    Wang Jing(王静), Li Yuan-Cheng(李元成), Xia Li-Li(夏丽莉), and Hou Qi-Bao(后其宝)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1665-1668.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/003
    Abstract ( 1657 )   PDF (88KB) ( 631 )  
    In this paper the Lie-form invariance of the non-holonomic systems with unilateral constraints is studied. The definition and the criterion of the Lie-form invariance of the system are given. The generalized Hojman conserved quantity and a new type of conserved quantity deduced from the Lie-form invariance are obtained. Finally, an example is presented to illustrate the application of the results.
    An inverse problem in analytical dynamics
    Li Guang-Cheng(李广成) and Mei-Feng-Xiang(梅凤翔)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1669-1671.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/004
    Abstract ( 1824 )   PDF (84KB) ( 481 )  
    This paper presents an inverse problem in analytical dynamics. The inverse problem is to construct the Lagrangian when the integrals of a system are given. Firstly, the differential equations are obtained by using the time derivative of the integrals. Secondly, the differential equations can be written in the Lagrange equations under certain conditions and the Lagrangian can be obtained. Finally, two examples are given to illustrate the application of the result.
    Three-order form invariance and conserved quantity
    Yang Xue-Hui(杨学慧) and Ma Shan-Jun(马善钧)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1672-1677.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/005
    Abstract ( 1163 )   PDF (105KB) ( 493 )  
    In this paper, the definition of three-order form invariance is given. Then the relation between the three-order form invariance and the three-order Lie symmetry is discussed and the sufficient and necessary condition of Lie symmetry, which comes from the three-order form invariance, is obtained. Finally a three-order Hojman conserved quantity is studied and an example is given to illustrate the application of the obtained results.
    A symmetry and a conserved quantity for the Birkhoff system
    Mei Feng-Xiang(梅凤翔), Gang Tie-Qiang(冮铁强), and Xie Jia-Fang(解加芳)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1678-1681.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/006
    Abstract ( 1404 )   PDF (89KB) ( 652 )  
    A symmetry and a conserved quantity of the Birkhoff system are studied. The symmetry is called the Birkhoff symmetry. Its definition and criterion are given in this paper. A conserved quantity can be deduced by using the symmetry. An example is given to illustrate the application of the result.
    Multi-party dense coding in non-symmetric quantum channel
    Fu Chang-Bao(付长宝), Xia Yan(夏岩), and Zhang Shou(张寿)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1682-1685.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/007
    Abstract ( 1469 )   PDF (95KB) ( 467 )  
    A three- and an (N+1)-party dense coding scheme in the case of non-symmetric Hilbert spaces of the particles of a quantum channel are investigated by using a multipartite entangled state. In the case of the (N+1)-party dense coding scheme, we show that the amount of classical information transmitted from N senders to one receiver is improved.
    Simple experimental scheme of teleporting a two-qubit state via linear optical elements
    Yuan Hong-Chun(袁洪春), Li Heng-Mei(李恒梅), and Qi Kai-Guo(齐开国)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1686-1689.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/008
    Abstract ( 1654 )   PDF (342KB) ( 560 )  
    We propose a simple experimental scheme in which an unknown two-qubit state is faithfully and deterministically teleported from Alice to Bob. The scheme is constructed with four photons from parametric down conversion, linear optical elements, and conventional photon detectors, all of which are available in current technology. It is shown that the probability of successful teleportation ideally reaches 100% based on single-photon two-qubit-assisted Bell-state measurement, which can distinguish all four Bell-states simultaneously via conventional photon detectors. By generalizing the scheme, the teleportation of an unknown multi-qubit system can also be realized.
    A quantum encryption scheme using d-level systems
    Guo Fen-Zhuo(郭奋卓), Gao Fei(高飞), Wen Qiao-Yan(温巧燕), and Zhu Fu-Chen(朱甫臣)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1690-1694.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/009
    Abstract ( 1914 )   PDF (134KB) ( 604 )  
    Using the generalized Bell states and quantum gates, we introduce a quantum encryption scheme of d-level states (qudits). The scheme can detect and correct arbitrary transmission errors using only local operations and classical communications between the communicators. In addition, the entanglement key used to encrypt can be recycled. The protocol is informationally secure, because the output state is a totally mixed one for every input state $\rho$.
    Protocol for multi-party superdense coding by using multi-atom in cavity QED
    Tan Jia(谭佳) and Fang Mao-Fa(方卯发)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1695-1699.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/010
    Abstract ( 1418 )   PDF (105KB) ( 456 )  
    We present a protocol for multi-party superdense coding by using multi-atom in cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). It is shown that, with a highly detuned cavity mode and a strong driving field, the protocol is insensitive to both cavity decay and thermal field. It is even certain to identify GHZ states via detecting the atomic states. Therefore we can realize the quantum dense coding in a simple way in the multiparty system.
