A theoretical model is developed to describe the interaction of a particle and an oscillating bubble at arbitrary separation between them. The derivation of the model is based on the multipole expansion of the particle and bubble velocity potentials and the use of Lagrangian mechanics. The model consists of three coupled ordinary differential equations. One of them accounts for the pulsation of the bubble and the other two describe the translation of the bubble and particle in an infinite, incompressible liquid. The model here is accurate to order 1/d10, where d is the distance between the centers of the particle and bubble. The effects of the size and density of the particle are investigated, namely, the interaction between the particle and bubble changes from repulsion to attraction with the increment of the particle density, and the increment of the particle size makes the interaction between the particle and bubble stronger. It is demonstrated that the driving frequency and acoustic pressure amplitude can affect the interaction of the particle and bubble. It is shown that the correct modeling of the translational dynamics of the bubble and particle at small separation distances requires terms accurate up to the tenth order.
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11204168 and 11474191) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (Grant No. GK201603102).
Corresponding Authors:
Cheng-Hui Wang
E-mail: Wangld001@snnu.edu.cn
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Yao-Rong Wu(武耀蓉), Cheng-Hui Wang(王成会) Theoretical analysis of interaction between a particle and an oscillating bubble driven by ultrasound waves in liquid 2017 Chin. Phys. B 26 114303
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