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Chin. Phys. B, 2013, Vol. 22(1): 014211    DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/22/1/014211

Beam evolutions of solitons in strongly nonlocal media with fading optical lattices

Dai Zhi-Ping (戴志平), Lu Shi-Zhuan (陆世专), You Kai-Ming (游开明)
Department of Physics and Electronic Information Science, Hengyang Normal University, Hengyang 421008, China
Abstract  We address the impact of imprinted fading optical lattices on the beam evolutions of solitons in strongly nonlocal nonlinear media. The results show that the width of soliton experiences a change with the increasing propagation distance, the critical power for the soliton varies with the lattice fading away, and the soliton breathing is affected by the initial lattice depth and the nonlocality degree.
Keywords:  strong nonlocality      optical lattice      optical soliton  
Received:  16 June 2012      Revised:  13 August 2012      Accepted manuscript online: 
PACS:  42.65.Tg (Optical solitons; nonlinear guided waves)  
  42.65.Jx (Beam trapping, self-focusing and defocusing; self-phase modulation)  
Fund: Project supported by the Doctorial Start-up Fund of Hengyang Normal University, China (Grant No. 11B42), the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province, China (Grant No. 12JJ6001), and the Construct Program of the Key Discipline in Hunan Province, China.
Corresponding Authors:  Dai Zhi-Ping     E-mail:

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Dai Zhi-Ping (戴志平), Lu Shi-Zhuan (陆世专), You Kai-Ming (游开明) Beam evolutions of solitons in strongly nonlocal media with fading optical lattices 2013 Chin. Phys. B 22 014211

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