    Remote atomic information concentration without Bell-state measurement
    Wu Zhen-Zhen(吴珍珍) and Fang Mao-Fa(方卯发)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1700-1704.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/011
    Abstract ( 1555 )   PDF (114KB) ( 435 )  
    This paper proposes a scheme for information concentration of two remote two-level atoms in cavity QED. This scheme does not involve the Bell-state measurement. During the interaction between atom and cavity, the cavity frequency is large-detuned from the atomic transition frequency, thus the scheme is insensitive to both the cavity decay and the thermal field. This idea can directly be generalized in the case of multi-atom information concentration.
    Chaos feature of test particle in the gravitational field with a quadrupole
    Chen Ju-Hua(陈菊华) and Wang Yong-Jiu(王永久)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1705-1708.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/012
    Abstract ( 1374 )   PDF (116KB) ( 624 )  
    In this paper we investigate the dynamics of a test particle in the gravitational field with a quadrupole. By constructing Poincaré sections for different values of the parameters and initial conditions, we find a chaotic evolution. From these Poincaré sections, we further confirm that the chaotic evolution of the test particle originates from the quadrupole.
    The Hawking radiation of the charged particle via tunnelling from the axisymmetric Sen black hole
    Jiang Qing-Quan(蒋青权), Yang Shu-Zheng(杨树政), and Chen De-You(陈德友)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1709-1714.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/013
    Abstract ( 1261 )   PDF (119KB) ( 547 )  
    Extending Parikh's semi-classical quantum tunnelling model, this paper has studied the Hawking radiation of the charged particle via tunnelling from the horizon of the axisymmetric Sen black hole. Different from the uncharged massless particle, the geodesics of the charged massive particle tunnelling from the horizon is not light-like. The derived result supports Parikh's opinion and provides a correct modification to Hawking strictly thermal spectrum developed by the fixed background space-time and not considering the energy conservation and the self-gravitation interaction.
    Adaptive passive equivalence of uncertain Lü system
    Qi Dong-Lian(齐冬莲)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1715-1718.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/014
    Abstract ( 1149 )   PDF (100KB) ( 534 )  
    An adaptive passive strategy for controlling uncertain Lü system is proposed. Since the uncertain Lü system is minimum phase and the uncertain parameters are from a bounded compact set, the essential conditions are studied by which uncertain Lü system could be equivalent to a passive system, and the adaptive control law is given. Using passive theory, the uncertain Lü system could be globally asymptotically stabilized at different equilibria by the smooth state feedback.
    Pole placement method of controlling chaos in DC--DC buck converters
    Zou Yan-Li(邹艳丽), Luo Xiao-Shu(罗晓曙), and Chen Guan-Rong(陈关荣)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1719-1724.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/015
    Abstract ( 1779 )   PDF (191KB) ( 883 )  
    Based on the mechanism for the generation of chaos in a buck converter, a pole placement method is proposed and applied to controlling the chaos in a circuit. The control circuit is designed and tested. Numerical calculation and circuit implementation demonstrate the validity of this chaos control method.
    Effect of the mutation of carotenoids on the dynamics of energy transfer in light-harvesting complexes (LH2) from Rhodobacter sphaeroides 601 at room temperature
    Liu Wei-Min(刘伟民), Liu Yuan(刘源), Liu Kang-Jun(刘康俊), Yan Yong-Li(闫永丽), Guo Li-Jun(郭立俊), Xu Chun-He(徐春和), and Qian Shi-Xiong(钱士雄)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1725-1730.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/016
    Abstract ( 1135 )   PDF (178KB) ( 524 )  
    Energy transfers in two kinds of peripheral light-harvesting complexes (LH2) of Rhodobacter sphaeroides (RS) 601 are studied by using femtosecond pump--probe spectroscopy with tunable laser wavelength at room temperature. These two complexes are native LH2 (RS601) and green carotenoid mutated LH2 (GM309). The obtained results demonstrate that, compared with spheroidenes with ten conjugated double bonds in native RS601, carotenoid in GM309 containing neurosporenes with nine conjugated double bonds can lead to a reduction in energy transfer rate in the B800-to-B850 band and the disturbance in the energy relaxation processes within the excitonic B850 band.
