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Chin. Phys. B, 2013, Vol. 22(11): 116105    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/22/11/116105

Micro-track structure analysis for 100 MeV Si ions in CR-39 by using atomic force microscopy

Fang Mei-Hua (方美华)a, Wei Zhi-Yong (魏志勇)a, Zhang Zi-Xia (张紫霞)a, Zhu Li (朱立)a, Fu Yu (府宇)a, Shi Miao (石苗)a, Li Guang-Wu (黎光武)b, Guo Gang (郭刚)b
a Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China;
b China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 102413, China
Abstract  To analyze the micro-track structure of heavy ions in a polymer material, parameters including bulk etch rate, track etch rate, etch rate ratio, and track core size were measured. The pieces of CR-39 were exposed to 100 MeV Si ions with normal incidence and were etched in 6.25N NaOH solution at 70 ℃. Bulk etch rate was read out by a profilemeter after several hours of etching. The other parameters were obtained by using an atomic force microscope (AFM) after a short time of etching. We have measured the second etch pits and minute etch pits to obtain the track growth curve and three dimension track structures to track the core size and etch rate measurements. The local dose of the track core was calculated by the δ-ray theory. In our study, we figure out that the bulk etch rate Vb=(1.58±0.022) μm/h, the track etch rate Vt=(2.90±0.529) μ/h, the etch rate ratio V=1.84±0.031, and the track core radii r≈4.65 nm. In the meantime, we find that the micro-track development violates the traditional track-growth model. For this reason, a scenario is carried out to provide an explanation.
Keywords:  micro-track structure      bulk etch rate      track etch rate      track core size  
Received:  15 January 2013      Revised:  05 May 2013      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  61.80.Jh (Ion radiation effects)  
  07.79.Lh (Atomic force microscopes)  
  61.82.Pv (Polymers, organic compounds)  
Corresponding Authors:  Wei Zhi-Yong     E-mail:

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Fang Mei-Hua (方美华), Wei Zhi-Yong (魏志勇), Zhang Zi-Xia (张紫霞), Zhu Li (朱立), Fu Yu (府宇), Shi Miao (石苗), Li Guang-Wu (黎光武), Guo Gang (郭刚) Micro-track structure analysis for 100 MeV Si ions in CR-39 by using atomic force microscopy 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 116105

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