Abstract Pd/CoMnSi (CMS)/Co/Pd multilayer films were designed based on the idea of combining highly spin-polarized materials with strong perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) films. The PMA of Pd/CMS/Co/Pd multilayer films was studied by optimizing the growth conditions and thickness of each film layer. The optimal structure of the multilayer films was Pd(6 nm)/CMS(5 nm)/Co(2 nm)/Pd(1 nm). Its abnormal Hall resistance (), coercivity () and effective magnetic anisotropy constant () are 0.08 , 284 Oe and 1.36 Merg/cm, respectively, which are 100%, 492%, and 183% higher than the corresponding values (0.04 , 48 Oe, and 0.48 Merg/cm) of the Pd(6 nm)/Co(1 nm)/Pd(3 nm) trilayer films. The analysis shows that the increases of the above values are the result of the Pd/CMS interface effect and CMS/Co interface ferromagnetic (FM) coupling, and that it is closely related to the thickness of each film layer in the multilayer films and the growth conditions of the multilayer films.
Fund: Project supported by Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation, China (Grant No. ZR2022ME059).
Corresponding Authors:
Wentian Cao, Shuyun Wang
E-mail: caowentian@sdnu.edu.cn;wangshuyun65@163.com
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Xiaoqi Qin(秦晓奇), Jiaxing Tan(谭家兴), Xianwu Xiu(修显武), Wentian Cao(曹文田), and Shuyun Wang(王书运) Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy of Pd/Co2MnSi/Co/Pd multilayer 2025 Chin. Phys. B 34 037502
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