    In-line phase contrast for weakly absorbing materials with a microfocus x-ray source
    Zhang Di(章迪), Li Zheng(李政), Huang Zhi-Feng(黄志峰), Yu Ai-Min(禹爱民), and Sha Wei(沙薇)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1731-1737.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/017
    Abstract ( 1129 )   PDF (200KB) ( 530 )  
    For weakly absorbing materials, image contrast can be enhanced by phase contrast in formation. The effectiveness of the in-line phase contrast technique relies on its ability to record intensity data which contain information on the x-ray's phase shift. Four kinds of approaches to the relationship between intensity distribution and phase shift are reviewed and discussed. A micro-focal x-ray source with high geometrical magnification is used to acquire phase contrast images. A great improvement on image quality is shown and geometrical parameters are modified for comparison between different imaging positions.
    Isospin- and momentum-dependent interaction in isospin-dependent quantum molecular dynamics
    Liu Jian-Ye(刘建业), Guo Wen-Jun(郭文军), Ren Zhong-Zhou(任中洲), Xing Yong-Zhong(邢永忠), Zuo Wei(左维), and Lee Xi-Guo(李希国)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1738-1745.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/018
    Abstract ( 1457 )   PDF (252KB) ( 569 )  
    An isospin-dependent quantum molecular dynamical model (IQMD) is developed, with the isospin degree of freedom in the momentum-dependent interaction(MDI) included in IQMD, to obtain an isospin- and momentum-dependent interaction (IMDI) in IQMD. We investigate the effect of IMDI on the isospin fractionation ratio and its dynamical mechanism in the intermediate energy heavy ion collisions. It is found that the IMDI induces the significant reductions in the isospin fractionation ratio for all of beam energies, impact parameters, neutron--proton ratios and mass number of colliding systems. However, the strong dependence of isospin fractionation ratio on the symmetrical potential is preserved, with the isospin degree of freedom included in the MDI, i.e. the isospin fractionation ratio is still a good probe for extracting the information about the equation of state of isospin asymmetrical nuclear matter.
    Continuously transferring cold atoms in caesium double magneto-optical trap
    Yan Shu-Bin(闫树斌), Geng Tao(耿涛), Zhang Tian-Cai(张天才), and Wang Jun-Min(王军民)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1746-1751.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/019
    Abstract ( 1391 )   PDF (145KB) ( 468 )  
    We have established a caesium double magneto-optical trap (MOT) system for cavity-QED experiment, and demonstrated the continuous transfer of cold caesium atoms from the vapour-cell MOT with a pressure of ~ 1×10-6 Pa to the ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) MOT with a pressure of ~ 8×10-8 Pa via a focused continuous-wave transfer laser beam. The effect of frequency detuning as well as the intensity of the transfer beam is systematically investigated, which makes the transverse cooling adequate before the atoms leak out of the vapour-cell MOT to reduce divergence of the cold atomic beam. The typical cold atomic flux got from vapour-cell MOT is ~2×107 atoms/s. About 5×106 caesium atoms are recaptured in the UHV MOT.
    A possible mechanism of current in medium under electromagnetic wave
    Zhang Tao(张涛)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1752-1754.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/020
    Abstract ( 1111 )   PDF (108KB) ( 471 )  
    In this paper a possible mechanism of current in medium is presented. Comparison between this current and the magnetization current was made. Expression for this current was derived. This work is helpful to understanding the interaction between medium and electromagnetic wave.
    Electromagnetic scattering from two parallel 2D targets arbitrarily located in a Gaussian beam
    Wang Yun-Hua(王运华), Guo Li-Xin(郭立新), and Wu Qiong(吴琼)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1755-1765.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/021
    Abstract ( 1497 )   PDF (257KB) ( 637 )  
    In this paper based on the equivalence principle and the reciprocity theorem, the scattered field up to second-order by two parallel 2D targets arbitrarily located in a Gaussian beam is considered. The first-order solution can easily be obtained by calculating the scattered field from isolated targets when illuminated by a Gaussian beam. However, because of the difficulty in formulating the couple scattering field, it is almost impossible to find an analytical solution for the second-order scattered field if the shapes of 2D targets are not canonical geometries. In order to overcome this problem, in this paper, the second-order solution is derived by using the technique based on the reciprocity theorem and the equivalence principle. Meanwhile, the relation between the secondary scattered field from target #1 and target #2 is obtained. Specifically, the bi- and mono-static scattering of Gaussian beam by two parallel adjacent inhomogeneous plasma-coated conducting circular cylinders is calculated and the dependence of attenuation of the scattering width on the thickness of the coated layer, electron number density, collision frequency and radar frequency is discussed in detail.
    Continuous-variable quantum teleportation of even and odd coherent states through varied gain channels
    Li Ying(李英), Zhang Jing(张静), Zhang Jun-Xiang(张俊香), and Zhang Tian-Cai(张天才)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1766-1771.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/022
    Abstract ( 1309 )   PDF (979KB) ( 648 )  
    This paper has investigated quantum teleportation of even and odd coherent states in terms of the EPR entanglement states for continuous variables. It discusses the relationship between the fidelity and the entanglement of EPR states, which is characterized by the degree of squeezing and the gain of classical channels. It shows that the quality of teleporting quantum states also depends on the characteristics of the states themselves. The properties of teleporting even and odd coherent states at different intensities are investigated. The difference of teleporting two such kinds of quantum states are analysed based on the quantum distance function.
