First-principles study of electronic and optical properties in wurtzite Zn1-xCuxO
Zhao Long(赵龙), Lu Peng-Fei(芦鹏飞), Yu Zhong-Yuan(俞重远)†, Liu Yu-Min(刘玉敏), Wang Dong-Lin(王东林), and Ye Han(叶寒)
Key Laboratory of Information Photonics and Optical Communications (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications), Ministry of Education, Beijing 100876, China
Abstract We perform a first-principles simulation to study the electronic and optical properties of wurtzite ZnCuO. The simulations are based upon the Perdew--Burke--Ernzerhof form of generalised gradient approximation within the density functional theory. Calculations are carried out in different concentrations. With increasing Cu concentration, the band gap of ZnCuO decreases due to the shift of valence band. The imaginary part of the dielectric function indicates that the optical transition between O 2p states in the highest valence band and Zn 4s states in the lowest conduction band shifts to the low energy range as the Cu concentration increases. Besides, it is shown that the insertion of Cu atom leads to redshift of the optical absorption edge. Meanwhile, the optical constants of pure ZnO and ZnCuO, such as loss function, refractive index and reflectivity, are discussed.
Fund: Project supported by the National
High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant
No.~2009AA03Z405), the National Natural Science Foundation of China
(Grant Nos.~60908028 and 60971068) and the Chinese Universities
Scientific Fund (Grant No.~BUPT2009RC0412).
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Zhao Long(赵龙), Lu Peng-Fei(芦鹏飞), Yu Zhong-Yuan(俞重远), Liu Yu-Min(刘玉敏), Wang Dong-Lin(王东林), and Ye Han(叶寒) First-principles study of electronic and optical properties in wurtzite Zn1-xCuxO 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 056104
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