Simulation on atmospheric pressure barrier discharge with varying relative position between two wavy dielectric surfaces |
Xue-Chen Li(李雪辰)1,2, Wen-Jie Wan(万文杰)1, Xiao-Qian Liu(刘晓倩)1, Mo Chen(陈墨)2, Kai-Yue Wu(吴凯玥)3, Jun-Xia Ran(冉俊霞)2, Xue-Xia Pang(庞学霞)4, Xue-Xue Zhang(张雪雪)4, Jia-Cun Wu(武珈存)4, Peng-Ying Jia(贾鹏英)1,2,†, and Hui Sun(孙辉)5 |
1 College of Physics Science and Technology, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China; 2 Engineering Research Center of Zero-carbon Energy Buildings and Measurement Techniques, Ministry of Education, Baoding 071002, China; 3 Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; 4 Hebei Key Laboratory of Photo-Electricity Information and Materials, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China; 5 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, College of Materials and Opto-Electronic Technology, Beijing 100049, China |
Abstract As a popular approach to producing atmospheric pressure non-thermal plasma, dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) has been extensively used in various application fields. In this paper, DBD with wavy dielectric layers is numerically simulated in atmospheric pressure helium mixed with trace nitrogen based on a fluid model. With varying relative position (phase difference ($\Delta \varphi $)) of the wavy surfaces, there is a positive discharge and a negative discharge per voltage cycle, each of which consists of a pulse stage and a hump stage. For the pulse stage, maximal current increases with increasing $\Delta \varphi $. Results show that DBD with the wavy surfaces appears as discrete micro-discharges (MDs), which are self-organized to different patterns with varying $\Delta \varphi $. The MDs are vertical and uniformly-spaced with $\Delta \varphi =$0, which are self-organized in pairs with $\Delta \varphi =\pi /4$. These MD pairs are merged into some bright wide MDs with $\Delta \varphi =\pi /2$. In addition, narrow MDs appear between tilted wide MDs with $\Delta \varphi=3\pi /4$. With $\Delta \varphi =\pi $, the pattern is composed of wide and narrow MDs, which are vertical and appear alternately. To elucidate the formation mechanism of the patterns with different $\Delta \varphi $, temporal evolutions of electron density and electric field are investigated for the positive discharge. Moreover, surface charge on the wavy dielectric layers has also been compared with different $\Delta \varphi $.
Received: 15 November 2024
Revised: 24 December 2024
Accepted manuscript online: 31 December 2024
(Dielectric properties)
(Plasma dynamics and flow)
(Plasma simulation)
(Magnetohydrodynamic and fluid equation)
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 12375250, 11875121, 51977057, and 11805013), the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province, China (Grant Nos. A2020201025 and A2022201036), the Hebei Province Optoelectronic Information Materials Laboratory Performance Subsidy Fund Project (Grant No. 22567634H), the Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists of Hebei Province, China (Grant No. A2012201045), the Natural Science Interdisciplinary Research Program of Hebei University (Grant Nos. DXK201908 and DXK202011), and the Post-graduate’s Innovation Fund Project of Hebei University (Grant No. HBU2022bs004). |
Corresponding Authors:
Peng-Ying Jia
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Xue-Chen Li(李雪辰), Wen-Jie Wan(万文杰), Xiao-Qian Liu(刘晓倩), Mo Chen(陈墨), Kai-Yue Wu(吴凯玥), Jun-Xia Ran(冉俊霞), Xue-Xia Pang(庞学霞), Xue-Xue Zhang(张雪雪), Jia-Cun Wu(武珈存), Peng-Ying Jia(贾鹏英), and Hui Sun(孙辉) Simulation on atmospheric pressure barrier discharge with varying relative position between two wavy dielectric surfaces 2025 Chin. Phys. B 34 035202
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