    Numerical simulations of negative-index refraction in a lamellar composite with alternating single negative layers
    Dong Zheng-Gao(董正高), Zhu Shi-Ning(祝世宁), and Liu Hui(刘辉)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1772-1776.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/023
    Abstract ( 1770 )   PDF (373KB) ( 737 )  
    Negative-index refraction is demonstrated in a lamellar composite with epsilon-negative (ENG) and mu-negative (MNG) materials stacked alternatively. Based on the effective medium approximation, simultaneously negative effective permittivity and permeability of such a lamellar composite are obtained theoretically and further proven by full-wave simulations. Consequently, the renowned left-handed metamaterial comprising split ring resonators and wires is interpreted as an analogy of such ENG--MNG layers. In addition, beyond the effective medium approximation, the propagating field squeezed near the ENG/MNG interface is demonstrated to be left-handed surface waves with backward phase velocity.
    Analysis of spectrum characteristics of optical scintillation in stack gas flow
    Liu Wen-Qing(刘文清), Liu He-Lai(刘和来), Zeng Zong-Yong(曾宗泳), and Jiang Yu(江宇)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1777-1782.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/024
    Abstract ( 1468 )   PDF (136KB) ( 463 )  
    Based on the analysis of spectrum characteristics of intensity fluctuations while light beams pass through stack gas flow in an industrial setting, this paper puts emphasis upon discussing the spectrum of optical intensity fluctuations by the variety of particle concentration in stack gas flow. This paper also gives the primary theoretical explanation of the measurement results in the stack of coal-fired utility boilers. Meanwhile, the cross-correlation formula is given as the theoretical basis of velocity measurement by using particle concentration scintillation.
    Restriction of shot noise and material noise in a multilevel photochromic memory on signal-to-noise ratio
    Zhang Qi-Cheng(张启程), Ni Yi(倪屹), Xu Duan-Yi(徐端颐), and Hu Heng(胡恒)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1783-1787.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/025
    Abstract ( 1485 )   PDF (329KB) ( 431 )  
    The recording density of multilevel photochromic memory is limited by the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the readout signal. In this paper, shot noise and material noise are investigated through theoretical analysis of SNR. When the bandwidth of a system is less than 1MHz, the material noise takes a prominent position; when the bandwidth of the system is more than 10MHz, the shot noise becomes dominant. The thickness of recording layer can be optimized to maximize the SNR and reduce the influence of the bandwidth of the system on SNR.
    Multilevel read-only optical recording methods
    Song Jie(宋洁), Xu Duan-Yi(徐端颐), Qi Guo-Sheng(齐国生), Hu Hua(胡华), Zhang Qi-Cheng(张启程), and Xiong Jian-Ping(熊剑平)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1788-1792.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/026
    Abstract ( 1401 )   PDF (507KB) ( 475 )  
    The advantages of read-only storage is the predominance of optical recording relative to magnetic and other rewritable methods. Multilevel (ML) read-only technology has been a trend to improve the data capacity and transfer rate. Based on the principle and coding method of ML, this paper demonstrates some ML read-only recording methods, of which a new ML read-only recording is developed. This recording method integrates amplitude modulation achieved by the reaction mechanism of physics and chemistry of photoresist with the run-length-limited technology. The discs can be achieved using standard photoresist mastering and replication techniques with great compatibility to conventional binary read-only discs.
    Entanglement swapping with atoms separated by long distance
    Yuan Chun-Hua(袁春华), Ou Yong-Cheng(欧永成), and Zhang Zhi-Ming(张智明)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1793-1797.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/027
    Abstract ( 1217 )   PDF (123KB) ( 521 )  
    This paper proposes a scheme for entanglement swapping based on cavity QED. The two atoms to be entanglement-swapped can be separated over long distance. The scheme is a non-post-selection one with the success probability of 1/2.
    High index of refraction via quantum interference in a three-level system of Er3+-doped yttrium aluminium garnet crystal
    He Qiong-Yi(何琼毅), Wang Tie-Jun (王铁军), and Gao Jin-Yue(高锦岳)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1798-1805.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/028
    Abstract ( 1499 )   PDF (201KB) ( 562 )  
    A simple three-level system is proposed to produce high index of refraction with zero absorption in an Er3+-doped yttrium aluminium garnet (YAG) crystal, which is achieved for a probe field between the excited state 4I13/2 and ground state 4I15/2 by adjusting a strong coherent driving field between the upper excited state 4I11/2 and 4I15/2. It is found that the changes of the frequency of the coherent driving field and the concentration of Er3+ ions in the YAG crystal can maximize the index of refraction accompanied by vanishing absorption. This result could be useful for the dispersion compensation in fibre communication, laser particle acceleration, high precision magnetometry and so on.
