Abstract Micromagnetic simulations have been performed to obtain the dynamic susceptibility spectra of 4×4 cobalt nanowire arrays with different spatial configurations and geometries. The susceptibility spectra of isolated wires have also been simulated for comparison purposes. It is found that the susceptibility spectrum of nanowire array bears a lot of similarities to that of an isolated wire, such as the occurrences of the edge mode and the bulk resonance mode. The simulation results also reveal that the susceptibility spectrum of nanowire array behaves like that of single isolated wire as the interwire distance grows to an extent, which is believed due to the decrease of magnetostatic interaction among nanowires, and can be further confirmed by the static magnetic hysteresis simulations. In comparison with single nanowire, magnetostatic interaction may increase or decrease the resonance frequencies of nanowire arrays assuming a certain interwire distance when the length of array increases. Our simulation results are also analysed by employing the Kittel equation and recent theoretical studies.
(Magnetization curves, hysteresis, Barkhausen and related effects)
Fund: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60701016) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China–the Royal Society of United Kingdom International Jointed Project (Grant No. 60911130130).
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Chen Wen-Bing(陈文兵), Han Man-Gui(韩满贵), Zhou Hao(周浩), Ou Yu(欧雨), and Deng Long-Jiang(邓龙江) Micromagnetic simulation on the dynamic susceptibility spectra of cobalt nanowires arrays: the effect of magnetostatic interaction 2010 Chin. Phys. B 19 087502
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