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Chin. Phys. B, 2024, Vol. 33(5): 050201    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/ad3341
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Prediction of collapse process and tipping points for mutualistic and competitive networks with k-core method

Dongli Duan(段东立)1,†, Feifei Bi(毕菲菲)1, Sifan Li(李思凡)1, Chengxing Wu(吴成星)1, Changchun Lv(吕长春)1, and Zhiqiang Cai(蔡志强)2
1 School of Information and Control Engineering, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an 710311, China;
2 School of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, China
Abstract  Ecosystems generally have the self-adapting ability to resist various external pressures or disturbances, which is always called resilience. However, once the external disturbances exceed the tipping points of the system resilience, the consequences would be catastrophic, and eventually lead the ecosystem to complete collapse. We capture the collapse process of ecosystems represented by plant-pollinator networks with the $k$-core nested structural method, and find that a sufficiently weak interaction strength or a sufficiently large competition weight can cause the structure of the ecosystem to collapse from its smallest $k$-core towards its largest $k$-core. Then we give the tipping points of structure and dynamic collapse of the entire system from the one-dimensional dynamic function of the ecosystem. Our work provides an intuitive and precise description of the dynamic process of ecosystem collapse under multiple interactions, and provides theoretical insights into further avoiding the occurrence of ecosystem collapse.
Keywords:  complex networks      tipping points      dimension reduction      $k$-core  
Received:  14 December 2023      Revised:  01 February 2024      Accepted manuscript online:  13 March 2024
PACS:  02.30.Oz (Bifurcation theory)  
  05.10.-a (Computational methods in statistical physics and nonlinear dynamics)  
  89.75.Fb (Structures and organization in complex systems)  
  91.62.Mn (Ecosystems, structure and dynamics, plant ecology)  
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 72071153 and 72231008), the Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Province (Grant No. 2020JM-486), and the Fund of the Key Laboratory of Equipment Integrated Support Technology (Grant No. 6142003190102).
Corresponding Authors:  Dongli Duan     E-mail:

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Dongli Duan(段东立), Feifei Bi(毕菲菲), Sifan Li(李思凡), Chengxing Wu(吴成星), Changchun Lv(吕长春), and Zhiqiang Cai(蔡志强) Prediction of collapse process and tipping points for mutualistic and competitive networks with k-core method 2024 Chin. Phys. B 33 050201

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