    Characteristics of selective oxidation during the fabrication of vertical cavity surface emitting laser
    Hao Yong-Qin(郝永芹), Zhong Jing-Chang(钟景昌), Ma Jian-Li(马建立), Zhang Yong-Ming(张永明), and Wang Li-Jun(王立军)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1806-1809.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/029
    Abstract ( 1388 )   PDF (219KB) ( 681 )  
    Taking into account oxidation temperature, N2 carrier gas flow, and the geometry of the mesa structures this paper investigates the characteristics of selective oxidation during the fabrication of the vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) in detail. Results show that the selective oxidation follows a law which differs from any reported in the literature. Below 435℃ selective oxidation of Al0.98Ga0.02As follows a linear growth law for the two mesa structures employed in VCSEL. Above 435℃ approximately increasing parabolic growth is found, which is influenced by the geometry of the mesa structures. Theoretical analysis on the difference between the two structures for the initial oxidation has been performed, which demonstrates that the geometry of the mesa structures does influence on the growth rate of oxide at higher temperatures.
    Nonlinear optical properties in double-sided nonlinear media with Z-scan technique based on the Huygens--Fresnel principle
    Ouyang Qiu-Yun(欧阳秋云), Zhang Xue-Ru(张学如), Jiang Li(蒋礼), Chang Qing(常青), Wang Yu-Xiao(王玉晓), and Song Ying-Lin(宋瑛林)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1810-1814.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/030
    Abstract ( 1610 )   PDF (163KB) ( 681 )  
    We present a theoretical model to analyse the propagation of a Gaussian laser beam through double-sided nonlinear media. This model is based on the Huygens--Fresnel diffraction integral method. This theoretical model is not only consistent with the cascade structure model for a small nonlinear phase-shift but also can be used for a large nonlinear phase-shift. It has been verified that it is suitable to characterize the double-sided nonlinear media compared with the cascade structure model. A good agreement between the experimental data and the results from the theoretical model is obtained. It will be useful for the design of multi-sided nonlinear materials.
    Optical properties of carbon nanotubes and BaTiO3 composite thin films
    Lü Guo-Wei(吕国伟), Cheng Bo-Li(程波林), Shen Hong(沈鸿), Chen Yu-Jin(陈玉金), Zhou Yue-Liang(周岳亮)†, Chen Zheng-Hao(陈正豪), and Yang Guo-Zhen(杨国桢)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1815-1818.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/031
    Abstract ( 1425 )   PDF (279KB) ( 569 )  
    Multiwalled carbon nanotubes and BaTiO3 composite films have been prepared by pulsed-laser deposition technique at room temperature and high temperature of 600℃, separately. The structures of the composite films are investigated by using scanning electron microscopy and x-ray diffraction. The optical behaviours of the samples produced at different temperatures are compared with Raman spectroscopy, and UV-visible absorption. And the observation by Z-scan technique reveals that the composite films have a larger optical nonlinearity, and the samples prepared at high temperatures have better transmittance and opposite sign imaginary part of optical third-order nonlinearity.
    Suppression of the interactions between fibre gratings used as dispersion compensators in dense wavelength-division multiplexing systems
    Tan Zhong-Wei(谭中伟), Ning Ti-Gang(宁提纲), Liu Yan(刘艳), Tong Zhi(童治), and Jian Shui-Sheng(简水生)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1819-1823.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/032
    Abstract ( 1370 )   PDF (180KB) ( 580 )  
    Chirped fibre Bragg gratings (CFBGs) are required to be concatenated to compensate the fibre dispersion in the dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) systems. When the channel spacing is small, the performance of CFBGs is degraded, which restricts the usage of fibre gratings. The origin of the interactions between the gratings is analysed and methods of suppressing the interactions are also proposed.
