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Chin. Phys. B, 2009, Vol. 18(10): 4479-4485    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/18/10/063

Tunneling conductance in quantum wire/insulator/dx2 -y2 + idxy mixed wave superconductor junctions

Wei Jian-Wen(魏健文)
Department of Physics, Huaiyin Normal University, Huaian 223001, China
Abstract  Using the extended Blonder--Tinkham--Klapwijk (BTK) theory, this paper calculates the tunnelling conductance in quantum wire/insulator/dx2 -y2 + idxy mixed wave superconductor ( q / I /dx2 -y2 + idxy) junctions. That is different from the case in d- and p-wave superconductor junctions. When the angle $\alpha$  between a-axis of the dx2 -ywave superconductor and the interface normal is $\pi$ /4, there follows a rather distinctive tunnelling conductance. The zero-bias conductance peak (ZBCP) may or may not appear in the tunnelling conductance. Both the interface potential z and the quasi-particle lifetime factor $\varGamma$ are smaller, there is no ZBCP. Otherwise, the ZBCP will appear. The position of bias conductance peak (BCP) depends strongly on the amplitude ratio of two components for dx2 -y2 + idxy mixed wave. The low and narrow ZBCP may coexist with the BCP in the tunnelling conductance. Using those features in the tunnelling conductance of q / I /dx2 -y2 + idxy junctions, it can distinguish dx2 -y2 + idxy mixed wave superconductor from d- and p-wave one.
Keywords:  quantum wire      dx2 -y2 + idxy mixed wave superconductor      tunneling conductance      quasi-particle lifetime  
Received:  03 February 2009      Revised:  20 March 2009      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  74.50.+r (Tunneling phenomena; Josephson effects)  
  74.20.-z (Theories and models of superconducting state)  

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Wei Jian-Wen(魏健文) Tunneling conductance in quantum wire/insulator/dx2 -y2 + idxy mixed wave superconductor junctions 2009 Chin. Phys. B 18 4479

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