    Full-vectorial finite-difference beam propagation method based on the modified alternating direction implicit method
    Xiao Jin-Biao(肖金标) and Sun Xiao-Han(孙小菡)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1824-1830.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/033
    Abstract ( 1311 )   PDF (209KB) ( 839 )  
    A modified alternating direction implicit algorithm is proposed to solve the full-vectorial finite-difference beam propagation method formulation based on $H$ fields. The cross-coupling terms are neglected in the first sub-step, but evaluated and doubly used in the second sub-step. The order of two sub-steps is reversed for each transverse magnetic field component so that the cross-coupling terms are always expressed in implicit form, thus the calculation is very efficient and stable. Moreover, an improved six-point finite-difference scheme with high accuracy independent of specific structures of waveguide is also constructed to approximate the cross-coupling terms along the transverse directions. The imaginary-distance procedure is used to assess the validity and utility of the present method. The field patterns and the normalized propagation constants of the fundamental mode for a buried rectangular waveguide and a rib waveguide are presented. Solutions are in excellent agreement with the benchmark results from the modal transverse resonance method.
    Effects of initial frequency chirp on the linear propagation characteristics of the exponential optical pulse
    Zheng Hong-Jun(郑宏军) and Liu Shan-Liang (刘山亮)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1831-1837.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/034
    Abstract ( 1318 )   PDF (218KB) ( 759 )  
    In this paper, the linear propagation characteristics of the exponential optical pulse with initial linear and nonlinear frequency chirp are numerically studied in a single mode fibre for $\beta_2$ < 0. It can be found that the temporal full width at half maximum and time-bandwidth product of exponential pulse monotonically increase with the increase of propagation distance and decrease with the increase of linear chirp C for < 0.5, go through an initial decreasing stage near $\zeta$ = 1, then increase with the increase of propagation distance and linear chirp C for $C\geq$ 0.5. The broadening of pulses with negative chirp is faster than that with positive chirp. The exponential pulse with linear chirp gradually evolves into a near-Gaussian pulse. The effect of nonlinear chirp on waveform of the pulse is much greater than that of linear chirp. The temporal waveform breaking of exponential pulse with nonlinear chirp is first observed in linear propagation. Furthermore, the expressions of the spectral width and time-bandwidth product of the exponential optical pulse with the frequency chirp are given by use of the numerical analysis method.
    Design and analysis of a kind of large flattened mode optical fibre
    Zhao Chu-Jun(赵楚军), Peng Run-Wu(彭润伍), Tang Zhi-Xiang(唐志祥), Ye Yun-Xia(叶云霞), and Fan Dian-Yuan(范滇元)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1838-1842.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/035
    Abstract ( 1359 )   PDF (150KB) ( 526 )  
    In this paper, a refractive index profile design enabling us to obtain a flat modal field around the fibre centre is investigated. The theoretical approach for designing such multilayer large flattened mode (LFM) optical fibres is presented. A comparison is made between the properties of a three-layer LFM structure and a standard step-index profile with the same core size. The obtained results indicate that the effective area of the LFM fibre is about twice as large as that of the standard step-index fibre, but the LFM fibre has less effective ability to filter out the higher order modes than the standard step-index fibre with the same bending radius.
    Accurate evaluation of lowest band gaps in ternary locally resonant phononic crystals
    Wang Gang(王刚), Shao Li-Hui(邵丽晖), Liu Yao-Zong(刘耀宗), and Wen Ji-Hong(温激鸿)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1843-1848.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/036
    Abstract ( 1490 )   PDF (418KB) ( 985 )  
    Based on a better understanding of the lattice vibration modes, two simple spring--mass models are constructed in order to evaluate the frequencies on both the lower and upper edges of the lowest locally resonant band gaps of the ternary locally resonant phononic crystals. The parameters of the models are given in a reasonable way based on the physical insight into the band gap mechanism. Both the lumped-mass methods and our models are used in the study of the influences of structural and the material parameters on frequencies on both edges of the lowest gaps in the ternary locally resonant phononic crystals. The analytical evaluations with our models and the theoretical predictions with the lumped-mass method are in good agreement with each other. The newly proposed heuristic models are helpful for a better understanding of the locally resonant band gap mechanism, as well as more accurate evaluation of the band edge frequencies.
    Study on the delamination of tungsten thin films on Sb2Te3
    Xu Jia-Qing(徐嘉庆), Liu Bo(刘波), Song Zhi-Tang(宋志棠), Feng Song-Lin(封松林), and Chen Bomy
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1849-1854.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/037
    Abstract ( 1411 )   PDF (2218KB) ( 440 )  
    To investigate the reliability of electrode materials for chalcogenide random access memory (C-RAM) applications, the geometry and time evolution of the worm-like delamination patterns on a tungsten/Sb$_{2}$Te$_{3}$ bilayer system surface are observed by field emission scanning electronic microscope (FESEM) and optical microscopy. The tungsten film stress and interface toughness are estimated using a straight-side model. After confirming the instability of this system being due to large compressive stress stored in the tungsten film and relative poor interface adhesion, a preliminary solution as the inset of a TiN adhesion layer is presented to improve the system performances.
    Simulating high Reynolds number flow in two-dimensional lid-driven cavity by multi-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann method
    Chai Zhen-Hua(柴振华), Shi Bao-Chang(施保昌), and Zheng Lin(郑林)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1855-1863.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/038
    Abstract ( 1340 )   PDF (651KB) ( 3087 )  
    By coupling the non-equilibrium extrapolation scheme for boundary condition with the multi-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann method, this paper finds that the stability of the multi-relaxation-time model can be improved greatly, especially on simulating high Reynolds number (Re) flow. As a discovery, the super-stability analysed by Lallemand and Luo is verified and the complex structure of the cavity flow is also exhibited in our numerical simulation when Re is high enough. To the best knowledge of the authors, the maximum of Re which has been investigated by direct numerical simulation is only around 50 000 in the literature; however, this paper can readily extend the maximum to 1000,000 with the above combination.
    The aerosol penetration through an electret fibrous filter
    Jiang Wei(姜伟), Cheung Chun-Shun(张镇顺), Chan Cheong-Ki(陈昌麒), and Zhu Chao(朱超)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1864-1870.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/039
    Abstract ( 1145 )   PDF (175KB) ( 755 )  
    The aim of this paper is to present a theoretical study of the aerosol penetration through an electret fibrous filter, using a numerical approach. The aerosol sizes considered in this study were in the submicron range, and in the numerical model, the conventional mechanical mechanisms (impaction, interception, diffusion and gravitationally settling) were taken into consideration along with the electrostatic mechanisms, including the Coulombic and dielectrophoretic effects. The aerosol penetration through an electret fibrous filter is heavily dependent on the aerosol penetration of a single fibre. The aerosol penetration through a single electret fibre under various filtration conditions was calculated. The effects of aerosol diameter, aerosol and fibre charge state, face velocity, packing density and aerosol dielectric constant on the aerosol penetration were investigated.
    Landau damping of collective modes in a harmonically trapped Bose--Einstein condensate
    Ma Xiao-Dong(马晓栋), Zhou Yu(周昱), Ma Yong-Li(马永利), and Huang Guo-Xiang(黄国翔)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1871-1878.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/040
    Abstract ( 1362 )   PDF (182KB) ( 597 )  
    This paper proposes a method for calculating the Landau damping of a low-energy collective mode in a harmonically trapped Bose--Einstein condensate. Based on the divergence-free analytical solutions for ground-state wavefunction of the condensate and eigenvalues and eigenfunctions for thermally excited quasiparticles, obtained beyond Thomas--Fermi approximation, this paper calculates the coupling matrix elements describing the interaction between the collective mode and the quasiparticles. With these analytical results this paper evaluates the Landau damping rate of a monopole mode in a spherical trap and discusses its dependence on temperature, particle number and trapping frequency of the system.
    Electrical characteristics of MOS capacitor with HfTiON gate dielectric and HfTiSiON interlayer
    Chen Wei-Bing(陈卫兵), Xu Jing-Ping(徐静平), Lai Pui-To(黎沛涛), Li Yan-Ping(李艳萍), Xu Sheng-Guo(许胜国), and Chan Chu-Lok(陈铸略)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1879-1882.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/041
    Abstract ( 1646 )   PDF (381KB) ( 649 )  
    The paper reports that HfTiO dielectric is deposited by reactive co-sputtering of Hf and Ti targets in an Ar/O2 ambience, followed by an annealing in different gas ambiences of N2, NO and NH3 at 600℃ for 2 min. Capacitance--voltage and gate-leakage properties are characterized and compared. The results indicate that the NO-annealed sample exhibits the lowest interface-state and dielectric-charge densities and best device reliability. This is attributed to the fact that nitridation can create strong Si $\equiv $ N bonds to passivate dangling Si bonds and replace strained Si--O bonds, thus the sample forms a hardened dielectric/Si interface with high reliability.
    Simultaneous determination of trap depth and the ratio of the rate of recombination to that of capture from thermo-luminescence
    Xu Zheng(徐征), Zhang Fu-Jun(张福俊), Zhao Su-Ling(赵谡玲), Wang Li-Wei(王丽伟), A. N. Georgobiani, V. B. Gutan, and Meng Li-Jian(孟立建)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1883-1887.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/042
    Abstract ( 1253 )   PDF (379KB) ( 475 )  
    Thermo-luminescence (TL) is a kind of luminescence decay measured with varying temperature. In the process of TL the decay parameter itself involves the temperature effect of traps. Thus the trap depth is inseparable from the decay parameter. There are two separate peaks in the TL curve of ZnS:Cu,Co if the measurement starts from liquid nitrogen temperature. In the experiment we started from zero Celsius temperature to isolate the deeper traps. We have proposed and realized three methods for simultaneous determination of trap depth and decay parameter based on the quasi-equilibrium model and experimental data. If we treat the case of kinetic order $\alpha$ =1 as $\alpha$ =2, the error might be as large as 100%.
    Deposition of carbon nitride films for space application
    Feng Yu-Dong(冯煜东), Xu Chao(胥超), Wang Yi(王艺), and Zhang Fu-Jia(张福甲)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1888-1891.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/043
    Abstract ( 996 )   PDF (112KB) ( 408 )  
    Carbon nitride thin films were prepared by electron-beam evaporation assisted with nitrogen ion bombardment and TiN/CNx composite films were by unbalanced dc magnetron sputtering, respectively. It was found that the sputtered films were better than the evaporated films in hardness and adhesion. The experiments of atomic oxygen action, cold welding, friction and wearing were emphasized, and the results proved that the sputtered TiN/CNx composite films were suitable for space application.
    Scanning tunnelling microscope studies of growth of RuO2(110) thin layer on Ru(0001)
    Zhang Han-Jie(张寒洁), Lü Bin(吕斌), Lu Yun-Hao(陆赟豪), Huang Han(黄寒), Li Hai-Yang(李海洋), Bao Shi-Ning(鲍世宁), and He Pei-Mo(何丕模)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1892-1895.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/044
    Abstract ( 1113 )   PDF (1672KB) ( 448 )  
    This paper reports that the growth of RuO2(110) thin layer growth on Ru(0001) has been investigated by means of scanning tunnelling microscope (STM). The STM images showed a domain structure with three rotational domains of RuO2(110) rotated by an angle of 120℃. The as-grown RuO2(110) thin layer is expanded from the bulk-truncated RuO2(110) due to the large mismatch between RuO2(110) and the Ru(0001) substrate. The results also indicate that growth of RuO2(110) thin layer on the Ru(0001) substrate by oxidation tends first to formation of the Ru-O (oxygen) chains in the [001] direction of RuO2(110).
    Aggregation processes with catalysis-driven monomer birth/death
    Chen Yu(陈玉), Han An-Jia(韩安家), Ke Jian-Hong(柯见洪), and Lin Zhen-Quan(林振权)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1896-1902.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/045
    Abstract ( 967 )   PDF (135KB) ( 347 )  
    We propose two solvable cluster growth models, in which an irreversible aggregation spontaneously occurs between any two clusters of the same species; meanwhile, monomer birth or death of species A occurs with the help of species B. The system with the size-dependent monomer birth/death rate kernel $K(i,j) = Jij^v$ is then investigated by means of the mean-field rate equation. The results show that the kinetic scaling behaviour of species A depends crucially on the value of the index $v$. For the model with catalysis-driven monomer birth, the cluster-mass distribution of species $A$ obeys the conventional scaling law in the $v \leq 0$ case, while it satisfies a generalized scaling form in the $v > 0$ case; moreover, the total mass of species A is a nonzero value in the $v < 0$ case while it grows continuously with time in the $v \geq 0$ case. For the model with catalysis-driven monomer death, the cluster-mass distribution also approaches the conventional scaling form in the $v < 0$ case, while the conventional scaling description of the system breaks down in the $v \geq 0$ case. Additionally, the total mass of species A retains a nonzero quantity in the $v < 0$ case, but it decreases to zero with time in the $v \geq 0$ case.
    High-Tc planar SQUID gradiometer for eddy current non-destructive evaluation
    Zhang Ming-Jian(张鸣剑), Lang Pei-Lin(郎佩琳), Peng Zhi-Hui(彭智慧), Chen Ying-Fei(陈莺飞), Chen Ke(陈珂), and Zheng Dong-Ning(郑东宁)
    Chinese Physics, 2006, 15 (8):  1903-1908.  DOI: 10.1088/1009-1963/15/8/046
    Abstract ( 1324 )   PDF (225KB) ( 523 )  
    This paper reports the fabrication and test of a high-Tc SQUID planar gradiometer which is patterned from YBCO thin film deposited on a SrTiO3 bicrystal substrate. The measurement of noise spectrum at 77K shows that the white noise at 200 Hz is about 1×10-4$\varPhi_0/\sqrt{\rm Hz}$. The minimal magnetic gradient is measured and the results suggest that the minimal magnetic gradient is 94 pT/m. The planar gradiometer is used in non-destructive evaluation (NDE) experiments to detect the artifacts in conducting aluminium plates by performing eddy current testing in an unshielded environment. The effect of the exciting coil dimension on the NDE results is investigated. By mapping out the induced field distribution, flaws about 10mm below the plate surface can be clearly identified.
ISSN 1674-1056   CN 11-5639/O4
, Vol. 15, No. 8

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1992 - present